

my fave greek history story to tell is that of agnodice. like she noticed that women were dying a lot during childbirth so she went to egypt to study medicine in alexandria and was really fucking good but b/c it was illegal for women to be doctors in athens she had to pretend to be a man. and then the other doctors noticed that she was 10x better than them and accused her of seducing and sleeping with the women patients. like they brought her to court for this. and she just looked at them and these charges and stripped in front of everyone like “yeah. im not fucking your wives” and then they got so mad that a woman was better at their jobs then them that they tried to execute her but all her patients came to court and were like “are you fucking serious? she is the reason you have living children and a wife.” so they were shamed into changing the law and that is how women were given the right to practice medicine in athens

Yeah, this isn’t some Greek myth story about a hero or demigod or something, Agnodice was a real person who actually did this.

(via orbisonblue)





i feel like the knowledge that there are some medical databases with free-to-use 3D scans of various human organs available for 3D printing would have drastically reduced tumblrs amount of bone stealing scandals. plus you can make ones that glow in the dark.


look at my glow in the dark humerus boy

hey. if anyone wants em:

NIH 3D Library (Free)

Embodi3D (Free and Paid)

MorphoSource (Free, database of fossils)

Scans can also be found by searching on general-purpose 3D sites like Thingiverse, Cults3D, MakerWorld, Sketchfab

The glow in the dark filament I used

If you don’t have a 3D printer, check the website of your local library to see if they do! If you’re in college, your university’s libraries could have one too! They’ll likely have info on how to submit a print to their services and how/where you could find them.

hey can we. can we rewind to the part where tumblr has a regular problem with bone stealing scandals

look, if you didn’t already know about the Bone Stealing Witch claiming that any skeletons unearthed when a cemetery flooded were free game, I can’t exactly blame you, but man I wish I could be in your position.

(via pomrania)



though now that I’m thinking about it, Jason Todd would absolutely be a terror on his local Nextdoor app.

It’s Gotham, so it’s already pretty wild, but imagine posting “did anyone just hear gunshots?” and Red Hood himself replies “yo that was me, my bad! meant to keep that across 38th 🙏🙏 🙏 bring the kids inside should be wrapped up soon”

Marshmallow Crime Lords ideas…


(via noxnthea)


An image of Eliot, Parker and Hardison (left to right). Parker is sitting in an armchair in the front, with Eliot and Hardison standing behind. The image is from the end of the series finale episode, "The Long Goodbye Job". A tumblr post by elytrians is overlaid. It reads, "a team leader addressing their crew by saying "okay polycule listen up"".ALT
An image of Sterling holding a glass of some type of alcohol out to Nate. A tumblr post by sygol is overlaid. It reads, "youve taken the time to learn my attack patterns? what are you, gay?".ALT
An image of Parker from Leverage talking to Peggy at a bar during the episode "The Girls Night Out Job". A tumblr post by squidnoises is overlaid. It reads, "Don't ask me for relationship advice cause I'll tell you to kill him".ALT
An Image of Hardison with his hands partway in the air, in a confused and annoyed gesture. A tumblr post by kryptojuice is overlaid. It reads, ""r u taken?" yes bitch taken for granted".ALT
An image of Hardison talking to two people with guns pointed at him, and Eliot behind him, during the episode "The 12 Step Job". A tumblr post by pimby is overlaid. It reads, "brought a kiss to the knife fight".ALT
An image of Parker sitting at the season 1 headquarters table, holding a burger and talking to Sophie, who is on her right. The image is from towards the end of the episode, "The Juror No. 6 Job". A tumblr post by catmask is overlaid. It reads, "i deserve a gold star for being so sweet and nice and not killing".ALT
An image of Nate (left) and Sophie (right), looking intently at each other. A tweet by OneFellSwoop is overlaid. It reads, "i let him hit bc he is surrounded by an aura of tragedy".ALT
An image of Nate lying on a bed with one hand to his forehead, looking rough. He is in his rehab center clothes, from "The 12 Step Job". A tumblr post by passion is overlaid. It reads, "started from the bottom and i was somehow able to get lower".ALT
An image of Eliot, his face bloodied, leaving an aircraft hangar. The image is from the episode, "The First David Job", after Eliot fought Quinn. A tweet by mazculinity is overlaid. It says, "(after being beat up) U should see the other guy - he was really hot".ALT

leverage as tweets & textposts :) IDs in alt.

(via weprovide--leverage)



(via septaofficial)







it pisses you off to see a faggot be so happy

#so correct#similar w straight women hating butch lesbians#you see a woman not shaving not wearing make up wearing comfy clothes and still being loved and desired#and remember you’ve contorted yourself into the shape of a Real Woman in exchange for soc acceptance & power#and denied yourself the gentle acceptance of doing what is comfortable on this earth#people needa stop taking out their own shit on gender nonconforming & trans people and start LEARNING from us#cause it is very obvious when cishet people are miserable and mad that we aren’t (via @closet-keys)

@jaboukie forever speaking truth




If we don’t vote for Biden, amongst the multitude of terrible things the Convicted Felon Trump will do is appoint two late-30s replacements for these two and guarantee 40+ YEARS of super majority on the corrupt supreme court.

We Must Vote for Biden to Protect Democracy.

#thinking long term

#for the greater good

“I like drawing faces.


I like drawing faces.

(via daddyswickedqueen)




#and if we let it happen again#he’ll nominate up to four more#so the next forever will suck#that’s the rest of your lives kids#and likely the lives of your own kids#b/c once they get in power#they won’t let go#it won’t usher in the ‘glorious revolution’#it’ll usher in oppression and misery#for everyone who’s not wealthy

And if you say you’re not voting for him for Gaza? Please know he’s going to help Gaza get annihilated. He really really will. He has come out and said so EXPLICITLY.

(via septaofficial)



(via gilbirda)