
An image of Eliot, Parker and Hardison (left to right). Parker is sitting in an armchair in the front, with Eliot and Hardison standing behind. The image is from the end of the series finale episode, "The Long Goodbye Job". A tumblr post by elytrians is overlaid. It reads, "a team leader addressing their crew by saying "okay polycule listen up"".ALT
An image of Sterling holding a glass of some type of alcohol out to Nate. A tumblr post by sygol is overlaid. It reads, "youve taken the time to learn my attack patterns? what are you, gay?".ALT
An image of Parker from Leverage talking to Peggy at a bar during the episode "The Girls Night Out Job". A tumblr post by squidnoises is overlaid. It reads, "Don't ask me for relationship advice cause I'll tell you to kill him".ALT
An Image of Hardison with his hands partway in the air, in a confused and annoyed gesture. A tumblr post by kryptojuice is overlaid. It reads, ""r u taken?" yes bitch taken for granted".ALT
An image of Hardison talking to two people with guns pointed at him, and Eliot behind him, during the episode "The 12 Step Job". A tumblr post by pimby is overlaid. It reads, "brought a kiss to the knife fight".ALT
An image of Parker sitting at the season 1 headquarters table, holding a burger and talking to Sophie, who is on her right. The image is from towards the end of the episode, "The Juror No. 6 Job". A tumblr post by catmask is overlaid. It reads, "i deserve a gold star for being so sweet and nice and not killing".ALT
An image of Nate (left) and Sophie (right), looking intently at each other. A tweet by OneFellSwoop is overlaid. It reads, "i let him hit bc he is surrounded by an aura of tragedy".ALT
An image of Nate lying on a bed with one hand to his forehead, looking rough. He is in his rehab center clothes, from "The 12 Step Job". A tumblr post by passion is overlaid. It reads, "started from the bottom and i was somehow able to get lower".ALT
An image of Eliot, his face bloodied, leaving an aircraft hangar. The image is from the episode, "The First David Job", after Eliot fought Quinn. A tweet by mazculinity is overlaid. It says, "(after being beat up) U should see the other guy - he was really hot".ALT

leverage as tweets & textposts :) IDs in alt.

(via weprovide--leverage)