
don't take much to be a dreamer all you do is close your eyes.

This Pride I hope that all of you never ever forget that no amount of sanitizing your sex life or sanding down of your LGBT edges will make bigots accept you. So, don’t debase yourself by capitulating an inch to them, especially in ways that throw your fellow community members under the bus.

You are a degenerate faggot in the eyes of bigots whether you’re wearing a nice button down and slacks with combed hair or leather daddy kink gear. So stand with the freaks who will stand with you until the end—long after the bigots have abandoned you despite your claims to be “one of the good ones.”


new trend called 'heavenmaxxing' basically where you be really kind to others and help little old ladies cross the road & stuff


new trend called 'purgatorymaxxing' basically where you be NOTHING to others and help NOBODY cross NOWHERE & NOTHING MORE


new trend called ‘hellmaxxing’ where you RELEASE THOUSANDS OF DEADLY HORNETS INTO A NURSING HOME


what if instead of having a fake name for internet personal-life purposes we could have a fake name for professional work-life purposes

fantasy culture where you have a different name for every role in your life and a true name that is extremely secret

you don't get to know all of me

it's tuesday you only get to know sara

you understand me to my soul

Things this post reminds people of:

1. fae

2. demons

3. vampires

4. cats

5. being trans

I love this

Aquire the identities of the ones who came before you. Hoard them like a dragon.

You work in the corner office? Your name is Bob now. Bob means "person who files papers in the corner office."


I'm currently watching a YouTube video (link) by Matt Bernstein, a gay man. In the video, they have a guest speaker named Devon Price. The video goes over how "annoying" queers (TikTok enbies, James Charles dupes, autistic queers, neopronouns users, kinksters, etc) are not the reason why queer people don't have the same rights as non-queer people.

at around 4:40, Devon mentions a type of queer protest I've *never* heard of until now. It was called "The Annual Reminder", and it was run by cis white gay men. Essentially it was a reminder to non-queers that gay (gay not queer) men looked like everyone else. they would dress in formal suits and hold signs that reminded the non-queers that they look just like everyone else. and the outcome of these protests? nothing. these protests did NOTHING to help queer rights. It wasn't until stonewall and pride that people started waking up, and I am in shock. Literally how have I never heard about this until now. I feel like it's such an important part of queer history that just gets swept under the rug, and I have a feeling I know why.

The gays that try to erase the loud, flamboyant queers, are the same ones who want to hide the fact that conforming to what the non-queers want us to act like doesn't actually do anything. They want you to believe that hiding your queerness is the way to get our rights, and that THEY'RE the ones we have to thank for what rights we have, when that's just not true. Black trans women, "annoying" twinks, sex workers, people who use controversial labels, QUEERS are the reason why we aren't treated as badly as we were 50 years ago. Instead of bowing down to Blaire White or Arielle Scarcella, thank Sock who listens to My Chemical Romance and uses star/starself pronouns for being openly freaky and queer, because stars the one who is *really* doing good for the community.


Wow. Talk about attention to detail.

I will probably reblog this every time I see it on my dash because it’s absolutely stunning


This is literally insane. How did you have the patience. Tell me your secrets o’ art god.


ok!!! :0

Part of me is like “neat. Reblog,” and part of me is like “I understand now why impressionism took off, because there’s a 0% chance the artist wasn’t like ‘fuck this shit’ by the halfway point.”


STOP. DON'T SCROLL. READ THIS TO SAVE LIVES IN GAZA. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support Gazans. These people have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. Donate and share widely.

(may 27th)

Do not scroll past this list without contributing. This list makes it easy for you to find a fundraiser to support. Choose at least one. Your contribution will save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.


we have our own community fundraiser (check the fundraiser tag on this post), but if you want to help people, check this list out (and there are many more like it online). if you cannot help financially, spread the world. every voice counts against this genocide, do not let people convince you that your voice means nothing.


To donate £5 to the charity supporting the male victims of domestic abuse, text the message: MKDV46 to 70070


At first I though this was a joke


Don’t ignore this Tumblr

Yet they still do even when it’s right in their face.

This reminds me of how a friend of mine was abused by the mother of his child. She was mentally unstable and used to berate him constantly and would smack him in the head all the time. It really pissed me off. Then one night she threw hot coffee in his face and tried to stab him with a screwdriver. The cops hauled him off to jail because she made up a sob story that painted herself as the victim.  Once he left her, he stayed with me and it was a nightmare. She stalked him and me. She would drive by my house obsessively at all hours of the day and night (her muffler made a weird sound so I know it was her). She started showing up at my job, showing up at the places I frequented around town, and filling up my voicemail with dead air. The cops were no help. One day she got bold enough to talk her way into my home by conning my elderly grandmother, whom I was taking care of, while I was out. She went in my room and went through my stuff (creepy), then found him napping on the couch and attacked him. My grandmother witnessed the whole thing. He grabbed her by the arms, forced her out the front door, and locked it. The cops were called again. They said they’d go and ‘talk’ to her.

The next day we were watching a movie and there was a knock at the door. The police had come to arrest him. She filed a complaint against him and shown off some bruises on her arms from the altercation that she swore were completely unprovoked. My grandmother saw the whole thing since she was in the living room too and testified on his behalf. He still ended up serving jail time. No one takes male domestic violence victims seriously. They only see males as perpetrators.

This is important. Just… everyone needs to see this.

Just as a fun fact,

If you don’t believe male victims exist, or deserve to be stood up for then you’re not a feminist. Sorry I don’t make the rules.


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