WiCyS Virtual Career Fair

If you are in the market to be recruited for a part-time or full-time job, entry or high level job, or an internship, get your resume ready!

Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) Virtual Career Fair

The WiCyS Virtual Career Fair (VCF) is September 25th, 2024 from 11am – 4pm CT and is FREE to all WiCyS members. WiCyS Strategic Partners will be ready with their chat and video features enabled for an outstanding career fair experience. The VCF will be held in the Job Board++.

Not a WiCyS Member, but would like to attend the Virtual Career Fair? Join HERE.

How to Get the Most out of your Virtual Career Fair Experience

WiCyS Members: If you haven’t done so already, update your profile and upload your resume in the Job Board++. Please do this prior to the Career Fair to ensure smooth access on the day of the event. You can access the Job Board++ by using the email associated with your WiCyS membership and your Member ID which is located in your WiCyS Member Portal profile.

Are you an employer looking to hire? Contact [email protected] to learn about strategic partnership opportunities.