Cyber Defense Challenge made possible by Target

This unique program will provide hands-on experience giving WiCyS members a taste of what it’s like to be on a Cyber Defense Team.

Applications Open May 14.


Cyber Defense Challenge made possible by Target

Get ready for the third annual Target Cyber Defense Challenge! The challenge will give WiCyS members hands-on experience and a taste of what it’s like to be on a cyber defense team. From tackling intel-driven scenarios to experiencing current threats in the landscape, this challenge will offer many learning opportunities for members to hone their cybersecurity skills. In this year’s challenge, play both the threat actor and the defender during a high-stakes attack against a casino!

This engaging program is for WiCyS members to dive in, gain new learning experiences, network with an inclusive cohort of peers, work one-on-one with the Target cybersecurity team, and explore what incident response, threat detection, and threat intelligence are all about.

The top 10 participants will also receive a scholarship to attend the 2025 WiCyS Conference.

No previous cybersecurity experience is required to join this training since it’s a tiered, multi-staged learning opportunity.

Applications open May 14, 2024.


Kick-off meeting to launch each tier

Cohort to build professional network

Cyber mentors from Target within cohort

Open office hours

Mid-tier check-ins

Top 10 receive presentation coaching by Target team


Learn how threat actors think

Leverage threat intelligence to write detection

Experience working within different roles on defense team

Learn about techniques leveraged by real threat actor groups 

Work one-on-one with Target team

Top 10 will receive a WiCyS 2025 conference scholarship


Each participant will experience being part of the Cyber Defense team that is defending against current threats in the cyber landscape, as well as have an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of threat actor tactics by also playing as the attacker. Tier 1 will bring members through the first stages of an intrusion into a casino’s network in capture-the-flag style challenges. In Tier 2, the top 50 from Tier 1 will combat a new threat actor group after the first sells off their access and learn how to catch the actors and recover from an attack. Finally, in Tier 3 the Tier 2 top 10 challengers will summarize and give a presentation to Target & WiCyS on what their biggest takeaways from this Cyber Defense Challenge were!

Please note: This is a fictional scenario created by the Target team for purposes of training for WiCyS members.

Overview Timeline:

May 14: Applications Open

May 14 at 1pm CT: Launch Webinar

June 14: Applications Close

June 20 at 7 pm CT: Tier 1 Kick-Off Webinar

July 11: Tier 1 Closes

July 18 at 7 pm CT: Tier 2 Kick-Off Webinar

August 8: Tier 2 Closes

August 15 – August 29: Top 10 Presentations

Tier 1 timeline:

June 20 at 7 pm CT: Tier 1 Kick-Off Webinar (Zoom invites will be sent)

June 20: Tier 1 instructions sent and participants added to Slack cohort

Open Office Hours: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-4 pm (CT)

July 11: Tier 1 Closes

July 12: Notifications sent to Top 50 moving to Tier 2

Tier 2 timeline:

July 18 at 7 pm CT: Tier 2 Kick-Off Webinar (Zoom invites will be sent)

July 18: Tier 2 participants added to Slack cohort

Open Office Hours: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-4 pm (CT)

August 8: Tier 2 Closes

August 15: Notifications sent to the Top 10 moving  to Tier 3

Tier 3 timeline:

August 29: Top 10 Presentations to Target Team