Population Health Management

Improving the Health of Employee Populations and Company Financials

With insurance costs trending at an unsustainable rate, more employers are turning to worksite based health interventions and population health/wellness strategies that get to the root of the healthcare consumption problem. USI possesses one of the broadest and most comprehensive networks of Population Health Managers (PHM) of any major brokerage in the U.S. The background and expertise of our specialists range from clinicians, program managers from Fortune 500 employers, health promotion specialists, data analysts, nutritionists, and communication specialists.

USI’s PHM team has been able to demonstrate improvements in employee health and positively impact financial results by creating a comprehensive and effective workplace wellness culture as part of a company’s overall employee benefits strategy. USI’s PHM team starts by evaluating data and recommending targeted, low-cost solutions focused on improving health status and managing health related costs.

Our broad-spectrum consultative health management services include:

  • Population Health Management Program Feasibility Analysis
  • Program Design, Implementation, Analysis, and Reporting
  • Budget Guidance and Incentive Models
  • Targeted Communications to Increase Engagement
  • Predictive Modeling & Large Claims Analysis
  • Chronic Condition and Disease Management Strategies

These services put employers in a position to make informed cost management decisions about their benefits programs. Through the identification of opportunities, development of a realistic strategy, engagement and implementation across the organization, and evaluation of program impact, USI’s PHM process allows for continuous program improvement and enhancement.

To analyze our clients' business issues and challenges, our benefits team leverages USI ONE®, a fundamentally different approach to employee benefits and risk management. USI ONE integrates proprietary business analytics with a network of local and national technical experts in a team based consultative planning process to evaluate the client’s risk profile and identify targeted solutions. Clients then receive tailored recommendations for improving their employee benefits plans.

Experience the USI ONE Advantage® and learn how our Population Health Management resources and wellness expertise can lead to engaged, healthier, productive employees and lower medical costs. Email [email protected] or contact your local USI office today.


USI’s Population Health Management team identified above average disease prevalence, gaps in care primarily in diabetes management, and higher than normal emergency room visits and in-patient hospitalizations among the health plan members of a West Coast-based ethnic food distributor with 600 employees and 1400 members on the plan. By implementing USI’s proposed CORE HEALTH strategy, the company experienced a 62% increase in preventive visits, which are vital to identifying potential high-cost claims. Also, emergency room visits dropped 40% due to increased primary care visits. Diabetes management compliance increased resulting in a savings for chronic disease management of approximately $145K to the self-funded plan. Consequently, average renewal increases for the company dropped to less than 5% in the past 3 years, from more than 10% in the preceding 2 years, resulting in an approximate savings of more than $1.1 million.

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