Healthcare Cost Management

Creating Care Intervention Solutions

USI’s team of benefit consultants provide detailed analysis and deploy innovative solutions to reduce healthcare cost for employees without sacrificing quality of care.

Our Healthcare Cost Management solutions bring a holistic approach to client benefit programs:

  • Focus on Reducing Unit Cost and the Frequency of Care
  • Alternative Reimbursement Strategies
  • Reducing Gaps/Risks in Care
  • Alternative Settings of Care
  • ROI Analysis and Modeling
  • Constant Innovation to Reduce Cost and Improve Quality

We believe there are significant opportunities to educate employers and employees on the cost differences between health care service providers and alternative programs. By improving transparency, USI can help companies make better decisions that save money and improve employee satisfaction.

To analyze our clients' business issues and challenges, our benefits team leverages USI ONE®, a fundamentally different approach to employee benefits and risk management. USI ONE integrates proprietary business analytics with a network of local and national technical experts in a team based consultative planning process to evaluate the client’s risk profile and identify targeted solutions. Clients then receive tailored recommendations for improving their employee benefits plans.

Experience the USI ONE Advantage® and learn how our benefits team identifies key issues around care intervention to provide members with options for efficient, quality care decisions. Email [email protected] or contact your local USI office today.


USI conducted a benefit review for a new client to identify cost saving solutions and to look for methods to increase employee engagement in managing their own healthcare needs The company, an operator of eye exam and eyeglass stores with 600 employees and 50% plan participation, was facing potential layoffs due to the economic environment. An alternative to layoffs was to drastically reduce the employer healthcare costs through significant contribution increases or reduction in coverage. USI identified a claim savings opportunity of 13% by moving to a high deductible plan and offered transparency tools as an additional service to reduce employee’s exposure to overcharging by providers.

The employer reset the employer contributions based on the new plan and offered employees the option to buy up back to the traditional plan. USI initiated an aggressive implementation and communication campaign to explain the high deductible plan and demonstrate the value of the transparency tools. After the campaign, over 80% of the employees elected the high deductible plan, saving the company approximately $284,000. In addition, employees reported strong satisfaction with the high deductible plan in part due to the clarity of expenses provided by the transparency tools.

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