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Hello, Thank You For Being Here (Pt. 3)

other links: twitter | twitch | bluesky | neocities

side blogs: @toocoolforghoul & @in-the-woods

old pinned post

hello. my name is biddy. my pronouns are whatever, but you can use he/him if that makes it easier. i am a degenerate Anarchist dog from the Midwestern United States. i am 33 years old and taken (@thatcrazywitch). i am AuDHD, i suffer from severe anxiety, cptsd, depression, contamination OCD, and dyspraxia.

this blog serves as the primary source for my thoughts, feelings, ramblings, shitposts, life happenings, art, and whatever else crosses my mind. the topics will vary wildly, but you can expect a lot of the following:

  • anarchist and leftist agitprop
  • general us political news and opinions
  • world news
  • climate change/environmental news
  • poetry, prose, and other writing
  • random personal diatribes
  • animals
  • memes
  • silly text posts
  • photos of my dog

i find DNIs pointless, but i would ask if you are a TERF, transphobe, zionist, hardline religious zealot, or otherwise a fascist, for you to unkindly go fuck yourself. this blog is an unyielding ally to all marginalized and/or oppressed peoples, including but not limited to trans folks or any other queer-identifying individuals, Black and Indigenous peoples, and many others. you get a block immediately when interacting with my posts. i will not engage, so please do not waste anyone’s time.

here are some tags that i frequently use. i am terrible at keeping up with them and i largely reblog without tags and then go back and add them later when i have time.

  • Text Posts: #text, #bork bork thoughts
  • Ask Responses: #borking back
  • Tumblr-Related: #meta
  • My Dog: #sweet princess peregrine
  • Other Dogs: #anarchodogism
  • Cats: #cats on the bork blog
  • Anarchoposting: #anarchy, #anarchism, #anarchist
  • OC Graphics: #oc, #learning photoshop through play
  • OC Poetry: #oc, #poetry
  • Non-OC Memes: #memes, #not oc
  • Wholesome Posts: #happy borks

please be advised: if i fail to tag something appropriately or reblog from someone detestable, please message me or send me an anonymous ask and let me know. DO NOT REBLOG MY POSTS WITH PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE COMMENTS. i treat people with respect when they treat me with respect. but i will publicly dress you down if you break this rule and then block you. this is the only warning i will give. no exceptions.

otherwise, please feel free to like or reblog anything i post. if it was too personal to be reblogged, i wouldn’t share it. so don’t worry about breaking tumblr protocol. i’m too old and tired to care about that.

my sense of humor is also very deadpan/sarcastic, so please keep this in mind when interacting. if something seems out of character, ask me for clarification and i’ll provide it. there’s a good chance that i’m probably just being silly. i love you, enjoy your stay.

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