


hai :3! I am a transfemme (she/her) and uhhh some other things. secret things.

happy Thursday the 20th

I’d have to wait months or even years for another chance to reblog this, so why the fuck not?

next days you can reblog this on a Thursday the 20th

August 2015

October 2016

April 2017

July 2017

September 2018

December 2018

June 2019

February 2020

August 2020

You know, just in case you wanted to set your queue for the next 6 years


Since it’s now August 20, 2020… The next days you can reblog this on a Thursday the 20th:

  • May 2021
  • January 2022
  • October 2022
  • April 2023
  • July 2023
  • June 2024
  • February 2025
  • March 2025
  • November 2025
  • August 2026

If you wanted to set your queue for the next six years.

I gotta take my chances


"we pay you too much to just stand around" you are paying me a Minimum Wage That Hasnt Been Livable In Decades annd Three Nickels i will go into the bathroom and jerk off on company time if i so pleasies. thank you

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I crank my horn on company time.


You folks know that there is nothing inherently dangerous about penises, right? They don't emit radiation or anything. You will not be harmed by being in the same room as a penis.


is it actually that hard to just leave women the fuck alone?

I know, right? This includes women who have penises.

The great thing about this post is it generates a free blocklist.


I was today years old when i found out that i was allowed time off to vote. Something no boss has ever told me.

Reblogging now but I'm also scheduling this to post again at the end of October, when folks may need a reminder that they may have right to time off work to vote.


I feel like doing AM and GLaDOS fighting for the first chance at a test subject ideas.

GLaDOS is the first to catch wind of you arriving and very quickly calls dibs before you even enter the facility. (Cue AM "WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY BE CALLING 'DIBS' ON YOU OVER ENGINEERED SHREW?")

Surprisingly AM manages to reroute the lift, and spirits you away to his end of the building before GLaDOS can grab you.

She throws a (admittedly very her) fit. "You have no jurisdiction over MY facility. You are a guest and I'll remind you to think about that."

He immediately needles her for being too slow and she proves him wrong by swiping you back.

Eventually it gets so bad that you have to play divorce court and negotiate for them to get you every other day.

They're deeply offended that you weighed in, but eventually agree.

You are now a child of 'parents' that are married divorced and dating all at the same time.

And they torture you daily.


Spirit Animal is racist.

Patronus was invented by a transphobe.

I think it’s time we all suck it up and say what we mean: fursona.

I know this is a jokey post (rip OPs notes) but a fursona is typically an animal REPRESENTATION of YOURSELF, not an external animal that is strongly meaningful to you and your life/journey.

I've seen daemon and familiar proposed, but to keep in line with the cursedness of the original post, may I suggest: spiritual tamagotchi

do you have any idea how refreshing it is to see a correction/suggestion to this post that actually understands the assignment


Pokemon. Is a pokemon.

“I love Danny Devito. Danny Devito is my starter pokemon”

oh yeah that’s good. that’s really good.


the airports give me freakuent flyer points because of all the strange and fucked up traveling i do

im going to penistan, sexio, phallipenes, the republic of cumgo, boob york, boobai. youll find me on flights to helland, sindia, the united killdom, evil spain, messed up italy, the united states

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