
Be Gay, Do Weed

@too-cool-for-facebook / too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com

All that fun stuff that's too cool for Facebook but not quite artsy enough to put on deviantArt. Elliot Morgan put it best when he said, "Facebook has just become a big family reunion, except without all the good food." I ran away from MySpace because people I knew IRL were there. And now I've run away from FB for the same reason - mostly bc I'm tired of listening to my dumbass redneck relatives talk about shit they have no knowledge of. Also, INFJ. Writing it here bc I can never effing remember. New to my blog? Then you probably need to check out this post: http://too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com/post/109313455847/i-have-gotten-like-a-shit-ton-of-followers-over

Tropes I’m Tired of

  • The Chosen One
  • The main character turns out to be related to a legendary hero / is actually royalty
  • Royalty in general
  • MC descends from some special bloodline
  • MC has a special power
  • MC catches on quickly to techniques that should take years to master
  • Worlds where nearly EVERYONE has magic. It’s not magical anymore
  • Taking cool or magical things and turning them mundane. Bor-fucking-ring
  • Fish Out of Water stories
  • Angels, demons, gods
  • The MC being a “half-breed”: half-angel, half-demon, demigod, etc
  • Secret societies / organizations working in the shadows to protect/destroy humanity
  • The Search for the MacGuffin
  • Prophecies
  • Monsters and other non-human entities wanting to become human. Bitch, you ain’t missing nothing
  • Medieval European-like settings

I’m sure there’s more

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