
Be Gay, Do Weed

@too-cool-for-facebook / too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com

All that fun stuff that's too cool for Facebook but not quite artsy enough to put on deviantArt. Elliot Morgan put it best when he said, "Facebook has just become a big family reunion, except without all the good food." I ran away from MySpace because people I knew IRL were there. And now I've run away from FB for the same reason - mostly bc I'm tired of listening to my dumbass redneck relatives talk about shit they have no knowledge of. Also, INFJ. Writing it here bc I can never effing remember. New to my blog? Then you probably need to check out this post: http://too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com/post/109313455847/i-have-gotten-like-a-shit-ton-of-followers-over

them: you don’t watch game of thrones?? really? how come?


Oh my god, this is going on my list along with doesthedogdie.com


Holy shit that’s useful

I probably won’t find myself using this but for my followers: if you can’t handle this shit, USE THIS. If you think a movie or tv show may be hard to watch, do your homework.

1 - the very reason why I don’t watch GoT

2 - This and rotten apples are some of the best sites ever

3 - Does the dog die have a TON of subcategories, such as jumpscares, strobe effects, does a kid die, does an LGBT person dies and many, many others (they actually link to unconsenting media under “someone is sexually assaulted”). Please save it to tour favorites is really freaking usefull


Useful info. But… (and I sort of doubt it) is there a database like this for car and/or motorcycle accidents? I end up having to give up on lots of movies and shows because there’s often too much for me to handle still. Don’t really like playing the guessing game of “how traumatized is this gonna make me”

Does the Dog Die has car crashes, and if someone gets hit by a car

Seriously, they have a ton of things, and if they don’t, you can reach out to them and they’ll add a category


"Women are obsessed with romance and marriage!" - a trope in media

Media: a field which has been dominated by Men, especially since the invention of mass media

Hot Take: Men are the ones obsessed with romance and marriage, and they think that's all that women equate to - things to get married to. It's what Men's greatest hope in life is - to get married

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