you must become ungovernable

@tittyblade /

rolan || 20 || ND
yell at me in the asks. this is a threat
header by @lakemichiganbaby
url is referencing technoblade. thank you for everything

im making myself a trans pride tank top for the trans pride march tmrw and i was almost done cuttting the pattern when i realized i made a mistake. gahhhhhhh i hate wasting fabric!!!!! i gotta find a use for these wrongly cut pieces now……. thank god theyre just two rectangles. that i can cut more stuff from


being younger than everyone else on this site is so funny because someone will be like "anyone remember the glinky glork" and i look up the glinky glork and it happened when i was 2

"where were you at dashcon" i was learning my abcs 👶

important addition from the elders


we’re all gonna be sixty posting shit like: cranberry juice…


"What if my friends secretly hate me?" What if they pray for you before bed? What if they hear a song come on and it makes them immediately think of you? What if when times are hard for them, they close their eyes and think of the memories they've shared with you? What if they study your face closely to see how you're feeling? What if they listen to your stories? What if they smile when you text them first? What if


Every post begins its life as a single fertilized cell.


Reblog to help this post zygote evolve into a Creature


The process by which cells make copies of themselves is called mitosis.


The fertilized egg quickly divides into a round clump of cells known as a blastocyst.


The blastocyst undergoes cleavage, developing a hollow interior with one opening that will eventually form the post’s digestive tract. In some posts (protostomes) the initial opening becomes the mouth, in others (deuterostomes) it becomes the anus. The post also develops distinct limbs.

The creature appears to be a tetrapod with four limbs, a head, and a tail.


Or uh. Maybe not?

oh dear lord

Achievement Unlocked:


Oh boy time to make a big ol’ tumor here I fucking go


June Donations Post

Happy Pride Month!

If there is a donation link you would like me to add, please let me know via the reply function or the askbox.

Help Luca @hraunwyf not get evicted 1,786/2,000

Help Art move and avoid homelessness - 570/4,300

Help @orvet with bills

Help @bonegenderwith rent - 1,056/1,265

Totals Updated: June 2nd, 2024

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