

@lamina-tsrif / lamina-tsrif.tumblr.com

just call me lamina -- all/any pronouns, i like them all :D -- i do art and reblog things?? i guess???

My c!Tommy exile arc zine is finally here! With illustrations inspired by @/alliumcola

I'm selling physical versions of this artbook for an extremely limited run of just 15 copies on Etsy.

Once they're sold, they're gone forever, so be sure to pick one up if you're interested or if you'd just like to support me and my work. 🌼


happy juneteenth but dont forget that prisoners are legally allowed to be subject to slave labor and also black people are disproportionately arrested and subjected to that legality. happy juneteenth but slavery still lives in america. america is still dependant on slave labor.


people have said good things about you behind your back, without your knowledge. people have shared their love for you with others.

It's so easy to forget this is true sometimes. The same way people often think good, positive things about us and we'll never know because they don't express it vocally. We get so used to hate speech and judgement in our daily lives, we often forget that the inside of people's heads doesn't have to be a bad place. It can be a place of kindness and thoughtfulness and decency. We just expect the worst because we have been taught that way, and we forget there is another.


take a moment to read indian election news!! india has voted against the fascist party. while they will resume government they will need to forge alliances and have lost multiple strong members of parliament. and all this despite them controlling the media! this is SUCH an important reminder that u shld never ever underestimate the power of a vote


I was reading that and it's also a good example about how smaller victories are better than no victories at all -- India's far-right president might've just got elected to a third term, which is not good, but the people effectively organized against a system that Modi's been actively rigging against them, and they managed to deny his party the supermajority they'd need to control the government outright. Any blow dealt against authoritarianism is a worthy punch for the people to throw!

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