

@tiggymalvern / tiggymalvern.tumblr.com

Longtime slash fangirl, current Burn Notice and Hannibal obsessive, laboriously slow writer and occasional vidder. Find me as TiggyMalvern on AO3.

thinking about the very common idea among antebellum american slaveowners that ex-slaves would initiate a race war as soon as they were free and that whites would never be safe among people they or their ancestors owned so they should be moved to a different country. and how that was completely stupid and the racial violence post-abolition was racist anti-black violence not slews of anti-white revenge killings across the nation and a dissolution of society. anyway thinking about that and also the insistence from the zionist crowd that if palestinians were given equal rights or even if the occupation slackened its grip a little every single israeli from the river to the sea would be murdered by vengeful palestinians.


One thing the analysts back in 2012 were right about is that they’d stop calling it “Obamacare” the second it started working and lo and behold anytime it was actually threatened under Trump it became The ACA and now Leftists who were in Kindergarten when the ACA was passed think Democrats have added nothing to this country.


I don't think a lot of people remember pre-existing conditions. Like it was a thing for a long time where my mom fought to try to avoid having my brother diagnosed with asthma because she didn't want him tagged with pre-existing condition. I wasn't officially diagnosed with autism or depression or anything because my parents didn't want to me to have a pre-existing condition when I became an adult that could prevent me from having insurance. Insurance companies could flat out refuse to pay for treatment if you had a pre-existing condition that could have caused the issue you were wanting them to pay for. That's not a thing anymore. My diagnosis of lupus isn't going to affect my ability to find insurance or use it to pay for lupus-related care if I change insurance.

Remember that bit from Parks and Rec? Yeah, that's kind of like what it was like. That was back in 2012. The ACA made it so that:

1. No insurance plan can reject you, charge you more, or refuse to pay for essential health benefits for any condition you had before your coverage started. This means that if you get diagnosed with cancer, insurance companies can't refuse to cover you. It means that if you have asthma, insurance companies can't refuse to pay for inhalers because you had it before you signed on with them.

2. Once you’re enrolled, the plan can’t deny you coverage or raise your rates based only on your health. This means that when I was diagnosed with lupus, my insurance couldn't kick me off or make me pay more.

3. Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) also can't refuse to cover you or charge you more because of your pre-existing condition. This is actually a big one, because it meant that the only coverage some people could afford wasn't able to kick you off, refuse to cover you, or charge you more because of something like a heart murmur you had at birth. That was a real concern for us when my oldest was born. They had a heart murmur and we were terrified we would never get insurance coverage for them.

Those were real things that really happened to millions of Americans. They would get diagnosed with cancer and get kicked of their insurance. They would have a semi high blood pressure reading one time and have a heart attack 10 years later and the insurance would refuse to pay for any of it.

Obamacare killed that. And the GOP fought like hell against it. Can you imagine everyone whose ever had COVID not being covered at all under insurance? Or being charged 3 or 4 times more? Or being charged 3 times more and still not having coverage for anything that might stem from COVID? Because that's where we would be without the ACA.


He had committed no crime. He was not suspected of any crime. Police saw him, a Black kid wearing a ski mask, and decided to murder him for it WITH THE HELP of paramedics. He was a sweet kid who literally played his violin for kittens in a shelter in his free time and he died apologizing to his murderers for not being able to breathe.

During the 2020 George Floyd protests, the anger, the protesting, and the rioting was at least as much about him as it was about George Floyd in the Denver/Aurora area. Local violinists showed up to a protest to perform in memory of him and they were tear gassed for it.

One of the cops was recently acquitted and got to keep his job and walk away with $200,000 in back pay.

People who wear ski masks aren't the issue. Cops are. They will ALWAYS be the bigger threat.


countries will be like “nooooo our birth rate is falling exponentially and it’s effecting our economy” and immigrants will be like “hey can you let us in so we can boost your economy and fill your empty jobs and raise our children here” and inevitably the country is like “the only thing worse than a large scale collapse of our population is letting foreigners live here”



I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.

People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".

These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.

If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.


if you want to vote for a third party, what you are going to do is vote for biden in november 2024 and then as soon as that’s done, start trying to get ranked choice voting in your state

we will ALWAYS be a two party system until voting reform happens, and voting reform won’t happen if project 2025 happens.

suck it up and vote biden, then put the next four years to good use

oh, also, let's throw support for ukraine in there. everyone who's against voting conveniently forgets that trump has promised to immediately cut aid to ukraine because i guess it's fine to let tens of thousands of people die and a fascist country extend its territory as long as you get to own the libs


nobuddy feels like they have a sharp attention span these days, right? and we all just click “agree on terms of service” because its hard to love yourself sometimes, well

enter Terms of Service, Didn’t Read: a website and a browser addon that streamlines the terms of service of many popular web services to be read by the tech sunday drivers.

It’s graded from A (great) to E (awful) and if you have the addon you have access to the info about the website on your bar

this post came back to me like a dear son from war, hello ol boy


$19.99 to RENT a movie online…we need to start killing these ppl.


When I was your age for $19.99 we used to be able to buy a DVD set at Blockbuster. One of the ones with two DVDs where one was the actual movie and the other was behind-the-scenes, deleted scenes, interviews and bloopers. Also a little paper booklet and cool cover art. And you could watch it all as often as you wanted


Here is my old person (30f) rant

I love physical media. Digital media is bullshit. You dont really own it and it can get taken away when THEY want to take it away. Buy physical media, keep physical media alive cause fuck THEM!

I refuse to "rent" movies on apps. I still buy dvds.


Why are Michael and Gilroy wearing the same shirt lmao


It's probably a deliberate Michael choice. We've seen him talk before about dressing like someone to insinuate yourself with them, to convince them that you're their kind of person. I suspect he picks a shirt like he's seen Gilroy wear before. And hey, Gilroy gives them matching watches, so Michael obviously wasn't wrong.

It being not just the same type of shirt but color too just threw me 😂😂. I figured Michael was trying to get Gilroy to see him as a fellow criminal maniac but the exact same shirt 😂😂

Notice Claude was not as smart, and Claude ends up dead XD

TBF to Claude he died bc Michael lubed a building so he'd fall and bc he failed Gilroy killed him lol

Maybe if Claude had worn the right shirt, Gilroy would have let him live.

Although probably not LOL

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