
A Book Of Creatures


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Dragon Breasts

Mondays kind of suck but dragon breasts are fun.

Wait, WTF?  Yes, female dragons have breasts with magenta colored nipples!  You can learn a lot from eighteenth-century French decorative arts.

Jacques Chapelle (Sceaux Manufactory), Pot Pourri Vase, about 1755, faience.  J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

They have other things besides


Boetius à Bolswert - Allegorie op de Wereld (Allegory of the World), c. 1590. A young man stands on a ledge of the abyss where he grasps a branch of honey. Death, represented as a unicorn, is threatening and bristling through the nostrils. Four snakes crawl from cracks in the wall, symbolizing the four elements of fire, earth, air and water. A fire-breathing dragon waits with the raised claws between the flames of hell for the fall of the young man. 


This is 100% how the world feels tbh

I have a book with this image in it and the accompanying story. The book is called The Unicorn by Nancy Hathaway. It’s a history of the creature along with short stories from different countries, with a modern tale at the end.


It’s a pretty widespread story, in Muslim versions it’s often a camel instead of an unicorn.

Honestly a camel can be terrifying.

I already posted the camel version :-}


Did you know that you can put stigmata in your hand of glory to make it more potent? It’s true! Search “glory hole” for more information!


Eel is going to establish a monarchy

The aquarium staff actually said i can't

You are an eelegitimate ruler

You should call for democratic eelections


"In Hasselø-noret is a mud floc called the Bonnet or the Black Bonnet, as it's just a slurry of black mud with no real bed to be found. Yes, nowadays it has dried up, but it wasn't many years ago that you couldn't find the bed with an eel spear and even now the bed is unreliable. There, down in the Bonnet lives the eel king. He has a mane like a horse and he huffs like a horse. The eel spearers could sometimes spear him, but they could never drag him out of the water, so they only ever saw his upper body. By the way, it was also rare that they caught real eels there in the Bonnet."

Told by Karen Toxværd from Sillestrup. Collected by Evald Tang Kristensen for "Danish lore as told by common folk," volume 2 (1893)


map showing the way europe played 5d ping pong with its words for vampires. had to do my own damn map of this so i thought i'd share it cause why not

some words of explanation:

  • the root of most of these, excluding the blue ones, comes from Turkic languages (most likely Tatar, but we aren't exactly sure, so for simplicity i just made the slightly redder starting point in eastern Turkey, I am ready to face death at the hands of professional linguists) from words like "ubyr", "opyr", "uber", and other variations of that. the general consensus is that they initially meant "witch".
  • "strix" is Latin for owl; "striges" were owl-like female demons from ancient Rome who fed on human organs, mentioned for example in the Satyricon. "strega" is Italian for "witch".
  • the Greek "vrykolakas" comes from the Slavic "vukodlak", technically meaning "werewolf", but in reality it was used for vampires as well. the vrykolakas were definitely more vampires than werewolves, being dead bodies who rose from the grave.
  • the Russian "vurdalak" appeared only in the 19th century with Pushkin's works, because he read Byron's "The Giaour" in which there is a footnote explaining that the Greek word for vampire is "Vardoulacha" (close enough, I guess) and he made his own version based on that
  • Everyone now uses "vampire" and variations thereof due to pure chance, because it just so happened that the first reports about the living dead reached western Europe from Serbia thanks to Austrian officials recording the panic surrounding Petar Blagojević. It eventually circled back to Eastern Europe in that form overthrowing most of the regional variants like upyr. This map is focused on Poland in this regard because I am Polish and this map is intended for a presentation for a Polish audience.

my sources:

it is also still simplified a lot as i omitted other words in other languages about similar phenomena, like the romanian moroi and vârcolac (which is also related to vukodlak, wilkołak etc), the other greek type of "vampire" that was the tympaniaioi and a lot of polish regional variants that i know of like łopi, upierz etc etc


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