


I’ve only had a croissant once.
you can call me syaf! | 19 | she/her | malay :)

🚨: Donate and share while there is only a little left ‼️🫂

Unfortunately, the campaign is going very slowly. I am going far to open the Internet in order to spread the campaign. There is only 4030€ left. Help me by donating and publishing. Everyone knows what is happening about us. I think you do not need me to tell you the story. Thank you everyone.

Paypal link to help me and my family at the present time, knowing that the textiles have returned and the prices have become much more expensive, even if they are available.💔

I just donated 10 euros - if anyone is able to, you are more than welcome to match it! Mohammed's campaign has barely moved at all since he posted this. Let's keep supporting him! ♥️♥️🇵🇸


verified by nabulsi @nabulsi @90-ghost

Hello, my name is Hamza Al-Absi, a 32-year-old from Gaza.

I am a husband and a father of three children. Well, there were three, but I lost my eldest son, Osama, two years ago to leukemia (blood cancer). He deserved treatment for a year and a half, took his chemotherapy, fought the disease, and had a recovery period, but the disease returned, he had a strong relapse, and passed away. I couldn’t treat him again due to the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, which even affected patients with urgent, serious conditions. They refused to treat him, and he died in the hands of his mother and beside his younger brother, Saif. My son could have been treated, but when his turn came to get the treatment, it was too late.

I cannot express the pain of losing an eldest son, and my wife still cries for him every day. It’s a continuous pain that never leaves us.

Since the beginning of the war, we have heard news of children being killed and seriously injured by the insane and savage bombing with rockets and shells, which has not stopped since the war began until today. But thank God, my wife and I and our dear children, “Saif, 3 years old,” and “Rita, one year old,” are still alive.

We were forced to evacuate our home at the beginning of the war against our will due to the intense bombing that our area was subjected to and the orders to evacuate the area and head to southern Gaza. Our house was bombed with war shells, leading to its destruction.

Our journey of displacement began, moving several times from one area to another, until we ended up in a tent in the “Tel al-Sultan” area in the city of “Rafah.” You can imagine how difficult life is in a tent. Everything is done with great difficulty; we are forced to use primitive methods to carry out daily tasks. Every day we light a fire to prepare food, and we struggle to provide water for drinking or bathing. Going to the bathroom is a suffering in itself for adults before children, in the absence of toilets suitable for human use.

The situation worsens with the arrival of summer and the rise in temperatures; the tent literally turns into a “sauna” during the day, especially since my little daughter Rita has started walking on the sand and suffers from pollution diseases, influenza, and other serious diseases that lead to hepatitis.

On top of all that, I lost my job at the beginning of the war and became unemployed due to the total power outage and the lack of internet connection most of the time. I face severe difficulty in providing for my family’s needs amid the crazy price hikes.

We have suffered enough and have been exposed to a lot of fear and panic in the past 7 months. The city of “Rafah” is now threatened with a ground invasion at any moment by the occupation, so I decided to travel and leave Gaza to save the lives of my wife and children.

Time is running out, and we need $15,000 to enable my wife and children to leave Gaza to Egypt via the Rafah land crossing as soon as possible, in addition to the costs of staying in Egypt for 6 months, estimated at ($6,000).

Asking for help is not easy at all, but we believe there is still good in this world. So, I hope you will help us save ourselves from killing and destruction and restore hope to our lives again. I have tasted the bitterness of loss once, and I do not want to taste it again.

We are grateful to everyone who will donate to us, and we appreciate your feelings and support for us.


Gaza's director of ambulances and emergency, Hani al-Jaafarawi, was killed in an #Israeli air attack on the Daraj clinic in #Gaza City.

Eyad Zaqout, director of emergency department at Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir el-Balah, has told Al Jazeera that by killing al-Jaafarawi, #Israel removed "a pillar" from the enclave's collapsing health system.

"It is clear that the Israeli forces are trying once again to destroy the health and medical system in Gaza completely," Zaqout said.

"Mr Hani al-Jaafarawi was a pillar for Gaza's health system. He was working hard for serving the sick and the wounded people. He was serving day and night to serve those who are living in very difficult circumstances in Gaza," he added.


Please share and donate to them, donations have been slow, and we need to get these children ready to get out!🙏


Instead of getting ready for Eid festivities like they used to every year, my friend Bilal's family are still living in a makeshift tent in this sweltering heat, striving to secure the inadequate amount of food and water they can hardly come by. Since October, Israel has imposed a tight siege on Gaza, severely limiting the flow of life-saving essential food and medical items. Now, with the seizure of the Rafah crossing border which has been closed since May 7, the situation is worse than ever. Vital goods are scarce in the markets, and when they are available they're sold at exorbitant prices.

Bilal's family had to leave Rafah and go to Khan Yunis again to escape the recent massacres. It is now harder for them to provide basic needs for themselves and the children including the three newborns. The little water they manage to obtain with great difficulty is often polluted and salty. It's not even suitable for cooking regular meals for adults, let alone prepare baby bottles for three newborns if ever formula is accessible.

Every single day is a struggle for survival for Bilal's family. Their lives are constantly threatened by acute malnutrition, infectious diseases, and indiscriminate bombing. Your support has truly made a difference, but it is now needed more urgently, as the situation is getting more dire.

Please help Bilal keep them as safe as possible until the border reopens and they are hopefully able to evacuate.

It would mean the world to them if you donated or reblogged.


Hey guys! This is important so please dont scroll past this.

Wafaa's old blog got shadowbanned, and its just yet another example of how far tumblr will go to silence palestinians when theyre already struggling to get by because of illness, starvation and the constant violence. It should alarm you just how frequent this is becoming with palestinian bloggers having to remake 3-4 times when theyre already living through the worst things imaginable.

If you don't know who she is, Wafaa Alnhal is a woman in her 40s who had left for Egypt a little after the occupation attacked for medical treatment. She has since been working hard to spread her campaign and evacuate her family who she had to leave behind in Gaza, despite her own ongoing struggle with her health issues and making rent.

Initially her goal for her gfm had been 35k, but recently she's had to raise it to 50k because her daughter has gotten hepatitis from the polluted water in Gaza. Her family is suffering- all 15 of them including 4 young children and a newborn baby- and they will have to live with the damage for the rest of their lives. It's taking its toll on Wafaa too, who's had to neglect her own health and wellbeing to raise funds for them.

She's made a new blog @wafs-posts and you all should follow her there to get updates from her on the situation directly. You should be listening to her instead of hearing this from me.

Her gfm is currently at 12k/50k

They still have a long way to go, so please dont let tumblrs censorship slow them down

Her campaign has been verified, and there is a raffle being conducted (by @/ibtisams) to raise funds for her campaign so please give it a look, and consider taking part there are some truly beautiful journals to be won.

Please follow the raffles for palestine account and take a look at the other artwork thats up for grabs too!

The rest of her family is still there and in danger. Her daughter and other members of the family are struggling with hepatitis, her newborn grandson is struggling because there is no access to supplies required for his care due to the blockade and utter destruction.

They have lost so much to this genocide. Now more than ever, they need your help. Please dont forget them. Please dont let them down. Please donate, share and follow her account

June 25: €15,314 raised of €50,000


Back in March, Ralph Nader estimated the actual death toll in Ghazzah to be closer to 200 000. It has been 3 months since then and the situation just keeps worsening. We have no idea what the death toll might be, all while a blockade has been enforced and society struggles to continue operating under external pressure.

As we speak, 18 million Sudanese people are going hungry, more than one third of the population, and a famine is looming over the nation. We have no idea what the death toll might be, all while a complete communications blockade has been enforced and society experiences a total blackout of information and exchange.

The IOF and RSF are: preventing people from growing food and feeding themselves, they burn the arable land, they target hospitals to destroy all chance of life and survival, they burn villages down whole, they destroy aid that passes through, they send air strikes down on entirely residential villages and cities, they have completely cut off communications networks to keep people in the dark, they kill doctors & healthcare workers, they kill journalists, they rape women, they kidnap children.

We live in an age of monstrosity, where these horrific circumstances are considered normal for our people. WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS.

As we fight, continue to fight with us.

Free Sudan from RSF and foreign intervention.

Free Palestine from foreign occupation and intervention.


Back in March, Ralph Nader estimated the actual death toll in Ghazzah to be closer to 200 000. It has been 3 months since then and the situation just keeps worsening. We have no idea what the death toll might be, all while a blockade has been enforced and society struggles to continue operating under external pressure.

As we speak, 18 million Sudanese people are going hungry, more than one third of the population, and a famine is looming over the nation. We have no idea what the death toll might be, all while a complete communications blockade has been enforced and society experiences a total blackout of information and exchange.

The IOF and RSF are: preventing people from growing food and feeding themselves, they burn the arable land, they target hospitals to destroy all chance of life and survival, they burn villages down whole, they destroy aid that passes through, they send air strikes down on entirely residential villages and cities, they have completely cut off communications networks to keep people in the dark, they kill doctors & healthcare workers, they kill journalists, they rape women, they kidnap children.

We live in an age of monstrosity, where these horrific circumstances are considered normal for our people. WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS.

As we fight, continue to fight with us.

Free Sudan from RSF and foreign intervention.

Free Palestine from foreign occupation and intervention.


Back in March, Ralph Nader estimated the actual death toll in Ghazzah to be closer to 200 000. It has been 3 months since then and the situation just keeps worsening. We have no idea what the death toll might be, all while a blockade has been enforced and society struggles to continue operating under external pressure.

As we speak, 18 million Sudanese people are going hungry, more than one third of the population, and a famine is looming over the nation. We have no idea what the death toll might be, all while a complete communications blockade has been enforced and society experiences a total blackout of information and exchange.

The IOF and RSF are: preventing people from growing food and feeding themselves, they burn the arable land, they target hospitals to destroy all chance of life and survival, they burn villages down whole, they destroy aid that passes through, they send air strikes down on entirely residential villages and cities, they have completely cut off communications networks to keep people in the dark, they kill doctors & healthcare workers, they kill journalists, they rape women, they kidnap children.

We live in an age of monstrosity, where these horrific circumstances are considered normal for our people. WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS.

As we fight, continue to fight with us.

Free Sudan from RSF and foreign intervention.

Free Palestine from foreign occupation and intervention.


Mr. Shaheen's family haven't reached 10% of their goal! Please share and donate.

Vetted by 90-ghost here

PLEASE ! IF you cannot donate reblog and share ! ! !


i wanted to show everyone my favorite tiktok

the creator of this tiktok, zainah.mb, has many family members in palestine who have been martyred. at least 37, in fact. if you would like to help her out financially, she runs a hijab shop called modest behavior, and sells sister minnie merch. here's a link to her paypal as well.

as far as i know, she doesn't live in palestine, but she is palestinian. consider supporting her


According to Save the Children "up to 21,000 children are estimated to be missing in the chaos of the war in Gaza, many trapped beneath rubble, detained, buried in unmarked graves, or lost from their families, said Save the Children."

The report breaks the overall number to include at least 4,000 children who are likely trapped under the rubble and presumed dead, 17,000 children who are unaccompanied and separated from their families, with an unknown number that are buried in unmarked mass graves, and others who have been forcibly disappeared by Israeli forces, detained and transferred outside of Gaza.

Children. Over 21,000 missing children in Gaza just since October 2023.

You simply cannot convince anyone that this is what it takes for an entity to "defend itself." Israel is and has always been a terrorist, genocidal, state that relies on this kind of violence to sustain its existence as a settler colony.

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