killing children is wrong

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

How you can help Palestine while being a minor/child

If you're someone who does not earn money or cannot donate because you're a child and you're under the care of a guardian but still want to help the suffering Palestinians this is a list that can help you

  • Educate yourself! I cannot stress how important this is. Stay up to date with the latest news and learn about the history of Palestine so you do not get confused by propaganda.
  • Boost posts about Palestine and spread awareness! Share posts about Palestine [make sure to fact check] and talk to your families and friends to do the same (it's understandable if you cannot talk about these things with your family and friends though). Follow Palestinian journalists and other people who are stuck in gaza. Boost their posts.
  • Do not engage with zionists! Troll bots are becoming more and more common and engaging with them will only benefit them. Ignore and move on. The world stands with Palestine and we do not need to prove that.
  • Save evidence! The governments WILL DENY the genocide they are committing and will try their best to remove evidence from all social media platforms. Save videos, articles, and pictures so that you have a strong evidence base to present when the time comes.
  • Show your solidarity! Put a watermelon in your bio, wear red green black and white colours, put a Palestinian flag on your schoolbag. Every little thing counts.
  • Boycott! Avoid McDonald's, Starbucks and other companies that support israel. Ask your parents to eat somewhere else if they suggest McDonald's, and ask your friends to choose a different cafe if they go to starbucks.
  • Email your representatives! Make some noise, demand a ceasefire
  • Do daily clicks! Any myth of this NOT going to Palestine has been debunked, and it doesn't take any time to simply click one button. It makes money through ad revenues

I will add links and update this list when I think of more. Add anything else you think should be included in the reblogs

Pinned Post israel free gaza gaza strip gazaunderattack israel is a terrorist state genocide palestine gaza jerusalem free palestine yemen tel aviv west bank rafah lebanon save palestine israeli apartheid boycott starbucks boycotting boycott israel boycott

Wounded Palestinian man strapped to front of Israeli army vehicle, used as human shield

During a military raid on Jenin, Israeli soldiers strapped an injured Palestinian civilian to the front of a military jeep and paraded him through the street as a human shield. He was eventually handed over to Palestinian medical teams.


israel free gaza gaza strip gazaunderattack israel is a terrorist state genocide gaza palestine jerusalem free palestine jenin free jenin jenin refugee camp jenin jenin israeli war crimes israhell west bank fuck israel human rights violations humanitarian crisis


I'm Emmily from gaza I'msufferingfrom brain cancer. I was diagnosed with this type of cancer two and ahalf years ago.

Being that i have exhausted limitted medical facilities in gaza. My family knew that my best chances of survival are localised in the boarders of Egypt. This journey if fought by several challenges,financial aid being the major one. I hereby request and call for your help,through donations and sharing to help me achieve my goal. Any little donations you make will be greatly appreciated and will have a positive impact on my life





First off, their header image (presumably that they are claiming is a photo of "themselves") is stolen off of twitter/X from a user named Arhama Amaan, who is not even Palestinian, but is Pakistani.


Second, there is a scammer from Kenya pretending to be Palestinian, and the name on the paypal they're faking for themselves, Emily Mwelu, not only has already been used before for multiple other scams to the point its documented on a scam busting blog, but the surname "Mwelu" is a Kenyan surname.

And lastly, they're hiding and blocking the replies calling them out for lying, and blocking anybody who provides proof they're scamming. They hid all the replies calling them out and then restricted replies so that people can't see them being called out.


No comment on that. I have sooo many problems, what I need now is understanding and a happy mind.


I think your biggest problem is that youre a scammer & a liar tbh lets go over it!

First off you backdated your posts to make your blog look older than it actually is, and as we know, this has been 100% indicative of scams. Scams do this to look artificially older than they actually are because they know people have grown wise to the fact that it's suspicious for day-old blogs to suddenly start asking for money. There is no good reason to backdate your NEW blog, and you refused to elaborate on this when questioned about why you did this, and instead you changed your url & blocked the person who asked you, and then sent hate mail to them. Below is a screenshot of one of your backdated posts (backdated to look like it was reblogged on May 24th, 2023) from your previous url, and stacked below THAT is the ACTUAL date you reblogged it (April 4th, 2024)

screenshot of a backdated tumblr reblog by the user lifekeepsus-useful which is dated to May 24th, 2023ALT

Secondly, you claim to be "Australian" in your tumblr bio, but it looks like your stealing from multiple sources considering 1. The "State Michigan Spartans" shirt in your post. Why an Australian would care about a random American team enough to have a shirt for it instead of a local one is beyond me


2. The Macdonalds cup in your "donation" post is an American cup & not Australian. Australian cups (as seen in the photo on the right) have a dip that goes into the cup, while American cups are mostly flat, and that is clearly an American McDonald's cup in "your" "donation post" where you claim this photo was very recently taken.

cropped photo from the user in question's tumblr post: the photo features an American McDonald's cup with a flat cop, with a thin line that dips into the plastic before becoming flat againALT
cropped screenshot of a youtube video featuring an Australian McDonald's cup. the top of the cup goes into a dip throughout most of the surface area that then comes back up around a small radius surrounding the straw hole.ALT

3. The photo in your header is located in neither America, Turkey, nor Australia: this is Brewster Park in Enniskillen, Ireland. When you reverse google search that photo, you get multiple results of the same stadium in Ireland with an uncanny resemblance to the one in your photo. You apparently have no money for rent, food, or bills, & allegedly might be homeless, but you had money to visit a stadium in Ireland?

screenshot of a News headline from Sportslife with a photo of a stadium in Ireland. the text reads, "Supporters look on during the Allianz Football League between Fermanagh and Longford at Brewster Park in Enniskillen Fermanagh". the stadium is remarkable similar as the photo stacked comparatively to the left with the same trees on the same sides, and two giant lights behind bleachers.ALT

For another thing, you're changing up your story. The user @/jet-apologistmybadhomies asked if you have a gofundme, to which you replied "it's not available where I live".

screenshot of the replies of the blog lifekeepsuseful's post. user jet-apologistmybadhomies asks whether lifekeepsusful has a gofundme available to donate to.ALT
screenshot of lifekeepsuseful replying to user jet-apologistmybadhomies on the question of whether they have a gofundme. the text reads: "Hey unfortunately it's not available where I live"ALT

But you claim to live in Australia... Australia is on the list of countries that support & allow the usage gofundme lol. And the American cup can't explain you living in America either, because gofundme is available in America too!

Then later you changed up your story and said "actually I'm not eligible to create one". "Gofundme isn't available where I live" and "I'm not eligible to create a gofundme" are two WILDLY, completely different answers LMFAO. Why even mention where you live if you actually meant to say that you just happen to not be able to create one, and your location had nothing to do with it? This is backpeddling & lying. (Note that the screenshots above were taken closer to a point in time the replies were posted than the one below)

screenshot of lifeissusful replying to the question on whether they have a gofundme. the text reads: "I mean I am not eligible to create one"ALT

And lastly, instead of providing any proof youre not a scammer, addressing any of the allegations against you, simply explaining the situation like a normal person, instead you turned off the reblogs of your "donation post" & limited the replies so that people wouldn't see the callout (which is run of the mill scammer tactics we've seen time & time again)

So to recap they exhibit the following suspicious behaviors typical of tumblr scammers

  • New blog suddenly asking for money (red flag)
  • Backdating posts to make blog appear older & more trustworthy (HUGE red flag)
  • Inconsistent information (alleged location, photos stolen from multiple sources, backpeddling on story)
  • Blocking scam busters & sending hate mail in response to being called out
  • Changing url after proof & information is presented that they could be lying or scamming (HUGE red flag)
  • Turning off reblogs & replies so that people can't see the proof that they could be lying & scamming

So yeah this person is a liar & a scammer lol