
Welcome i guess, take a seat

@they-hermes / they-hermes.tumblr.com

as a wise man once said, eat shit | call me hermes | xe/xem spark/sparks lux/lyr they/them | DNI if you're proshit or a terf im so serious

i havent made n actual introduction post so hi! my names are hermes and mercutio, feel free to call me one or the other! im 18 and i make art a lot cause im an aspiring comic artist

my pronouns are xe/xer, they/them, lux/lyr and spark/sparks

i have a lotta interests but mainly im focused on transformers! i also like warrior cats, tmnt, sonic the hedgehog and more i wont list.

my art tag is hermes art and my requests r open, so feel free to ask anything tho i wont guarantee i will draw it

my ramblings r under merc mumbling

DNI terfs and proshippers.

thats all. thank u


I can't help it every time I think about the Voyager Golden Record I start to tear up. We sent into space the things we loved the most about our world. Sounds of the ocean, the wind, friendly greetings, the voice of a child. I hope that when it reaches someone, whoever it is, they know that we are here and that we love



“I hope that when it reaches someone, whoever it is, they know that we are here and that we love” get fucking pranked it reached Tyrannosaurus Megatron and he wants our goddamn energon


I can't help it every time I think about the Voyager Golden Record I start to tear up. We sent into space the things we loved the most about our world. Sounds of the ocean, the wind, friendly greetings, the voice of a child. I hope that when it reaches someone, whoever it is, they know that we are here and that we love



“I hope that when it reaches someone, whoever it is, they know that we are here and that we love” get fucking pranked it reached Tyrannosaurus Megatron and he wants our goddamn energon


I think I've reached my last nerve with how TF fans treat Jazz on here and on AO3, and I feel the need to rant about it. Obligatory "not all Jazz fans" and "not all JazzProwl fans" disclaimer here... if this doesn't sound like it's describing the content you make or enjoy, then it's not. Honestly, I don't think this angry rant is going to convince anybody of anything, but I'm posting it because I want to make it clear that people see this and are aware it's racist.

Never let it be said that racism isn't thriving in the TF fandom on Tumblr and AO3, because so much Jazz fan content is the most blatantly racist shit. And it's nowhere near as bad on other sites that people here usually claim are more racist—I've never seen what I'm about to describe on r/transformers, for example. TF fans on here often claim to love Jazz so much and say he's one of the best, most unhateable TF characters along with Soundwave, but do they ACTUALLY love Jazz?

@puraiuddo Thank you for saying my post is helpful. Also, hey! I am willing to talk about this and make some suggestions! First, I want to underline that despite my angry tone, this issue is mostly fandom-specific. Like, Jazz is in the successful Skybound comics right now and will hopefully continue to get more exploration as they go on (please, I hope so bad). Also, maybe this is just blatantly obvious, but I feel like I should probably say it anyway: fans should read literature by Black writers and other authors of color and really engage with those works, and also, since I'm talking about Jazz here, what about listening to Black artists' music from like the decades spanning from the 30s to the 80s? I think that these actions may slowly lessen these issues automatically.

But anyway, I do think I know what you're talking about, which is something I have seen before, where fans feature Jazz in their work but he is essentially just a cool guest star with no depth and no focus on him (sadly I think I've seen canon media also do this). I've also seen a really annoying trend where the fan creators who are like, "Decepticons should be the main characters and are oppressed by the Autobots" clearly have no clue what to do when it comes to heroic, Black-coded characters like Jazz and Blaster, heroic Asian-coded ones like Windblade etc. Sometimes they are vilified, sometimes they're made very sympathetic to Decepticons despite being Autobots and it doesn't make them look like their ideals are very strong, and sometimes they are shunted into the background or are just never addressed.

Some things that might help with fans' portrayals of Jazz under the cut:


So, to begin, I thoroughly agree with people doing some amount of research into topics they're unfamiliar with before they slap something on a page, call it a day, and then get offended when they're corrected.

This bit, however, was sorta what I meant in terms of helpful tips on how to write topics properly instead of avoid them:

"Also, if the things I describe don't sound interesting enough to explore to fans who want to create content about Jazz, well, maybe he isn't the character they ought to be interested in?"

Because while I agree that some people unequivocally twist characters unrecognizably to fit more neatly into certain plot lines (and I loathe it, and I've made a more than a few posts myself about it and actually about Jazz specifically) I guess I'm trying to dial in on where it crosses from "something that bothers me personally" to "something I would definitely consider racist."

Because as wildly infuriating as mischaracterization is, it's also not something specific to Jazz? After all, the essence of fanfic/fandom usually is to place characters in unusual (oftentimes skeevy) circumstances and convey how they would react—and some people just don't do it well as a general principle.

Though I do agree wholeheartedly that if you don’t much look at canon and to alternative character interpretations then you have no chance of avoiding being a (progressively more inaccurate) echo chamber. So I suppose to clarify, is it more the fact that you feel people are relying on ingrained stereotypes already established in place of canon characterization? Or that some concepts/tropes are almost impossible to avoid being racist with as a general principle? Both?

Because I guess I'm just a little concerned about running the risk of "diverting from this specific interpretation is problematic", because I don't think there's any way for anyone to win in that scenario.

Because while I definitely agree with your general/core evaluation of Jazz's character, I do disagree with just the one portion of it. A portion which seems to be something that you were uncomfortable with? I don't think that the fandom's fascination with Jazz having a ~dark side~ or experiencing some type of ideological crisis is actually unwarranted from a canon perspective (e.g. Robots in Disguise #31-32 (2012) and All Hail Megatron).

Unfortunately, I think our difference in opinion is in large part due to the nature of long running comics with various authors: the characterization is not consistent.

In other words, I guess my main area of concern (outside of avoiding core mischaracterization) is how to avoid falling into the trap of perhaps relying on stereotypes in order to accommodate tropes* that themselves are not the problem (and will honestly never go away) and could be handled respectfully. (*I mean like Fantasy AU, Decepticon AU, No War AU, etc...)

So are there any (edgy or not) topics you feel could be written about if only handled properly?

ex. (1) Jazz being a lazy, work-shirker is obviously a no-go, but do you consider him being playful and the "morale officer" (as I've seen it put sometimes given his always-cool-under-pressure personality) to be racist, just personally dislike it, or think it's fine?

(2) Do you have a problem with Jazz having a "dark side" at all, or does it just bother you if it's portrayed in a "ignorant until shown the error of his ways and reformed" way? Same with a "dark past"? More nuanced?

(3) Unintelligible dialogue unique to Jazz is obv racist, but do you also feel as though (if that proper research is done) incorporating some AAVE is appropriate?

(3) Are there other general things that you think just can't be handled appropriately regardless of circumstances? Or maybe that just shouldn't be handled by a non-black writer?

And fyi these questions are open to anyone who wants to chime in as well!

Thank you again for taking the time to make this post and chat!

Just to make this clear: I'm Asian and not Black, and it's the opinions of Black fans that should be heard most. But then again, it's unfair to expect the fans most hurt by this racist shit to always chime in and have a conversation and so on and to never see anyone else speaking up. Note that what I'll say are my interpretations and I know other people will have their own opinions:

I've read most of the IDW comics and I am not a fan. That being said, I actually thought the way Shane McCarthy characterized Jazz in All Hail Megatron? Was fine! I know that may surprise some people given that it's the comic people usually point to when they talk about "edgy Jazz" but if you look at Jazz in that comic, yes, he is hiding things, including from the majority of the troops. Yes, he is melancholy. He's skilled at fighting (as he's always been in everything). He does seem to have a reputation for doing potentially unethical things in the name of the cause. But he's also trying so hard to keep things together and be compassionate and keep people's hope alive. I mean, the Spotlight: Jazz I mention fits neatly into this story, and continues that theme, too. A thing about All Hail Megatron is that—flaws aside, it's pretty stupid IMO—much of it focuses on what things would be like if it seemed that the Decepticons had a total victory, and how the Autobots might react to that. This situation is grim and seems hopeless. Of course everyone, including Jazz—actually, especially Jazz, because he was Autobot leader at the beginning and clearly struggled with it!—would be struggling and have to make hard decisions in this context.

...Also, anything even potentially questionable done by Jazz was eclipsed by shit like Ironhide nearly beating Mirage to death. Okay? Okay lol


I think I've reached my last nerve with how TF fans treat Jazz on here and on AO3, and I feel the need to rant about it. Obligatory "not all Jazz fans" and "not all JazzProwl fans" disclaimer here... if this doesn't sound like it's describing the content you make or enjoy, then it's not. Honestly, I don't think this angry rant is going to convince anybody of anything, but I'm posting it because I want to make it clear that people see this and are aware it's racist.

Never let it be said that racism isn't thriving in the TF fandom on Tumblr and AO3, because so much Jazz fan content is the most blatantly racist shit. And it's nowhere near as bad on other sites that people here usually claim are more racist—I've never seen what I'm about to describe on r/transformers, for example. TF fans on here often claim to love Jazz so much and say he's one of the best, most unhateable TF characters along with Soundwave, but do they ACTUALLY love Jazz?



Hellooo it's that time of month again. I need to make $120 by the 20th for my insurance, & $222 by the 28th for utilities. I also have to get a stool sample from my tortoise checked soon bc he's been sick w worms, idk how much that'll cost but I'm hoping under $100.

Linking my comm info below, also my ko-fi where I take requests! & some examples of my work. Art is my only source of income so business is super appreciated. ty for reading & sharing

Need about $100 in 2 days!! It's also incredibly important that I get my tortoise more dewormer medication soon bc if he's still on it when he goes into brumation in August he could die (bc it compromises his immune system). He means the world to me I want him to get better. Reblogs & commissions would mean a lot to me rn

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