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    If Impactor was uncensored, this was the energy lol

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    This is a very weird question, but where did Arcee’s pink gun first appear? Cause I think I have a vague memory of her with a pink gun in G1 (season 3?) but I dont know if it’s real or even the first time it was shown lol

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    Yes, she had one in season 3! I think it debuted in “Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1” and not in the movie (I think she just had her grey blaster pistol there), though I may be wrong. This gun is 100% real because that’s the one I was thinking of when I chose this URL lol

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    From The Transformers (US) #78

    Underappreciated detail: apparently the Decepticons decide which places to conquer and colonize by randomly stabbing a map without looking LMAO

  • miketmt:
  • ドット

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    No negativity, just interesting. Why is jazz considered black? English is not my native language, and in most cases I read/watch "Transformers" in translation (Google Translate, dubbed voiceover or other). And in the process of translation, context and details are often lost. I'm used to the fact that Jazz is depicted as black in the fanart of humanization, but what exactly indicates this in the canon?

  • I can see how this wouldn’t be as obvious in other languages since many of these references have to do with Black culture in the USA.

    • Jazz is a musical style heavily associated with Black musicians
    • He was most famously voiced by Black voice actors—notably his voice actor in the Sunbow cartoon, Scatman Crothers, was cast with no audition because the voice director thought that he was perfect
    • He uses a lot of terms and phrases from AAVE (African-American Vernacular English) when he speaks, usually ones that originate from the 40s-50s

    If you look at his G1 comics bio, even in just the first paragraph, many things stand out:

    Jazz would be cruising down Bourbon Street in New Orleans or be double-parked outside a cellar club in Greenwich Village soaking up the local sounds if he weren’t in the middle of a war. He’s a confirmed Earthen culture junkie - he can talk fluently about ballet or break-dancing (although he prefers the latter), and he’s always on the lookout for more stuff to turn on to.

    New Orleans and Greenwich Village are both places super important to Black history in the USA, the links lead to very basic introductory resources explaining some of the reasons why. Also, this bio mentions that Jazz prefers breakdancing. I’ve linked the Wikipedia page for the art that gives an overview of the African origins of breakdancing, its link to hip-hop, the Black artists who developed breakdancing, and so on.

  • Hey there! Can someone tell me stuff about Jazz from Transformers? Like, absolutely anything you want. Any Jazz from any continuity. IDW, name it!

    (I'm writing him in my continuity but I don't really have a lot on what he's like...also I know his inaccurate and bad portrayals by parts of the fandom.)

  • I love Jazz! From the beginning of G1, he's been creative, adaptable, and highly skilled. He loves Earth culture, especially music and dance. He's sometimes in a command position, or the guy Optimus Prime goes to when he needs someone who can improvise. He can sometimes get distracted by interesting cultural details when on missions, and he's not that physically powerful, but he makes up for it with skill and style. Early in the Sunbow cartoon, he gets big speakers installed which he uses to play music and distract his enemies.


    Jazz is especially known for being voiced by Scatman Crothers in the Sunbow cartoon, who gave a very memorable performance. Also on the topic of his voice, the terms Jazz often uses when he speaks make him sound like he stepped right out of a 40s or 50s jazz club!

    I could go on and on about Jazz in G1. What I think would be best is just looking at canon media that showcases his character well. The problem with Jazz is that he very rarely has a story completely focus on him. Instead, he gets a lot of great moments just sprinkled throughout a larger story. So, below the cut, I've given my suggestions:

    Keep reading

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    I really enjoyed your suggestions of how to handle Jazz and his relationships. I was wondering if you had any insight into his rivalries both canon and fanon? I personally struggle with giving him a Decepticon antagonist, probably I never really connected with Jazz vs Soundwave (nor do I put much weight to Blaster and Soundwave's rivalry)

  • Thanks! This is a fun question. I think not every major Autobot or Decepticon needs a direct rival/parallel on the Decepticon side. Usually Jazz seems to be shown fighting various big-name Decepticons (Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Galvatron, Bludgeon, Thunderwing, and so on), but Jazz really seems to be employed more in certain complicated situations that his skills are useful for. He doesn’t seem to have a specific nemesis. I can see why the rivalry between Blaster and Soundwave isn’t compelling to you, I always felt it seemed pretty forced and doesn’t say that much about either character. While I do think Jazz and Soundwave fighting can be really fun, there’s not intense history there either. I think this adds to the feeling I get there’s often a sort of distance between Jazz and others.

    I guess I should mention Megadeath since I keep bringing up that “The Magnificent Six!” story, and Megadeath was a rare Decepticon antagonist that had to do with Jazz’s story and character, but that’s definitely not a rivalry or nemesis in the way a lot of Autobots have those. He was a storytelling tool to showcase how Jazz reacted to torture, being horribly traumatized, having his first experience with the true horror of war, and having to face his past and gather the courage to talk about what happened. Jazz was also able to defeat him. Huh, now that I say this, actually, I guess Megadeath was a great villain for Jazz? Given that my interpretation is that Jazz’s major flaw is that he doesn’t reveal how he really feels a lot of the time, having a villain who is responsible for Jazz developing that flaw that Jazz has to grow past was really successful!

    I might recommend picking what about Jazz you want to highlight and then picking an antagonist based on that. Since he doesn’t have a specific nemesis, you have freedom! Like using Soundwave might make sense to explore Jazz’s musical ability or how he’s often super competent but not often formally a SIC, but it might not make sense in other situations (which might be part of why you and I don’t feel much about how often that’s done in fanfic). Maybe you want to focus on Jazz’s more academic interest in cultural stuff and he could fight against somebody who wants to destroy it, in more of a small-scale disruptive way like Rumble or Runabout and Runamuck, or in a more large-scale and serious way like Megatron. Maybe you want to explore Jazz’s thoughts on organic beings and he could fight against somebody who hunts other species like Airachnid. Maybe you want to focus on Jazz’s ability to improvise and choose a Decepticon who sucks at improvising like Shockwave… or one who’s also good at it, like Starscream.

  • A scan of Transformers character Galvatron. He is a bulky robot with bright red accents, including his eyes, and a three-pronged helmet like a crown. The scan is tinted a dark orange that turns an ochre color around the image's edges as if in an intense inferno, like an oven.  He is leaning over with his hands clenched, mouth open in a roar. He screams "No, never! NEVER!!"ALT
    A profile shot of Galvatron screaming dramatically to the sky. The orange tint forms a gradient, becoming darker at the bottom as if he is rising from a pit of darkness.  He bellows "You can peel off my armor and use my cables to hang me over a Sharkticon pit!"ALT
    A waist-up shot of Galvatron thrusting his fists upwards. He is surrounded entirely by ochre, him and his speech bubble being the only bright orange in the image.  He dramatically declares "And I would never give in!"ALT
    An almost entirely black and white shot of Transformers character Cyclonus, in jet mode. The same orange tint from previous panels is revealed to be the result of his tinted windows, not intense mood lighting.  Cyclonus' alt mode is anthropomorphized, the two foremost windows forming expressive eyes. He is also sweating bullets and looking concerned. A small Galvatron can be seen sitting inside him, through one of the other windows, looking angry.  "...Sir, for the last time, PLEASE put on your seatbelt..." he meekly responds.ALT
    A return to an orange-tinted internal shot of Galvatron sitting in the pilot seat, slamming his fist over and over onto the arm of the chair.  He yells "You're damn right it's the last time, because my answer is still NO!"  He strikes the arm with three WHAM SFX, as Cyclonus quietly winces with each hit.ALT
    A shot of jet mode Cyclonus, still sweating nervously. His "eyes" are still upset and concerned.  "But Lord Galvatron, space travel is intense, and it is recommended you wear at least three belts—" he tries to explain.  To the right is a diagram similar to airplane instructions, with a generic figure meant to represent a Transformer, with the Decepticon insignia as its face. It is happily sitting in Cyclonus' pilot seat, with one Y-shaped belt that goes over the shoulders and between the legs, a second belt that goes around the waist, and a third that spans across the thighs.ALT
    Panel 1: External shot of jet Cyclonus. Galvatron walks up to the window serving as Cyclonus' anthropomorphized eye and slams his hands against it angrily. Cyclonus widens it in surprise. Galvatron snaps "Are you disobeying a direct order?"  Panel 2: Galvatron sits back down and scowls, still visible through the window. Cyclonus relents with tired looking eyes. he sighs and says "No, mighty Galvatron..."ALT
    An internal shot with orange tint, dark ochre gradient at all edges.   Galvatron visibly stews in his seat, electricity zapping around his helm.  A palette-breaking white speech bubble from Cyclonus sits in the top right corner. He says "Not even... ONE seatbelt, my lord?"  Galvatron doesn't even respond.ALT
    A far away almost-entirely black and white external shot of Cyclonus in jet form, big window eyes and still sweating.  "I mean, lift off in T-minus 5..." he relents.ALT
    The caption "LATER..." sits in the top left.  Black and white transformer characters Cyclonus (jet form) and Silverbolt (humanoid) on top of a black and blue space background.  Cyclonus flies by with crimson red flames as Silverbolt, with yellow-orange flames, begins to shoot at him.  Silverbolt yells at Cyclonus "You there! This is Autobot airspace!", then calls his team, the Aerialbots, saying "Aerialbots! Assume swarm formation and tail 'em!"ALT
    Cyclonus (jet form) being chased and shot at by the transformed Aerialbots on top of a black and blue space background. Periwinkle and lavender asteroids surround them all.  Cyclonus twirls around to avoid asteroids and lasers, showing the belly of his alt mode and braiding his crimson flames. The five Autobots, at varying distances and angles, shoot at him with yellow-orange laser blasts.  Silverbolt yells to his team "He's heading into an asteroid field!" and "Don't lose him!"ALT
    Orange-tinted internal shot of Galvatron being tossed around the cockpit wildly, from the ceiling, to each side and back. SFXs like BONK, CLANG, CLATTER and CRASH punctuate the impacts and him sliding across the floor.  As he shrieks, he screams "YOU'RE DOING THIS ON PURPOSE!", the O in "purpose" being dragged out.  A purple-tinted insert of Cyclonus' real face is on the left, showing his upset, embarrassed, and devastated expression.  He exclaims "I'M REALLY NOT!"ALT

    bringing only my most groundbreaking headcanons to the table: Galvatron does not wear his seatbelt

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    Mo’s lunchbox has a little Elita-1 sticker on it?! Now I just love her even more! I think the other sticker could be Megatron but to be honest it’s really hard to tell

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