


slytherin | swiftie | hoh
james kinnie <3

Intro <3

Howdy hey, I’m Duck! I use she/he pronouns and I’m literally a James Potter reincarnate I swear.

I try to post two things every Wednesday, but I’m just a girl so sometimes I mess up 🙏

I’m so far into the marauders era guys it’s my biggest hyperfixation :p

Uhhhh idk what else to say, idk what goes on these things, but bye bye!!


'you never read anymore, you used to love reading' and i have 200 safari tabs open. it never stopped it just got weird

Literally me. My ma asked why I never read books anymore and I was like 🧍‍♀️


in honour of pride month, im starting a tag game! if you feel comfortable, share your labels and what they mean! if you dont label yourself/dont know the correct labels for yourself, you can just describe yourself instead :)

its important for us in the lgbtqia+ community to remember that, while a lot of us just sit under the 'gay' or 'queer' umbrella when talking about ourselves, many of us use labels that are more precise, but feel we cant share our full selves with others because its 'too much' or 'too confusing'. yknow that tiktok sound where one person describes a long complicated coffee and the other just says 'tea'? share your complicated coffee!! be your full selves!

to start us off, im abrosexual and genderfluid (flags in my pfp)! i use they/she/he pronouns. abrosexuality is a fluidity of sexuality, which in my case means that my sexuality fluctuates in tandem with my gender. so, when im feeling more fem/genderless, i only really find myself romantically attracted to non-men, but on more masc days i might have some romantic attraction to someone of any gender. some days, i have no romantic attraction at all, no matter what my gender presents as. my sexual attraction fluctuates too, but less in relation to my gender identity. it also holds no correlation to my romantic attraction.

reblog and tag to share!! np tags: @my-castles-crumbling @starmanbutitsregulusblack @siriuslygay1981 @icarus-last-fall and an open tag!! if you see this, youre officially invited to share!! no matter what your sexuality/gender identity is, this is a safe place to share it! <33

Thanks for the tag!

I'm cas :D

I'm genderfluid, though I also use the terms "nonbinary" and "trans" as well! I use they, she, and he for pronouns! (I mostly like it when people use they/them and then switch up gendered terms, but I'm not too picky).

For sexuality, I kind of bounce back and forth between queer and pan, because I'm not completely sure about the pan thing! I also identify as demisexual!

Anyone who wants to reblog can!

Hey, hey, hey! Im gonna hop in :p

I’m Duck :D

I’m not sure what I am gender-wise. I’ve been struggling with it for quite a few years now. I’ve been exploring with non-binary and genderfluid, but I’m not sure what feels right. But that’s okay. For now I guess I’m a female ^^’

Sexuality-wise, I’m pansexual! I’ve also been exploring with aroace a lot lately, but I’m not sure about that as well >.<‘

Maybe I’ll never fully figure out what I identity as for either things, but I’m okay with that. If you struggle with those as well, take your time! And, you never have to label yourself if you don’t want to :)

Happy pride, y’all!

no pressure tags :3


At Jily's wedding:

Church: If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Evan: LILY.

*Regulus and Dorcas trying to hold Evan back while Barty is laughing*

Lily: For the last time, Evan, I understand you want to be called Evan Evans. But that is not a valid reason to interrupt my wedding!!!


I was here when this happened


Big fan of the James is colorblind headcanon

Like, yes, he mixes up his and Regulus’ ties all the time. But also he has no idea which first years are in his house. When he’s headboy he constantly gives and takes away points from the wrong houses.

He found out he was colorblind during a quidditch match when he passed the ball to the wrong team.

Wait guys I actually love this


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