
Everything you lose is a step you take.


I blame @beautyoftheships and @starchasersunseeker for my poor choices

📝🦊Cas🏳‍🌈🎵 (New Pinned Post)

they/them/she/he - queer - married

This is a safe space- I'm always here to help <3

  • Age: Over 21
  • Fandoms: Marauders with a side of drarry.
  • Ships: Jegulus, Jegulily, wolfstar, rosekiller, pandalily, dorlene, drarry.
  • Music: Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, Olivia Rodrigo, Lana Del Ray. Hozier
  • AO3: my_castlescrumbling
  • Writing: Requests open!

Please do not post any of my work on fanfiction.net/wattpad. I welcome collaboration and translation with permission. I do not support the use of AI in fanfiction/fanart.

Below the cut:

  • My ao3 Fics
  • My Microfics
  • Fic Recs
  • Request/reading boundaries
  • Advice/ask boundaries
  • LGBTQIA+ resources
  • Writing tips
  • Song covers


release - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 217

"Are you mad, Reggie?" James grinned a salacious grin, his back pinned against the wall as he arched his neck away from the wand digging into the golden column of skin.

"Potter I swear to Merlin if you don't shut up," Regulus growled, stepping even closer, pressing his wand more firmly into James's neck.

But it was no use. Because James liked this. Got off on the feeling of being pressed to the wall by Regulus, the heat of the other boy's body seeping into his skin. He teased him relentlessly just to push him to this point, so they both were pressed together in some deserted corridor, the thin stick of wood pressed against James's windpipe.

And Regulus? He lived for it, too.

He never would admit it, but James lit a fire in him that nobody else did. So even as he panted, pressing his chest against the taller boy, he felt like melting, the scent of James overpowering his nostrils, the intensity of the moment almost making him lean forward to claim James's lips with his own.

"If I release you," Regulus murmured, allowing his breath to fan over James's face, "will you leave me alone?"

But James just smirked at him, answering so quickly that Regulus didn't have time to question him. "Never."


release - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 161

Potter must have had a death wish.

That was the only explanation for why he had just slid onto the bench next to Regulus and grabbed his hand.

"Release me at once, Potter," Regulus murmured our of the side of his mouth, trying to ignore the way Barty and Evan were both gaping at him.

But James just grinned at him, picking up a fork serving himself food one-handed. "No."

"No?" Regulus repeated, almost shaking with anger. "Why-?"

But James turned to him, his expression so adoring and genuine that it almost took Regulus's breath away. "I like you, Regulus. And I'm tired of hiding with you in abandoned classrooms and secret passages. So no. I won't stop holding your hand. Unless you feel differently than I do?" And he raised his eyebrow challengingly at the younger boy.

And Regulus could only huff, resisting the urge to melt, and start to try to figure out how to eat his potatoes one-handed.

Anonymous asked:

Because I’m from Wales (idk how it works in other places) I have 6 weeks left of school then 6 weeks off then back in school

Wow! Do you like having school like that or no? Do you have longer breaks throughout the year?

Anonymous asked:

Hi Cas!!!

I'm pretty new to tumblr but I've been really confused.

I have known for a while now that I'm bi and I really want to come out to my friends cause they're really nice but few days ago I asked them if they support lgbtq and most of them were like 'yea sure' but few were like 'not really'. They are really sweet friends and caring too but I'm so afraid they won't take it well cause I really don't want to lose them. I also live in the same society as them so if word gets out, it might reach my parents. And my mom is supportive (tho i havent told yet) but I don't know about my dad. I planned on coming out when I go to college but since few months I've been thinking of atleast coming out to my mom (she'll definitely accept me). This is honestly really conflicting for me. I'm really scared about losing friends though.

Btw your writing is sooo good. I absolutely love the stories u write. Especially jegulusss.

ps. Pls give me a anon name tooo

Hi hon!

I guess my question is....you say these friends are nice and sweet, but ARE they if they don't accept a whole group of people who aren't hurting anyone? To me, those aren't the friends to have.

I agree that it might not be safe to come out to them (your mom sounds safe though!) but if these aren't safe people....then they aren't safe people. Period.

Also, I'm so sorry that your friends are like this <3 it's a horrible feeling.

Naming you corn anon!


Clandestine- Part 2, Chapter 11

Fic: Clandestine Pairing: Jegulus slowburn Tags: Trans! Reg Rating: M Length: 75k (WIP) Chapter snippet:

It got worse from there. Potter was everywhere , constantly making Regulus jump with his unannounced presence in…well, in his own home. Regulus knew, logically, that he was being a bit unfair, but for some reason, he couldn’t stand being near the other boy. Seeing him smile, feeling the way it made his stomach go oddly light, was infuriating . Watching him walk around in nothing but shorts and a t-shirt, his hair mussed and his skin extra-tan from the sun….it made Regulus’s palms sweat. Which was gross, so he tried to stay away. 

Anonymous asked:

hi cas!!

i’ve asked for advice about other stuff before (don’t have an anon name though) and i thought i’d ask for more because i don’t know if i can myself to anyone i know about it.

so i’ve been dating my girlfriend for almost a month (we were in sort of a situationship for a month before that). my friend told me early on that she’s pretty clingy and that people have left her for it in the past and i thought it wouldn’t be a big deal. ha. so the issue

i’m afraid that she loves me more than i love her. it’s just like. she always around and so touchy and i don’t mind that much but i find myself also like avoiding her sometimes. and like. i want to be with her and be her girlfriend and stuff. i think. and this is my first relationship, she’s my first kiss, but i’m just not sure. and i’m afraid of what that means and i’m afraid to hurt her. and i just don’t know what to say or anything.

i’m also nervous because like i’m not out as non-binary lesbian to most of my family and i’m just. i don’t know. this is just so much and it’s new for me and i don’t know what to do.

Hi hon!

i think that it's something really important to learn in a relationship to set boundaries. meaning, it's okay to say "hey, I need some space right now. it doesn't mean I don't care, I just need some me time." if you can't do that, the relationship won't go anywhere, you know? So that might be something to try.

Also, it sounds like you're overwhelmed. Just a reminder that you don't have to be in a relationship. if it's not working for you anymore, you're allowed to say so, and that's a respectable and mature thing to do as well <3

Either way, this is a moment where you can learn about communicating in relationships (it's scary, it sucks, but it's worth it!)

Naming you squash anon!


Jegulus - (based on an anonymous request for insecure!James) - requests open!

James tried to ignore the feeling in his gut, bit it kept coming back like a bludger, taking his breath away over and over. He knew he was being stupid...girls hit on him all the time after winning Quidditch Games and in the six months they'd been dating, Regulus had never once got upset.

But last night...at that party...seeing that boy so close to Regulus...

He was being stupid. Regulus had obviously turned the boy down. But now James couldn't get the image out of his brain.

"James, what's wrong?" Regulus asked as they lay together in James's bed, hands interlock. "You're cutting off my circulation."

"Oh! Sorry!" James apologized, quickly letting go of Regulus's hand and sitting up while scrubbing at his face. "I just..."

But Regulus, who look deeply concerned, sat up too. "Did someone hurt you?" His eyes flashed rather threateningly at that, like he was ready to fight.

"No!" James shook his head quickly. "I just...you like me, right? Like...you don't want to be with someone...else?" It felt stupid to say aloud, but he also felt a sense of relief as he asked, the weight of the worry melting off of him.

Regulus, of course, looked shocked. "What?"

"I just...that boy was...he wanted to- to kiss you, or something. Did you want to?" James asked, fiddling with the sheet.

The shorter boy took a deep breath, pinching his eyebrows together. "James...I- I love you, you complete idiot. Why else would I be in your bed?"

"Oh," James murmured, fighting back a grin. "Well. I was supposed to say that first."

"Well, now I'm waiting for you to say it second," Regulus retorted, a smile pulling at his lips.

"Fuck, I love you."


tied - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 212 - NSFW but not explicit

A knock startled Barty from his process, causing him to turn, grumbling, towards the door.

"What is it?" He asked quickly, annoyed and flushed, as he opened it a crack and pushed his head through to find Pandora standing there.

"Let me talk to my brother," she demanded, crossing her arms, her narrowed eyes starring daggers into Barty's soul.

"He's...a bit tied up at the mo'," Barty answered lightly, trying not to shrink under Pandora's glare.

"Is he?" She asked. "With what?"

"Er. Shaving," Barty replied, internally wincing at the poor excuse. Though Pandora was so good at telling when he was lying, she probably would have known either way.

"Shaving." Pandora deadpanned, her expression vague. "Right. Well. Tell him I'm looking for him, then."

"Will do, Pan!" Barty nodded eagerly, pulling his head back through and turning around to face his bed.

"Shaving?" Evan repeated, his face twisted with shock and humor even as he lay stretched across the bed, twisted and tied in ropes. "All the excuses in the world, and you went with-"

But Barty was quite past embarrassment. He crawled over the bed, straddling Evan's chest, and pulled the other boy into a searing kiss, murmuring, "Quiet. I'm not done with you."

And instantly, Evan stilled, his pupils going dark.


attraction - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 257

"You can't deny the attraction between us," James murmured into the silence, stepping closer to Regulus and gently grabbing his jaw. "We've been dancing around this for way too long, love."

Trying not to gape at the confession, Regulus rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about," he whispered, wishing his voice was stronger. "We're just friends."

"Friends?" James repeated, his eyes full of passion and adoration. "God, you have no idea, do you? No idea what you do to me? Fuck, I've been crazy about you for ages!" His hands moved to Regulus's hips, pulling their bodies together, drawing a gasp from the shorter man.

Their bodies felt so perfect together, so right, and Regulus did everything in his power to keep himself calm as the air around him became heavy and hot. God, he wanted this. He wanted James so badly. He wanted to crash their lips together and let go of his resolve, to just be with James, in every sense of the word.

But before he could, a voice shouted through his thoughts.

"CUT! Reset!"

And he blinked, coming back to reality, as chaos erupted around him, the cast and crew on set moving from where they were all frozen, watching Regulus and James in their moment.

James pulled away, blinking a bit, and smiled at Regulus. "Good scene, Reg. Fuck, you're an amazing actor," the taller man commented before returning to his staring place, turning his back on Regulus.

But Regulus wasn't acting.

Because everything he'd been feeling was real.


wilted - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 176

"Pads, what the hell's that?" James asked, pointing at a slightly-wilted flower that sat on Sirius's bedside table, shoved between a textbook and a pile of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum wrappers.

"Erm..." Sirius muttered, trying to come up with an explanation.

But Remus, who was sitting nearby, smiled to himself. Because he knew it was the flower that he'd plucked out of the ground in the forest last night as he and Sirius had run along the path, after stopping for Remus to press Sirius against a tree for a long, knee-melting, mind-blowing kiss.

"For you," he'd murmured, a blush coloring his face as he handed the flower shyly to the other boy, who took it with a pleased grin and placed it in the bun in his hair.

"Did a girl give it to you?" James questioned, pulling Remus back to reality.

And Remus wouldn't have blamed Sirius for lying and saying yes. They were a secret after all.

But instead, the other boy smiled softly and shook his head. "No. Someone much more important."

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