
Stop tagging me to fight your arguments for you.

@takashi0 / takashi0.tumblr.com

And also don't harass people in arguments. You know better than that.
Anonymous asked:

kill yourself retard nazi

Love thy neighbor, my hollow-hearted, hollow-headed communist friend.


Love how Christianity, the thing that says we should voluntarily do what socialists want to force everyone to do and love everybody, is being compared to nazism.

I swear the people who use the term for damn near anyone nowadays just have no idea what a nazi is or believes in. Not that they'd take the time to find out beyond the surface level.

These are the people who would have gotten along okay in a world dominated by Christianity, but who would have jumped at the chance to join a witch-hunting mob at the word of any priest who wanted a perceived threat DESTROYED.

If saner heads in the congregation protested the presumption of guilt without a proper trial, these sorts probably would have accused them of harboring witches.


howdy pardner

since a lot of yall liked the idea of cowboy nightwing

throws these out for good measure

freaky wip photo


helpful sites for writers

i have a little collection of websites i tend to use for coming up with ideas, naming people or places, keeping clear visuals or logistics, writing basics about places i've never been to, and so on. i tend to do a lot of research, but sometimes you just need quick references, right? so i thought i'd share some of them!

  • Behind the Name; good for name meanings but also just random name ideas, regardless of meanings.
  • Fantasy Name Generator; this link goes to the town name generator, which i use most, but there are lots of silly/fun/good inspo generators on there!
  • Age Calculator; for remembering how old characters are in Y month in Z year. i use this constantly.
  • Height Comparison; i love this for the height visuals; does character A come up to character B's shoulder? are they a head taller? what does that look like, height-wise? the chart feature is great!
  • Child Development Guide; what can a (neurotypical, average) 5-year-old do at that age? this is a super handy quickguide for that, with the obviously huge caveat that children develop at different paces and this is not comprehensive or accurate for every child ever. i like it as a starting point, though!
  • Weather Spark; good for average temperatures and weather checking!
  • Green's Dictionary of Slang; good for looking up "would x say this?" or "what does this phrase mean in this context?" i love the timeline because it shows when the phrase was historically in use. this is english only, though; i dig a little harder for resources like this in other languages.

He doesn't have the authority to do that, kinda like when he said he could forgive federal student debt.

DNC members of congress knew that student loan thing too, but instead of working on taking care of that, which is their job, they sat on it in the hopes it would get them votes, and when it didn't they sat on it, knowing what was going to happen when president applesauce for brains tried to exceed his authority as president, so they could say well we tried but those evil republicans stopped us.

Because they think their voters are too stupid to know better, and the vote blue no matter who crowd is proving them right.


Well, Blossom and Buttercup are easy to give gods. Buttercup for Khorne, Blossom for Tzeentch.

But. The remaining two for Bubbles and Bunny. I have. No idea.

Maybe. Bunny for Nurgle???

And. Oh god that leaves Bubbles for Slaanesh.

Ah well. That's them and their gods lol.

Twilight for Tzeentch.

Fluttershy for Nurgle.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity for Slaanesh.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash for Khorne.


i was going to respond to a bad post on my dash and debating "this is genuinely bad and harmful" vs "getting into fights online makes me a worse, less compassionate person" and then i remembered i have actual responsibilities and obligations unrelated to posting so:

the idea that men, or people perceived as men, should accept being preemptively treated as sexual predators (and it's an act of oppression for them to resist), is gender essentialism. when it's targeted towards trans people and/or used to paper over the fact that trans people are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of sexual violence than cis people, it's transphobia. this is pretty basic stuff and it's embarrassing to see fellow trans people perpetuating this kind of rhetoric.


It also extends into intersexism. I'm not a man and never have been, but I have a beard and pass as a man easily. I am treated like a predator by half the women in my classroom every day. Defaulting to "men are predators" will harm trans people yes, but also intersex people who aren't trans and aren't men. I don't have to deal with being treated like a predator because people are obsessed with bioessentialism.


Defaulting to "men are predators" also in fact harms men as well.


Did you know that during the Holocaust, there were 'model' ghettos like Theresienstadt, which was brimming with cultural life, and was generally perceived as less horrifying than let's say, Auschwitz? So much so, actually, that foreign delegations were brought to these specific ghettos to see how "well" the Jews were living, in order to continue justifying the Nazi cause. These delegations were also given fabricated statistical data about the ghetto, and they even got to watch a play called Brundibár which was performed by the children's opera there... You know, for light entertainment. Does that make Theresienstadt in any way less of ghetto? Does that make the experience of Jews there less horrifying just because they looked good? That's what the Nazis wanted these delegations to believe.

If your hot take of the day is, ah, look at the Israeli hostages, they look well... Then let this be a lesson in the fact that looks can be deceiving, and Hamas is no less of a maniacal terrorist organization today than it was eight months ago. We might never know the extent of the trauma that these hostages underwent, or the burdens that they will be forced to carry for the rest of their lives, but just because it isn't marked externally doesn't mean that it's not there. This idea that Jews owe you the visibility of their trauma for it to be considered real and valid is just mind-boggling to me. What happened to the hostages in the past eight months, and what continues happening to the remaining 120, will never be acceptable, justifiable, or forgivable.


repeat after me: i am a sexy bitch and no one ruins my 2014

I am a sexy bitch and no one ruins my 2014


*sobbing, wheezing, consumed by The Dread* i am a sexy bitch and *dry cough* no one ruins my 2014


Further proof that ancoms are just statists who wishes they were rebels.

Talk to an ancom long enough and eventually they’ll admit they just hate anyone being more successful than they are and want a system in place to prevent it - usually by theft and violence.

I mean their whole strategy is “form a state first to achieve communism then the State will dissolve itself!”, lol

They are true scum. At best they can be described as stuck in the old ways of anarchy when Goldman was the face of it. But even she realized how fucked everything was when she had to spend time in the Soviet Union. idk if you saw my reblog before this post but basically an '''''''anarchist'''''' was pissed that Chevron deference was overturned. They blocked me when I called them out on their bullshit larp. They're worse than Tankies as far as I'm concerned. At least tankies are honest about their evil intent.


World governments have been ordered to crack down on honey bees as the globalist elites escalate the war on farmers and prepare the groundwork for the devastating global famine that WEF insiders have warned us about.


If our government listens to this from an outside our country agency that's treason. That's our trigger point to get them. Get rid of the agency's that were created by executive order. Agencys not elected by the people or voted on. And arrest those who followed the outside orders hold them for trial. it's time to fix this country by God.....In Jesus name we pray Amen.

I wanted to vet this before sharing it but here's my findings.

The WEF only have tweets praising Bee and their importance on their account. However they have been documented on a number of occasions talking about population culling and making us live in pods and eat bugs. All the while they will still live in luxury eating actual food.

Now here's the thing. I'm the above video they talk about farms and what's going on with farms actually isn't incorrect. Even the US gov has had hands in keeping good expensive by only letting farms sell so much and then telling them to destroy the excess they do plan to use. Now countries are potentially purging bees looking for "mites" that they seem to be not even testing for. Then I look back to Europe and the farmers revolt and yes, this is very much happening.

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