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I'm Arielle, 20, visual instagram: @yellieoh

"You scare me, he said. why, she asked. Because I tell you things I can’t even tell myself."
He said, She said. (via fhauly)
— 3 years ago with 280166 notes


You were addicted to her
like alcohol
every single day
you drank her up.
She was in
your veins
flowed through like blood.
Then you decided
to go sober.

— 3 years ago with 44076 notes


repeat after me: i am a sexy bitch and no one ruins my 2014

Covid-19 be like 👁👄👁

— 3 years ago with 475499 notes
"I only want two things in this world.
I want you.
And I want us."
(via fhauly)
— 3 years ago with 211689 notes


“I fell in love with you. I scraped my knee and broke my heart.”

— Wounds

(via whirlberry)

— 3 years ago with 33 notes

tumblr is still alive????

— 5 years ago with 10 notes


from dawn to dusk: titi mosquera for flesh magazine mexico july 2018

(via clonist)

— 5 years ago with 27089 notes
"1. Always carry earphones with you wherever you go. Nothing better than listening to music while people watching in public transport.
2. As pretentious as it sounds, a cup of tea in the afternoon is always good for you. Hell you don’t have to drink it reading some Bukowski shit or The Great Gatsby. 3. Take good polaroid pictures. Or just take good pictures of objects, strangers, your friends, or yourself.
4. Make art. Create something and give a portion of yourself to it. Show it. Or keep it in a box under you bed. It’s always nice to have something tangible that speaks about you.
5. Try going to places by yourself.Especially coffee shops. There’s just something strangely exciting with being by yourself and acting like you got it all together when deep inside your anxious as fuck on what to order at the counter.
6. Some days you’re going to ace the test but other days you wont. Whatever it is, it doesn’t measure who you are as a person. It’s just a math exam. It won’t matter in 10 years.
7. Don’t feel like going out on a weekend? Then don’t. Go waste your time on something you feel like doing and not what your friends call fun.
8. But also, do not take advantage of the company of good friends. Surround yourself with the people who love you and allow you to be yourself. And people who remind you you’re not as bad as you think you are.
9. It’s okay not to be okay. Those are your feelings and they are valid. You are allowed to be sad and be human but always remember that life is forgiving for the most part.
10. Sleep is the best temporary cure for anything.
11. Go on with whatever you have in your life right now. You are doing so well.
11. Learn. Learn to go on."
How to go on with it by me (via fhauly)
— 5 years ago with 10995 notes

He kept stars in his pockets for every time she was sad, he would pull them out and place constellations in the sky forming promises and I love yous.

“I hope you’re happy,” he said while looking at the night sky.

“I am,” she replied, while looking at him.

(via fhaul)

(via fhaul)

— 5 years ago with 104 notes