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I don't know if polish miniseries Wielka Woda/ Great Water is availble on international netflix, but if it is I recommend it so much! And if you're polish and reading it - go watch it!

It's about the events of the flood of the millenium that in 1997 destroyed one of Poland's biggest cities - Wrocław. It's also not a documentary, so it follows paths of some characters and god damn how well written they are!


Like, drama and flood aside, I am now thinking about Jaśmina and Kuba, and I admire the writers so much for their approach. Jaśmina being the expert fighting patriarchal views but also a woman who decided to cut ties and abandon her child because of an addiction and Kuba being a caring single father and an overall good man while also working in politics are both breaking the stereotypes and gender roles traditionally depicted in film. They both still live and function in the binary culture and it influences their experiences, but it doesn't go with cheap cliches or for example demonising a bad, soulless woman who has to repent for not being a mother.

And the romance? Or rather lack thereof? I LOVED IT. Jesus, how often it is written that when person calls their old love/ex spouse and especially a parent of their child they will have to get together due to faces hardships and gained closure. And it doesn't happen here! They are adults, who work through some issues but they're not. The. Same. People. Anymore! Writers know that! Jaśmina and Kuba are united through their love for Klara, their daughter but they both had already build (or started building) new lives and relationships and it's okay! It's fine! It is healthy and so hopeful.

I loved it.

Go watch Wielka Woda.


On my list, can't wait!

For anyone interested in the "documentary" part of the story, this is an interesting (and scary) watch:


The Astronauts restarted regular posts on their Witchfire development blog last week. The newest post is about how they approached designing the Warning System (the system that warns you when enemies are about to attack from a place that you don't see). Seems pretty interesting and unique to me.

If you've never heard of them they are folks behind The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and they are based in Poland 🇵🇱

If you've never heard of Witchifre, then a picture is worth a thousand words

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