@squimp / squimp.tumblr.com

23...... art blog is @havi-fart

if you are unable to go through this process, you can also donate directly to crips for e-sims for gaza, run by trusted disability justice leaders alice wong and leah lakshmi piepszna-samarasinha and poet jane shi. read their statement on wong's blog, disability visibility project, here

#i've been donating to crips for esims bcus i know personally i can't keep up with topping up #so donating there is also helpful bcus it gives them a pool of funds to keep esims topped up with if u can't afford it urself ^ yes!! very important note!!


happy PRIDE i’m here i’m queer and i believe the land should be given back to the proper indigenous stewards.

Non-Natives reblogging this are great and wonderful


Please remember that "land back" does not mean "indigenous people are mystical elves with innate epigenetic wisdom of land stewardship and they don't belong in big cities," nor does it mean "non-indigenous people can't be farmers." What it DOES mean is that "non-indigenous farmers should be paying the equivalent of property taxes to the native governments their land was stolen from." It means, "there's a great deal of indigenous scholarship on sustainable agricultural practices that farmers should be taking into account, because indigenous agriculture was more advanced than European agriculture at the time Europe invaded the Americas and western agriculture *still* hasn't caught up in terms of figuring out how to produce equivalently high crop yields without compromising the ecosystem." It means, "non-indigenous farmers should be in an intellectual discourse with indigenous agricultural scientists and indigenous peoples that still do traditional farming, figuring how to repair the damage western farming practices have done to the ecosystem."

It also means that indigenous peoples should regain the right to sustain themselves on the land according to the practices they want, and they should have free reign to perform their cultural practices and protect their holy sites, as opposed to the current model where if they try to honor their dead on public lands they get violently removed.


People also get angry at this concept thinking it'd mean non-native people getting mass evicted from their homes but 1) your home is already owned by a bank or big business or government, the difference would mainly be who you're now paying rent to and 2) most of the land in America isn't residential anyway.

This topic isn't about your house that you're already struggling to pay for, it's about thousands of miles of the planet rotting away under the monopoly of big agriculture and oil, but hypothetically speaking I think a local tribe would treat you a shitload better than whatever inhuman real estate brand you're already at the mercy of.


Recently got my friend into deep space nine and she started drawing this halfway through an episode last night.

Anyways, she's asked me to throw these out for the star trek Fandom on tumblr so spread them far and wide!!

(If you want to credit her she's @PsychoWalrus1 on twitter)

I can't fucking look at these stupid images without cracking up its too good lmao

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