
Sophie Loves Books


Part studyblr, part booklr, part writeblr, part randomness, Sophie, 27, PhD student, developmental psychology, she/her

I hear a lot of new parents say that motherhood has humbled them and they never expected things to be so hard.

And, like... how?! I want a child soooo badly, and yet I am already terrified of parental burn-out. I hear horror stories day in and day out. And I can picture the challenges so clearly already. How could anybody expect it to be easy when I get more scared the more time passes?

The wish for a child is just as strong as it has always been. But the fear is growing. 🥲


Actual hot take:

I think maybe a big part of Dracula Daily's success (and perhaps also the success of all those Netflix reality tv shows like Love Is Blind??) is that media has become so asynchronous. You can never really talk to your friends about any shows because either it's "Oh, I haven't seen that but it's on my list" or "I watched that ages ago, I barely remember it, remind me who [character X] was?" or "STOP TALKING, I'm on Season 2, no spoilers!!"

And it's kind of upsetting, because we cannot really discuss media anymore the way people were able to when a show was on TV and everyone kind of experienced it together. Synchronous media is an event, it's fun, everybody can participate! Now we're drowning in recommendations of what we "should watch", and the list gets longer and longer, but even when we do get around to a particular show, we almost never properly discuss it with the friend who recommended it and it's just frustrating.

So yeah. My take is that humans actually kind of really enjoy synchronous media consumption, which has been greatly reduced by streaming, and perhaps Dracula Daily is filling that gap for us right now, you know?

Dracula Daily starting back up seems like the perfect time to share with everyone that three US-American academics from the East Coast wrote and published a paper on this phenomenon citing my original Tumblr post!!

It's so exciting. Still makes me giddy to think about.

(They were super kind and asked my permission first. They were open to using either my real name or my Tumblr handle and I opted for the latter.)

Here's the paper:


The title is:

Literary play gone viral: delight, intertextuality, and challenges to normative interpretations through the digital serialization of Dracula

by Karis Jones, Scott Storm and Alex Corbitt (2023)


Do you want to be tagged in writeblr tag games??

If you're a writeblr (or booklr or studyblr account actually!) and you would like to be tagged in tag games, please interact with this post! Doesn't matter if we're mutuals or not! <3

The truth is... in the past, I've been so bad at participating in tag games after being tagged. And there is a singular reason for that: I don't know who to tag! And the mental effort of finding X number of people... sometimes makes me not reply. Which is sad, because I'm always happy to get tagged and want to participate!

Also I realise many other people would probably love to be tagged. So I finally realised that... I can make this post! You can let me know! I can add you to some sort of list, tag you lots and everybody's happy.

(Don't know why it took me years to realise this!)


Toast Tag Game (?!)

Tagged by @fleurtygurl to take this incredibly cute quiz here to find out what kind of toast I am

Honestly, this seems pretty accurate. Ironically, I struggle to keep a routine of any kind, but I keep trying my hardest to stick to one.

Honestly? Not quite what I expected, but hey. Pretty tasty!

Also love the aesthetic. :)

Thanks for the tag, @jay-avian! Tagging anybody who wants to find out what kind of toast they are. ;)


Sometimes it hits me all over again that my husband is the best husband anybody could ask for and that he's amazing and I love him more than anything, and I tell him all of that. And he's super appreciative but a bit confused and goes "I'm not even doing anything!"

But, like, he does everything, you know? 🥹


I have FINALLY finished this book! It took me, like, 2 months? 😭😭 I mean, I'm not the fastest reader, but that's a bit extreme when my average is probably 2-3 weeks.

Anyway. Quick thoughts?

The writing style and characters were actually alright. But this author combined three things I hate!

A) multi PoV. It's very rare for me to enjoy multi-PoV and this book is a perfect example of why I typically don't like it. There were far too many characters! I genuinely could not keep them straight and getting mixed up all the time was so frustrating. How can I care about people when I remember nothing about them??

B) "Mosaic" style with disjointed timeline. Whenever the author followed one character for a while, I started to get into the book. Like I said, the writing wasn't bad. But just when I felt interested in how things were going to progress for this particular character, the story jumped to a different person at a completely different point in time and I had to try to get into it all over again. You know how it can be hard to get into a book initially because you don't know what's going on and don't (yet) care about the main character(s)? It was that over and over again! 😭

C) This book actually helped me figure out something interesting about my reading preferences. So I love mysteries, right? And sometimes I read mysteries that I find "too confusing" and lose interest. But my favourite murder mysteries are actually quite confusing as well. So what's the key difference? Well, like I said, this book brought it home for me: I don't mind things being confusing when the MC is just as confused as I am. When I am inside their mind, trying to figure things out, that's perfectly fine. What I hate is when things are confusing because information is deliberately being kept from me, you know? The characters all know what's going on. But nobody is telling me! Information is purposefully held back. Their day-to-day is described (having tea, chatting with a neighbour), while the real questions (did they murder their husband?) are ignored. And there is no real way for me to figure things out because I am fed mere snapshots in order to keep up the suspense.

So yeah, hate that. And it's kind of exactly what this book did! 😅 At least in my view.

Do you feel me on any of these points? 📚


I have contact lenses. And when I take them out, often I use eye drops first, because otherwise it can hurt. Yesterday I was crying as I went to take them out. And I realised actual tears have the same effect and I could take them out super easily.

So now I'm debating whether I should make myself cry each night before taking them out. Save money on the eye drops, you know? They're kind of expensive.


When people get a little too gung-ho about-

wait. cancel post. gung-ho cannot be English. where did that phrase come from? China?

ok, yes. gōnghé, which is…an abbreviation for “industrial cooperative”? Like it was just a term for a worker-run organization? A specific U.S. marine stationed in China interpreted it as a motivational slogan about teamwork, and as a commander he got his whole battalion using it, and other U.S. marines found those guys so exhausting that it migrated into English slang with the meaning “overly enthusiastic”.

That’s…wild. What was I talking about?


Hey Mary! Somehow you never show up on my dash anymore... I hope you're doing okay! ♡ Anyway, thoughts on The Tortured Poets Department? Favourite songs?

PS: I'm doing a readathon today! Hope you're having a lovely Sunday, too. 📚


Hey Sophie! 🤗 i'm not around much, but i'm doing well, i hope you are too!

I love the album so much, i think it's so personal and devastating and heartbreaking and it solidifies just how good of a songwriter taylor is 🩶 she outdid herself 🩶

I'm currently loving Who's afraid of little old me, My boy only breaks his favourite toys, The prophecy, Florida, Fortnight, But daddy i love him, Peter, The Black Dog, Smallest man who ever lived (which has the best bridge on the album). I actually love most of the tracks 😅

Happy readathon and happy Sunday 🩶🤗


Aw, good to hear from you! And I'm well, thanks! 🤗

Haha, yeah, I really enjoy it too, to be fair. And I'm not even a massive fan or anything. Now the funny thing is... I have this weird habit where I don't listen to new albums all at once. I start out with a small pool of 2-3 songs, then subsequently feed new ones into that pool. So I've only actually listened to, like, 10 of the new songs. But out of those I also really love Who's Afraid of Little Old Me and My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys. Others I currently love are Down Bad and So Long, London. But I know that eventually, I'll get through all of them and discover new faves. It's a nice process. ☺️

Also saw that you're going to Edinburgh, right? Yayyyy, Edinburgh is literally so gorgeous! I hope you'll have the best time. Also you HAVE to go to the Waterstones on Princes Street!! Thank me later. 😉📚


I'm almost convinced at this point that Taylor Swift has made a deal with some sort of dark entity. Something about her music career just seems... supernatural.

I used to think her music was... okay. Generic pop songs. Some were fun, but I didn't get the hype.

Anyway, a while ago I started listening to her songs more and they, like, drew me in? It's the strangest effect? Suddenly I couldn't stop and sequentially got obsessed with them?

And, like, it's totally Orwellian double think! The strangest thing! I still think they sound like generic pop songs and are not all that special and her lyrics aren't that revolutionary, but at the EXACT SAME TIME I absolutely adore some of them and they do weird things to me and the lyrics seems so different from everything else out there?

That is to say... despite myself... I was very excited when Tortured Poets dropped today. ♡


I've been on Tumblr since 2018 and I believe I just got anon hate for the first time?

I'm... so confused. Because, you see, the insults spanned the whole spectrum, yes, but the ask also included specifically transphobic insults? And I'm literally cis?

Are the transphobes just targeting cis women now on the off-chance we're secretly trans? 😂


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