
@sewerfight / sewerfight.tumblr.com

I believe he done slipped on that there orange rind ma'am
Anonymous asked:

why are you stupidly hot psychologically and physically

I don't know. I'm just scared

Anonymous asked:

why don't you have an X account?

because I don't have anything to say I don't have any opinions any hot takes any deep thoughts any vulgar ideas any funny jokes any political or philosophical quotes any smart aphorisms any pics of my ass or my cock I HAVE NOTHING


Traditional mask of carnival, Sardinia, Photo by Andreas Fridolin Weis Bentzon, 1958


we had an instructor in drama school who taught us fight choreography and also was the same guy that ended up giving me some arms training, he was cool, they'd set him on fire for movies. Anyway afterwards he'd give us students notes about what we could work on, and there was one kid who was fucking exceptional at taking very believable punches no matter who was throwing them, but he was never able to hit the floor without quite literally looking like a cartoon character. like there was no sellability in the hitting the floor part. we were supposed to write down our notes for next week and then share them with everyone else to see if we had any tips/information to give out, and the kid hands me his book and I see "how to pass out better guys?" On the bottom of the page. and I read it as "how to pass better as a guy?" and thought the dude was trans for like the entire year. I said bro you're doing fucking swell DW about it to him and he was genuinely touched like "thanks" even though we had no idea what the fuck we were each talking about


Resisted watching Shogun cause anything with an asston of Japanese actors in is somehow irritating to me, because people start asking me whether I auditioned within my poncey little actors circle. Tbqf no one wants to see a Hokkaido girl with a slight European dog face bluff her way through the old school, frilly language. The reason I'm not a hundred percent castable for samurai shows is the same reason they don't tend to hire northern actors in England for Shakespeare, unless the Londoners have been quickly and subtly shafted somehow. Like Yakuza is fine, I've done Yakuza shit, I speak the language fluent, but put me in the ring with guys with topknots and women permacrouched on tatami and you will see something exquisitely sad and anachronistic. Except I watched it and well. Cosmo jarvis cute. Acting golden. Fucks sakeee

“Si pensa che l'ultima parola pronunciata da un moribondo sia il suo pensiero ultimo,il più importante,quello fondamentale.Che si muoia pronunciando ciò per cui è valso a pena vivere. Non è così. Quando uno muore non viene fuori nulla,se non la paura.”

— Roberto Savaino [Gomorra] (via hopelessheav)


Hey, rermember that time Genny told Patrizia Ciro was more important to him than his family? And did this comparing his and Ciro’s relationship with Patrizia and don Pietro’s one? Like… the man she was having sex with? And was gonna marry? Right.

Would have liked to see what was going on in Patty’s mind…

Poor Ciro’s ears were probably ringing like the whole brass section of the Vienna Philharmonic.

(Might have to explain this one, in Italy we say that when your ears ring - or “whistle” - someone is talking about you)


You know you're a good fucking mutual to me when you're reblogging Beatles RPF at 6am in one snakelike stream of undesirable information and the question of unfollowing hasn't even remotely entered my brain. It's not even a thought it's floating in some Hegelian mist of haecceity without synthesis, out there, presumably, but not here with us at all. Only times I can correctly trace where my loyalty lies

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