
Yee Local Sunglass Hut

@senil888 / senil888.tumblr.com

Embracing the combined joys of lizard and robot into one beautiful hunky synth. Here, queer, and lovingly engaged to a fantastic yeen ♥️ 26 | PNW | he/him

Oh please, with how many furries are in advanced fields, the only surprise is that this didn’t happen sooner. In fact, I’d be shocked if the demographic of people who were in space before Cameron Bess doesn’t include more furries who just keep it under their hats.

mayhaps i should clarify i love a furry in pop culture moment just maybe not some venture capitalist’s pansexual son joining jeff bezos’s pet project literally days after 6 amazon workers died during a factory roof collapse in a tornado bc they weren’t allowed to leave & weren’t prepared or equipped to handle it


This is crucial information as far as I’m concerned

Market-based approaches to forest conservation like carbon offsets and deforestation-free certification schemes have largely failed to protect trees or alleviate poverty, according to a major scientific review published on Monday. The global study—the most comprehensive of its kind to date—found that trade and finance-driven initiatives had made "limited" progress halting deforestation and in some cases worsened economic inequality. Drawn from years of academic and field work, the report compiled by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), a group of 15,000 scientists in 120 countries, will be presented at a high-level UN forum starting Monday. Its authors urged a "radical rethink" of increasingly popular market-based approaches often promoted as effective at saving forests, curbing global warming and raising living standards in developing nations. "The evidence does not support the claim of win-wins or triple wins for environment, economy and people often made for market mechanisms as a policy response to environmental problems," said contributing author Maria Brockhaus from the University of Helsinki. "Rather our cases show that poverty and forest loss both are persistent across different regions of the world... where market mechanisms have been the main policy option for decades," she told AFP by email.
Source: phys.org
I know someone who calls herself a feminist, puts her pronouns in her work email signature, donates money to women’s empowerment funds, and thinks we should deport more refugees. I also know someone who calls people ‘pussies’ when he plays video games, who doesn’t know what a pronoun is, and, for his defence of low-wage women workers in a highly-exploited industry, is a better, more strident defender of the rights of working-class women than almost anyone else I know. Of these two people, I know who is on my team, and who I want on my team, yet the standard liberal feminist calculation would have me chose the woman who loves a little deportation over the man who is occasionally uncouth, solely because the woman knows to keep her language civil, and the man doesn’t. Liberal feminists get incredibly caught up in the politics of language, because language is all they have. They don’t have a revolutionary programme for overthrowing patriarchy, so they’re forced to tinker around the edges of it, quibbling over word choice and jargon instead of building the coalitions necessary for destroying patriarchy.

We Should Not All Be Feminists by Frances Wright



Thinking about the two (male) coworkers I had a few farm jobs ago, one of whom was a very well spoken and politically knowledgeable self reported socialist who was nevertheless urging me to stay silent about the lower wages I was receiving so I didn't compromise his job. The OTHER one was a foulmouthed nineteen year old who didn't know what trans meant (but listened VERY well when I talked about it) and was absolutely up in arms about the wage inequality, and honestly any injustice in front of him. I'll let you guess which if them I'm still in touch with


extremely fucked up that one of the symptoms of adhd is forgetfulness and difficulty sticking to habits and schedules and one of the best ways to alleviate those symptoms is by remembering to take a pill every morning at the same time

"i get on the computer basically first thing, i can just put my adhd meds next to my computer!" yeah but if i do that my brain will actively erase my pill bottle from being on my desk bc its now just part of the desk. another of god's little proofs he desires us to guillotine him

"just set an alarm!" i will hear the alarm go off, look directly at the alarm's title of TAKE YOUR ADHD MEDS RIGHT NOW OR YOU'LL FORGET, and then turn off the alarm. and youll never guess what happens next. i bet youll never fuckin guess what happens when i havent taken my dont forget shit pill


Honestly if there's ONE thing I wish I could get all queer people to understand is that if you're in a situation where you know everyone would treat you differently, especially to the point of it putting your life in danger, if they found out you're queer, you aren't experiencing privilege, you're in a hostage situation.

Like sorry experiencing "passing privilege" is actually just being trapped in a room with a bloodthirsty t-rex and having people tell you that you should be thankful because thier vision is based on movement and you can just stand still. It's not a privilege to be erased, to have to lie to everyone around you to stay safe-ish, to have to closet yourself because you know even a single step out of line could be the end of your entire world.

None of us should have to be thankful to stand in front of a loaded gun while the person holding it goes "haha, don't worry, I only use this on faggots, and you're not a fag....right?" Like this is not a net good and it has almost nothing in common with actually being part of a privileged group.

Anyway, Happy Pride, let's leave this shit behind.


@ anybody who's started getting interested in slay the princess after watching Markiplier play it: trust me. trust me on this. stop watching his playthrough. don't even think about his playthrough. ideally wait for the pristine cut to be released (completely free expansion to the game.) but if you're impatient it's complete as-is. go play it yourself. as blind as possible. trust me. TRUST ME. the game is SO MUCH BETTER when you're the one behind the wheel, making all the choices, and you don't know what will happen when you make them.

it's a very, very, very good game, if you can't afford it the devs are perfectly fine with piracy, there are two of them, they have plenty of the money they need to support their future projects, you can always buy the game later or official slay the princess merch to support them financially, i'm telling you this for your own good, trust me, you want to play it yourself and you want to avoid Markiplier's playthroughs until you do.

yeah! pirate it! or buy it for 20% off this weekend or pirate it! the important thing is that your first experience of Slay the Princess is *yours.* we've written so many branching scenarios, and we want your first playthrough to be a reflection of *you*


We need shittable cities (actively maintained public restrooms).


A city without well-maintained restrooms is a city where many of the chronically ill cannot leave their homes, and where the homeless are criminalized for bodily functions. If I had a nickel for every day I haven’t gone somewhere with friends because I didn’t know the bathroom situation, I’d have enough to put in a sock and beat a couple of billionaires to death.

This is thanks to yet another bigoted political tactic called the Urinary Leash. If there is nowhere for you to pee but at home, you stay home, out of sight and out of mind. It was used against women for a long time, used against Black people for longer, and used against trans, poor, disabled, and homeless people today as a way of keeping deviants out of society.

And it fucking sucks


meanwhile on twitter

It really is just tumblr circa 2014 huh


Where is that tweet thats all “if anyone is tweeting in Cyrillic they’re most likely a Russian bot because only about 10 people who use Cyrillic have access to the internet” or some shit?



As someone who lives in the Balkans I can confirm. We have Internet only thanks to our Donkey, Dimitri, who runs in a treadmill which generates electricity.


Reblogging to thank Dimitri for his service


in the simpsons shitposting group this was a huge meme for like several months and it was called Lowmer and i’m still obsessed with it


this is lara, a cisgender butch woman who was hate-crimed by other women for trying to use a “female-only space”. a space, by their logic, she should have been able to use and is apparently meant to be her safe space.

this is the result of terf transphobia. please remember lara and others like her next time terfs claim that they care about butch women or that you can “always tell”.

I’m so sorry this happened to you, lara 💔 🫂

t*rfs have been cropping up in my notes a lot recently yet it’s been 12 hours and they are so far completely silent about this. ironic, that.

according to the t*rfs I’ve talked to about this kind of thing happening? yes, apparently so. she “should accept and expect this” because of how she dresses 🙃

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