
that tomboy TRA with turner’s syndrome

@butchbarbieagainstterfs / butchbarbieagainstterfs.tumblr.com

laur. 28.
intersex dyke. any pronouns, as in not cis. politics blog with a particular focus on lgbtq+ issues. anti-terf. minors dni. main acc is glindaselphie.
Anonymous asked:

What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?

It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.

It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.

Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.

Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?

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I don’t know why you’re asking me about gay men when I am…not a gay man tbqh, and there are plenty of gay men out there who aren’t transphobic and, I am sure, have spoken about this.

I’m a lesbian. I like women. One of my first crushes as a kid was on Nicole Kidman in the Golden Compass. When I was looking at her and being attracted to her though, I wasn’t thinking about vulvas. I wasn’t thinking about what she had going on downstairs. I just thought she was very pretty. That…hasn’t really changed much, as an adult. And I don’t get that with men and never have. I’ve never been attracted to them at all and wouldn’t regardless of what they had going on downstairs.

Now if that makes me bi or pan to you, quite frankly I don’t care and I also just want to put it out there: if you in your sexuality need your partner to have a certain genitalia set, that’s perfectly fine. Don’t date trans people. Have this conversation with your partner to make sure they aren’t trans. That’s your business and quite frankly your responsibility.

I also think this kind of question in a failed attempt at a gotcha is just reiterating the idea that being gay is an adult thing, because you never bring up straight people in this same manner. You are implying that the only thing that makes people gay is wanting sex with a certain type of genitals, which is the same exact sexualisation homophobes do to us all the fucking time. Being a lesbian isn’t just about wanting to touch vulvas.

Now I will be pinning this so I do not have to answer this kind of shit again, and you will never be darkening my page again because I will not be answering any further messages from you or anyone else that sends me this bad faith, poor attempt at trying to claim a lesbian is homophobic simply because he disagrees with you about trans people. Have the day you deserve. Now fuck off 😘

Anonymous asked:

"Reform uk is prowomen! protect kids" As if Nigel isn't best friends with trump, the convicted rapist who was friends with a, now dead, pedophile.


He’s also racist and xenophobic. Like pretty openly

Have you got a link to whoever it was saying this though? It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just I know if I don’t ask, the TERFs Will dogpile me

Anonymous asked:

Yall get mad at TERFs using Blaire White as a spokesperson but then do the exact same thing with Kelly J Keen saying she speaks for all TERFs. So it's only fair

It’s completely different because the vast majority of trans people condemn and mock Blaire White regularly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a terf ever do that to Kellie Jay Keen. When you speak about her, it’s usually in defense of her :)

Also: you do realise Blaire White’s attitude to other trans women is the same as yours as a TERF, right?


As The Dark Crystal is one of my favourite films of all time, Desaturating7 has NO right to use Keira as her avatar. Jim Henson hated everything TERFs stood for.


Blocked them both

Also: using Blaire White, someone who 99% of her community mocks regularly and cannot stand, as some kind of spokesperson for the trans community just shows how much cherrypicking TERFs do lmfao. That’s legit like claiming anything Caitlyn fucking Jenner says represents the entire trans community. Those two in a lot of the beliefs they have expressed are both far more aligned with TERFs themselves than they are other trans folk.


Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉

I hope you are well.

Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏

I am new to Tumblr and also to GoFundMe.🙏

I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning .

Thank you ♥️ .



Done 🥰🇵🇸



could you please help by reblogging a post about my fundraising campaign to support my family ?

Find it in my pinned post🙏

Your assistance (donations or reblogging) would mean a lot.🙏🙏

Thanks You🌷❤️


Done 🥰🇵🇸



I'm Ahmed Alanqer, 34 years old, his wife Dina Alanqar, and their three children Zeina (7 years old), Eileen (6 years old), and Yamen (4 years old), have faced all the challenges brought by the war in Gaza🇵🇸❤️, but now they need our help to escape this tragedy.

- Yamen❤️
- Eileen❤️
- Zeina❤️
- My Beautiful Family

Ahmed worked as an accountant in a company, but with the escalation of the war, his professional life came to a halt, and his goods warehouse was burnt, along with his completely destroyed home. They fled to the north, but now they live in the tents of the displaced in Deir al-Balah.

- My Home Before The Nightmarish War

- The House After..

- Tent-life

The situation is not easy, especially with his wife's upcoming childbirth and their fears of lack of healthcare and unhealthy conditions. Their children suffer from widespread diseases and long for their previous lives and schools.
Ahmed's goal is to leave the Gaza Strip to save his family's lives. The cost of travel for an adult is $5000, while the cost for each child is $2500, in addition to travel and accommodation expenses.
Together, we can provide support and assistance to Ahmed and his family in this ordeal. Your donation, no matter the size, can make a difference in the lives of these children who need a new chance to start over.❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️

My family and I thank you for your help in vetting my campaign on GoFundMe. 🇵🇸✊❤🫶

All thanks🤗@nabulsi 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@sar-soor 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@communistchilchuck 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@fairuzfan 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@90-ghost 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@commissions4aid-international 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@apollos-olives 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@palipunk 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@vakarians-babe 🌷 Vetted link

All thanks🤗@appsa 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@marnota 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@northgazaupdates 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

All thanks🤗@palestinegenocide 🌷 Vetted link 🫶

Your assistance was of great support to us during our hardship.

Thanks for all who support my family to achive our goal to be save by reblogging and donate 🙏❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷❤️❤️


"using sex toys in bed means im Not Enough to satisfy on my own" "my partner owning and using sex toys means im not good enough and its almost cheating" is such a wiiiiiiild mindset in general like i cant imagine living like this. well you see when you take your girl out on a date to a restaurant the food that shes eating and enjoying is food that someone else made, not food that you made. so its someone else satisfying her. why didnt you cook this for her? you paid for someone else to be making your girl feel good and you know you cant compare. might as well let her go to the staff area so she can give everyone a handy. cuck.

if you are not going to use your partner’s sex toys to enhance sex and make them feel good and instead are going to get jealous of the plastic penis or whatever else it is they are using, I think maybe you just aren’t ready for that relationship tbqh

like the idea of me using my partner’s vibrator on her is so hot to me hello


hey all, so my childhood cat - who was a very elderly little thing we reckon had dementia - had to be put to sleep this morning, so I don’t think I’ll be very active here for a couple of days. it’s not exactly a shock bc of his age and how he was - he was 22, I’ve had him since I was six and that’s like ancient for a cat tbh - but I barely remember my life before he was in it and he was with me through so much, so it’s a bit difficult for me at the moment. please bear with me, I will be back soon ❤️

Anonymous asked:

can you believe that intersex pro-lifers exist? Literally one of the most underrepresented group of people and they choose to align themselves with people who most likely want them dead. There's this IG user who go by Anastasia who is intersex and enby i think, and the only reason she's pro life is because she wishes she could have kids and its so stupid omggg, also she's pro palestine but im pretty sure it's like in an antisemetic way like ew she compares all jewish people to zionists which we all know isn't true like wtf?! here's her ig for anyone who wants to see it for themselves lol: https://www.instagram.com/AnaXOXY_prolife

Link here (the user’s pronouns are she/they, just for clarification)

a) the people the use the pro-Palestine movement to be antisemitic are fucking despicable and actually aiding Israel, whose whole argument is that not supporting their genocide is antisemitic.

b) I have literally never encountered an intersex nonbinary anti-choicer before, wow. yeah this is a huge pick-me. I’m sure they would want people to respect her body autonomy if they were to have surgery to ease any dysphoria they might experience (and people should respect that absolutely!) but she won’t respect other people’s? wow.


the resurgence of female separatism will be the fucking death us


i do think any movement that says the only way to be liberated is to separate entirely from anyone who isnt like you will not only lead you to overlook bigotry and harm in your own communities but will also never create a space where those people can just exist. there will always be women in society with other people. there will always be gay and trans people in society with other people. there will always poc in society with everyone else. there will always be disabled people in society with everyone else. if one group separates they give people two choices: leave and stop fighting for a better life, or suffer where you already are. and that will not save us

i am literally always thinking about this collection of essays, there’s a free pdf here, because. no one else has summed it up so well.

separatists will always leave behind other marginalized folk. this will not save us

that and it’s also almost babying the oppressors tbqh

women should be able to be in a space with with men, queer people should be able to be in a space with cishet people, etc. without anybody getting hurt

part of life is you are going to encounter people who are not the same as you. you need to learn to live with that, just the same as everyone else needs to learn to live with the ways you are different to them


the idea that restrooms, locker rooms, etc need to be single-sex spaces in order for women to be safe is patriarchy's way of signalling to men & boys that society doesn't expect them to behave themselves around women. it is directly antifeminist. it would be antifeminist even if trans people did not exist. a feminist society would demand that women should be safe in all spaces even when there are men there.

btw this is maybe the single most key distinguishing feature of the terfy strains of radical feminism, the seed all the rest of it springs out of: they have absolutely no faith in the ability of feminism to actually destroy patriarchy. they do not think feminism can truly build a better world. they cannot really even imagine that possibility. they think patriarchy is an inevitable natural consequence of unchangeable biological facts, and therefore the goal of feminism can only be to mitigate the worst effects of patriarchy, not to get rid of it.

they can imagine a society where women get some designated safe spaces without men around. they cannot imagine a society where the presence of men is not inherently a danger to women.

it’s also the same logic that has people arguing that lesbians shouldn’t be allowed to be in women’s facilities either. bc if straight men can’t be expected to control themselves around women, we can’t be either, right? it’s making attraction or potential attraction to women the problem and not…the actual crime

TERFs also don’t grasp that rape, sexual harassment, etc. are literally crimes and are still crimes even if a person was technically legally allowed to be in the place that they committed the crime. making it criminal for anyone amab to enter a woman’s facility isn’t going to stop the actual predators bc they do not give a shit about the law. they wouldn’t be predators if they did. it’s just going to hurt people, i.e. innocent trans women, who weren’t actually a threat to you and literally just wanted to pee.

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