
Quiet nights at work are horrible because I get to sit here alone with “I’ll always love you Laudna, I just don’t know what to do with it” and “I’m gonna miss our little cottage though” and “Still more fun than scary though, right?” spinning round on a loop in my head and let me tell you I am not enjoying it


That post I reblogged about Imogen '8 strentgh' Temult being fanonized as burly is mostly lighthearted, but it also reminded me how the fanon depiction of Imogen has shifted. Earlier in the campaign, when Laudna was perceived as the stronger of the two, the one who took care of poor little innocent, anxious, migraine afflicted Imogen, fanon-Imogen was this short, round, soft looking person. Now, as canon has made it very clear that Imogen is the (mentally) stronger of the two, the one who's trying to stop Laudna from spiraling, her fanon self has shifted into something more traditionally masculine, leaning into the farmgirl aesthetic of pants and cowboy hats and muscles, even as her canon design has only gotten more feminine with sheer dresses and skirts.

And I'm not one to pass up on fun fanon designs; I've certainly reblogged my fair share of muscly Imogen because I'm only human and Imogen with muscles hot. I don’t think these designs are done with any larger motive than 'she looks good like this'. But I also kind of think we need to have a conversation about how fandom keeps trying to slot these two characters in a non-heteronormative relationship into heteronormative roles of (feminine) soft, weak, innocent person to be cared for/saved and (masculine) strong, heroic, saviour taking care of them, however unconsciously it’s done.


I know everyone else is obviously excited to watch episode 98 and I am Vibrating At A Frequency. the live show was wonderful and I wouldn’t trade the experience for the world and not but it’s been a little bizarre to have more information than most of the rest of the fandom for almost a week??? I Need everyone’s reactions and responses to the cast outfits (especially matt’s eyeliner and travis’ Everything). I Need to know what you all think of the dorian angst! I Need to know what you all think of the imodna angst! I Need to know what you all think of bell’s hells trademark disastrous ‘planning’! I Need to know what you all think of ****** (other than Whoops! All Hot Bois)! I Need to know what you all think of the fight and matt’s HDYWTDT! I Need to know what you all think of the flirting! I Need to know what you all think of the lore! I Need to know what you all think of That Fucking Ending!!!!! *travis willingham voice* GIVE IT TO ME!

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