The inevitable (fri)end

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I reblog fannish things, ramble about critical role (and occasionally other media), and talk about books. Occasionally, I even write stuff! I try to tag for recent spoilers but am somewhat inconsistent, so enter at your own risk.

Art tag is nella arts, fic/writing tag is nella writes, book tag is nella talks books, critrole meta tag is nella talks cr, and general nonsense tag is nella talks. A masterpost of my book rec lists can be found here.

I’m nellaplanet on ao3. All my fics focus a lot on weird world-building and found family, with a good helping of romantic shipping as well. So far I have posted:

Among the Nein, a magic in space, murder mystery au, featuring beauyasha and shadowgast.

The Worlds Between Us, a portal fantasy au featuring beauyasha, beaujester, and shadowgast.

A Rumination on the Nature of Evil, an in-progress magnus archives au featuring shadowgast, fjorester, and eventual beauyasha.

All Roads Lead to Molaesmyr, an in-progress, post canon fic featuring the Nein venturing to Molaesmyr and immediately getting in over their heads, featuring canon couples and lots of weird magic and what-if speculations.

Bonus ficlet, featuring post canon Essek and Kingsley having a talk about identity.

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Starting to notice some weirdly specific trends in some of my favorite alien films:

Isolated woman fights for her life against body snatching aliens, but also the aliens are the only ones to truly understand and accept her (in the most horrifying way possible): No One Will Save You and Significant Other

Kids from marginalized communities have to fight invading aliens trying to steal their home and land: Slash/Back and Attack the Block

The aliens are here and, frankly, they’d rather not be: Paul and District 9

*teenage girl voice* hunting for aliens is my coping method, okay: Prey and UFO Sweden


Hey have a few more!

Surely teaming up with this terrifying alien that doesn’t give a shit about humans will help me stop this other terrifying alien from turning all of humanity into host bodies and food, oops we're best friends now and it’s prepared to die for me: Venom and Alien vs Predator

Hey maybe you should’ve left that cosmic monstrosity for dead because now it wants to get inside your body, like, real bad: the Alien franchise, Life, and The Thing

Maybe letting these aliens steal my body and replace me will fix my fucked up life, hold on wait I was wrong hELP: Annihilation and The World's End

*science lady voice* I'm going to talk to these incomprehensible alien beings if it’s the FUCKING death of me: Contact and Arrival

just rewatched significant other earlier today and man it’s such a little gem of a movie