
I say this as a huge Caleb fan - one of the things I hope the M9 animated show doesn’t tone down is how prickly and shady and unlikable he is at the start of the story.

In fact, ramp it up even! There are no players who are actual friends to get in the way of giving us abrasive and off-putting Caleb!

(via essektheylyss)





TIL that thereā€™s an ā€˜80s movie where they portrayed Smilodon by sticking actual fake teeth onto actual live lions.


So I learnt about this as part of a paleontology lecture talking about how it became accepted that saber teeth donā€™t hinder the animals ability to eat

Citation - those people who stuck some on real lions which were able to eat without problems once they got used to them

a comment from user sugarfortia: Practical effects but if they were evilALT

This reminds me of the PLoS ONE study that placed artificial tails (long stiff rods fitted with a cone, superficially resembling small toilet plungers) over the natural short tails of young chickens, which affected the chickensā€™ gaits, theoretically recreating the stride and center of mass positioning of similarly shaped dinosaurs.


Whether or not this has much scientific merit is mildly debatable but thatā€™s sort of the point of PLoS One anyway.

(via destielementary-my-dear-watson)



a black greenware mug that reads 'don't talk to me until I've eaten this mug'ALT
the other side of the mug. there are two bites out of the rimALT

I truly sacrificed to create this ridiculous mug. biting clay is a bad sensory experience šŸ˜” who would have guessed

Iā€™m tempted not to glaze the bite marks so it looks like it was bitten through the glaze lmao

I showed this to my husband and he said he wants four mugs like this in various states of eaten, so he can swap when no oneā€™s looking and make it look like heā€™s actually eating it.

(via destielementary-my-dear-watson)








remember all those people who were always going ā€œnoo! donā€™t ne mean to the cute doggo! the little pupper!ā€?

ā€¦yeahā€¦ we were telling you.


Despite the implications of the original post, this is an item marketed at individuals who think itā€™s cool, and would have little utility in a military or law enforcement context.

I can elaborate more on this, but TL;DR while small flamethrowers were ubiquitous on the battlefields of WWI and WWII, they sucked there, and were supplanted by incendiary weapons mounted to vehicles and airdropped incendiary weapons, before being internationally banned in the aftermath of the Vietnam war. In a modern context, precision artillery and bombs that any modern military has access to can dislodge enemy positions far better than small flamethrowers like this, and quadruped drones generally suck at navigating terrain where low ground pressure is important, like mud or rubble.

Flamethrowers have a number of agricultural, conservation and general purpose uses, and, for that reason are legal for any citizen in the US who can own a deadly weapon to own. Throwflame markets their products to dudebros who think owning a flamethrower is cool, this could have utility in performing controlled burns in a safer manner, but itā€™ll probably just be a range toy for some guy who thinks both drones and flamethrowers are sick as hell.

I appreciate you telling me this, but as someone who lives in wildfire country and gets to see yearly the damage caused by careless idiots who probably never even realize it was their cigarette/firework/improperly-doused illegal campfire, I feel like I have never read a post more deserving of that gif that says ā€œyou get how thatā€™s worse, right?ā€

Next thing you know theyā€™ll invent the houses with virtual reality walls

(via strawberrymoron)

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