
make TEA??

@rosekasa / rosekasa.tumblr.com

alizehcommission info all works are brought to you by a raging diet coke addiction art tag

i think marinette's neurodivergency is the kind of neurodivergency where everyone's like 'no, yeah, she totally has adhd.' but adrien has spent so much of his life masking that even he doesn't even realise that maybe there's something goin on in his noggin.

but YEARS after they start dating, when theyre like 18/19 and have first moved in together, marinette notices that adrien has a tendency to just... sporadically info dump. just very random chunks of information on things with absolutely no preamble nor explanation of context afterwards.

one night at like, 2am, marinette's just about to drift off to sleep when adrien's like, "are you awake?" thinking he had a nightmare she's like yes of course chaton what's on your mind? he's quiet for a moment before, in a single stream of speech, says "did you know in england they found this man called the cheddar man in cheddar cave? they made this 3d bust of him and it showed that he had dark skin and blue eyes. and apparently this was actually a super common thing because as a species we started off as dark skinned and white skin was actually a genetic mutation that just persisted in the north because we didn't need the UV protection from melanin. and since there were literally thousands of years before we actually got distinct ethnic phenotypes, does that mean in a thousand years the phenotypes will be even more different? what if people develop purple eyes? or blue skin, like avatars? like how do we know that won't happen? and if it did happen how would makeup brands know when to start introducing new foundation shades? at what point will the population have to grow for mac to release, like, a purple concealer line?"

marinette just looks at him and says "do you want to try my adderall tomorrow?"


It’s been a pleasure to make art for the fantastic @uptoolateart for the @mlbigbang event! I’m happy to present the scene the chapter that birthed this art piece! Thank you so much for writing such an amazing fic! It made me laugh so much and the scenes hit deep at times and it was overall a comforting and fluff read!

‘Wow. Just…wow.’ It was crazy – like a whole new world, up here – a new, fantastic point of view.”


marinette is such an aggressive sleeper. like she turns over in bed and it has the headboard slamming against the wall. she will grab her plushie and clench it to her chest. adrien, the poor light sleeper, is constantly fighting for his life. the first time they share a bed together she so fiercely slams herself into his back for a cuddle that he actually wakes her up with how loud he yells

he tries to tell her about it but she STEADFASTLY doesn't believe him. alya also won't corroborate because she literally has three siblings so anytime they've shared a bed she is completely dead to her somno-violence

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