
Gender? I hardly know her


she/they I like the Mechanisms and Tma and MCYT and MD and HFTH (and women) and a lot of other stufff am trans and lesbian Aspiring Game Dev I do some art sometimes minor

Don’t think I’ve ever done one of those big ole introduction posts so here we go baby:

My names are Erin/Eris/Eve/Jess/Red

My pronouns are she/they (I’m also considering neopronouns)

I’m a minor (“MAPs” DNI)

I’m trans and a lesbian (terfs also need not interact)

I love the ocean (to a possibility unhealthy degree), bones, the mornings, fog, and cooking

The fandoms I’m in are The Mechanisms, Hello From the Hallowoods, The Magnus Archives, Hatchetfield, Camp Here and There, Witherburn After School News, Hermitcraft, Life Series, The Amazing Digital Circus, Murder Drones, Epithet Erased, and more

My favorite band is the Killers and my favorite song by them is Bones

I do art sometimes

I’m an aspiring game developer (though I’m much better at starting projects than I am at finishing them)

I have once in the past recieved a prophesy about the circumstances surounding my inevitable death (seems pretty accurate so far)

And that’s about it!

Nice to meet you!


you ever have 8,045 bad mental health days in a row

you ever have 8,046 bad mental health days in a row

thats 22 years of bad mental health are you okay

you ever have 8,050 bad mental health days in a row

They’re deactivated now and I really hope they are okay, but my nihilism is telling me something else. :(

nah i just changed urls a few times. i came out and transitioned, graduated college, and got an amazing girlfriend who lights up my life. i had to delete the queued update to this post that said 8400 days for my 23rd birthday because i’m in a really good place right now.

to everyone struggling: it really does get better.


all lunch breaks should be paid im serious. im not even enjoying this im literally just making sure i dont pass out or something. this is part of The Job as far as im concerned

Anonymous asked:

hello friend! thank you for all your hard work vetting and spreading donation posts. i wanted to ask if majdyfamily123's campaign can be vetted? i hear the person running it is running other verified campaigns, and i really have no reason to believe it's not legitimate, but i thought i would double check with someone who has more experience with this. thank you for your time!


PLEASE HELP! Moataz’s campaign only has 3 days remaining!

@moatazart and his family are trying to raise funds to rebuild their home after it was destroyed by IOF bombardment.

Moataz, his wife Maryam, and their baby girl Maria were attempting to evacuate to Egypt following the destruction of their home and the siege of Al-Shifa Medical Complex that trapped them for weeks. They hoped to get to safety in Egypt, and find work so they could raise the funds needed to return to Gaza and rebuild their home. However, the day before they were set to travel, the occupation illegally seized control of Rafah crossing. The crossing is now closed and it is not known when it will reopen.

Moataz and his family will not be able to raise the required funds on their own if they cannot reach Egypt. Please support their campaign to rebuild their home.

Thank you



Ambulances were severely destroyed in Gaza City due to the ongoing war on civilians in Gaza City

Palestinian Health Organization: Ambulance crews are unable to save the injured due to the destruction of a large part of the ambulances.


This is SUCH an important sentiment! Like, this is a funmy lil tweet, sure, but it's 100% true!

Healthy brains don't think about suicide. They don't think things like "if a car hit me now i wouldn't mind." Or "No one cares." Or "Haha I wana be dead but not really but it'd be nice to temporarily be dead. Just to get a break."

I understand this sentiment, I do, I have had it, but I promise, it isn't a thing everybody thinks. These are passively suicidal thoughts, and they are so bad for you. You'll joke untill you believe it. Untill maybe one day it stops being passive.

If you have these thoughts, please talk to someone you trust, and if possible your doctor to get a referral to therapy. I promise it gets better, but you do need to acknowledge that it isn't going well


opens box that reads "i wanna draw again". inside lies a note. the note says, "mental illness and difficult circumstances have taken years of interest, accessibility, and skill away from me. i want to forgive myself for that. i want to heal my relationship to my hobbies. i want to feel connected to something that once made me feel good, but the cyclic discouragement is difficult to overcome." i turn over the note. on the back it reads "wannta drawe sexy bodies awooga"

seems like this one really resonated with the artists who dont do art fandom

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