
Queer Things

@raavenb2619 / raavenb2619.tumblr.com

Asexual, aromantic, non-binary, they/them pronouns. Used to make queer memes but I don't really anymore. Not doing questioning/identity advice anymore, but you can look through #questioning, #questioning orientation, #questioning gender, and #questioning [some-identity].  Feather art in profile pic by @kimchigrowsontrees on instagram

since mrs, ms, and mr are all descended from the latin word magister, i propose the gender neutral version should be mg, short for "mage"

some people think this is a shitpost so i want to clarify that i am dead fucking serious. make mage the official gender neutral honorific NOW. i want it on my passport. i want it on my bank account. i want doctors and judges to use it for me. i don't care if it sounds a little silly. people thought "missus" sounded crass at first. call me mg.

benefits of mg:

  • easy to pronounce, even for children (though kids 4 & younger may pronounce it more like "mayd" or "maygh")
  • ONE SYLLABLE!!! ("individual" is too goddamn LONG.) you have to be able to say it quickly and casually
  • ends in a soft vowel sound, so it'll flow right into the next word ("ind" halts the whole sentence)
  • fits neatly into the existing structure as a relative of master/mistress that can be abbreviated down to an m and one other letter
  • distinct enough that it can't be mistaken for either gendered term (if you call me mix I'll kill you. it sounds like miss with extra steps)
  • wizard.


  • there aren't any
  • yes, i know about milligrams and magnesium. i don't give a shit. ms can also mean microsoft. who cares.

A trans man coming out as a man is never a loss.

I don’t care if he went into a male-dominated field. All fields are cis dominated.

I don’t care if he’s a straight man now. He should be allowed to be himself and happy. He does not owe it to you to be a miserable lesbian for your comfort.

I don’t care if you thought he was hotter before. His happiness is worth the price of your desire. Also you’re wrong and I’m giving him my number.

More trans men is a good thing. More trans men means more closeted trans men are feeling safe to come out. That’s a good thing.


my opinion on monogamous relationships is that you can be in a monogamous relationship if you want but you need to at least acknowledge that being monogamous is not a politically neutral state of being, similar to how being cis or being straight isn't neutral either

like i'm personally kinda ick on the concept of exclusive monogamy as a whole but that's just me, i'm not gonna force anyone to not be monogamous. i am however going to tell them that being monogamous is being in a place of privilege and they should at least acknowledge that privilege ❤️


Sorry to post about this so hard!! It has just driven me crazy for a decade now the audacity with which people will mock and single out polyamorous people, we are legitimately held to such higher standards than monogamous people!

We're not allowed to have messy breakups or be bad partners or be insecure or anything like that without it reflecting poorly on all polyamorous people... And then if we extrapolate those same things toward monogamous people, we're being smug and annoying and thus worthy of ridicule! Like nothing we do is good enough other than sit down and take it lol.

If we keep our healthy relationships to ourselves, all anybody hears about are the Portland Polycules tm. And if we talk about it, we're mocked for rubbing it into people's faces. We just can't win!


i really hate 'power of love' stories not because i'm a jaded cynic or whatever but because i always find something deeply offputting and misanthropic in how they are almost always set up in a way that implies that the protagonist is the only person in the world capable of love

for your story to hinge on "our protagonist's love is powerful enough to conquer all the evils of the world" you kind of have to implicitly make the backdrop "everyone else's love is garbage, just trash, philosophical zombies the lot of them"

like harry potter is the big modern pop culture template for "the power of love" and even seitting aside yknow any of the modern stuff about jkr i have always found "oh his mother's love protected him from the killing curse" to be kind of deeply repulsive as a plot point. like oh well i guess the moms all those other kids who died just didnt love them enough, guess it was a skill issue


listen to me: you can love and support trans men and trans women at the same time. you can love and support transmasc and transfemmes at the same time. you do not have to make things into this-or-that decisions. you do not have to turn everything into us-vs-them, friend-vs-enemy, sports team ass dynamics. transfems and transmascs are not at opposite ends of ANYTHING, and we will never, ever be enemies or polar sides that cannot intersect or co-exist peacefully. you can support more than one type of trans person and distribute that support equally. i promise you fucking can.


You know what I like so much about the aromantic community?

We have so many concepts that the average alloromantic person has never heard of. Concepts that make it so much easier to explain our experiences, desires and struggles to other people. They make it so much easier to exist as an aromantic person in this world. Of course, every aromantic person can decide whether they find these concepts helpful and applicable to their experiences. But I find it amazing how many cool concepts the aromantic community either came up with or took pre-existing concepts and made them our aromantic 101. I don't think the allos really get how being aromantic can fundamentally change your worldview. And to be honest, I think they're missing out because I think everyone would benefit from at least being familiar with those concepts.

Being aromantic is basically like this:

Aromantic shrimp colours are real.

Anyways, aromantic community, y'all mean a lot to me and I'm so happy I found y'all and now share your "secret" knowledge!


Fun probability fact: If you press the button 100 times, there's roughly a 1/e chance you'll become a girl!

Fun gender fact: If you press the button 100 times, you were almost certainly a girl to begin with.

reblogging again with the addition because it was the first time someone had actually implied i was a girl, because despite how much i had related to trans memes and whatnot, the actual idea that i *was* a girl never had ever crossed my mind and had i not read this might not have ever realized. as a person who despite having literally gone onto egg_irl and grown up around queer people on the internet, i beg you. please make that joke about someone being a girl. you might save her life. if nobody ever directly told me "you *are* a girl", im not sure i ever would have known.

ive seen a variation of the button post blowing up lately and i wanted to point out this incredibly valuable add on that massively expands the idea


me: posts crossdressing photos in chat

6 months later, a trans woman: do you know what's the difference between a crossdresser and a trans girl? 3 years. pings me

me: plays it cool in the chat, tells the chatbot to make a reminder 3 years into the future, pretends nothing happened

me internally: blushes heavily and feels intense emotions about everything for the next 6 hours

3 years later, chatbot: pings me about the reminder

me: I'm 1.5 years on HRT now


estrogen is magic

it is genuinely euphoric to tear up at little things. to be able to just. cry because something was really sweet or cute. or even like a sad scene in a movie. before estrogen I just kinda sat there stone faced through them and just. wished they would impact me more. crying genuinely makes me feel more connected to the scene. it's magic. I love it. thank you estrogen

this is a pro-crying blog btw. and not just because I'm a dacryphile

crying makes every intense emotion better. super happy? try crying about it!!! it is so wonderful to literally be so happy u physically can't contain it. super sad? try crying about it!!! it's cathartic!! helps get the sad chemicals out of ya!!! cry at serious things cry at stupid things who cares they are your emotions!! express them! <333

Crying from being so happy at something is one of the few things that keeps me going. It's rarer these days but damn is it just magic


as an aro who wants a partner and is open to being in a romantic relationship under the right circumstances. i am BEGGING you people to start being normal about nonpartnering and romance-repulsed aros. i promise you don't have to add "aros can still date!" to every post about aromanticism that doesn't explicitly mention that aros can still date

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