Avowed Inframaterialist

@pregnantseinfeld / pregnantseinfeld.tumblr.com

Zak / 30s / They / Marxist

Hey, I was listening to oblivion guard quotes on youtube and found a collection of cut dialogue. Here are four increasingly weird takes on a line that they decided to leave out for some reason.


obviously we gotta execute all bloomberg writers, but especially henry kissinger distinguished professors


now that za/um has canned everyone else and cancelled all of their alleged projects they can finally make that game about a witch in the alps trying to find her neighbor's c

to be clear i don't think it's funny that these scammers fired huge chunk of the remaining devs (reportedly fucking with some employees' immigration status) and wiping out your entire project slate -- including a sequel that the devs genuinely believed in and were close to finishing despite being mistreated every step of the way -- in favor of an ill defined 'wide scale RPG' that doesn't even take place in elysium (pcgamer source) like this is hurting a lot of people. but management deserves infinite mockery for buying the golden goose farm, killing the goose that laid the golden egg, and then killing all of the other geese who lay normal eggs, while announcing to the public that theyll serve a giant omelette at some point in the future. this has to be some kind of money laundering thing

"Stalin’s merits and mistakes are matters of historical, objective reality. A comparison of the two shows that his merits outweighed his faults. He was primarily correct, and his faults were secondary. [...] Therefore, when Stalin’s errors are being correctly appraised, criticized and overcome, it is necessary to safeguard what was primary in Stalin’s life, to safeguard Marxism-Leninism, which he defended and developed."

- On the Question of Stalin

🌉 beetroot-boifem Follow

fuck off tankie fed

👩‍🏫 apas-95 Follow





I'm going to start explaining all my choices this way from now on.


i do wonder sometimes what rob zombie might say if he had ibs, but we'll likely never know, and should make peace with that


i think it's misguided to complain about trans women being banned 'for no reason' or 'despite breaking no rules' because then you just start having a pointless argument about whether or not post X or post Y broke ToS and miss the actual vectors by which this stuff works. for better or for worse this site's users are constantly skirting and violating ToS and 99% of the time it gets overlooked but when the moderation hammer comes a swingin' it comes a swingin' for trans women. it doesnt matter if predstrogen or charlottan broke ToS or not and arguing that they didnt is a waste of everyone's time and a deflection from the real issue which is the blatantly targeted and uneven moderation practices


im kind of obsessed with the white house's strategy of straight-up just lying about israel like. i don't know if its even gaslighting at this point it's just like some kind of bizarre strategy of just saying stuff for the obedient press to reprint it. it's so funny coming from the liberals who literally popularized 'disinformation' because they were so dismayed to learn about propaganda during the trump era and now here we are... disinformation central...

the white house since february: this is a ceasefire proposal hamas: this says 'no ceasefire' actually, this is a pause the white house: hamas won't accept our ceasefire proposal egypt & qatar & the CIA: here is a three-step actual ceasefire proposal hamas: we welcome the three-step actual ceasefire proposal the white house: we also welcome this three-step actual ceasefire proposal israel: we will literally never end this war the white house: egypt totally lied to us about this three-step actual ceasefire proposal. we're so sorry israel [two weeks later] okay this is ISRAEL's three-step ceasefire proposal israel: no it isn't the white house: israel has accepted its own ceasefire proposal israel: no we haven't the white house: the ball is in hamas's court hamas: we welcome the ceasefire proposal the white house: can you believe hamas won't accept israel's ceasefire proposal?

the recently anti-disinformation independent press: hamas won't accept israel's ceasefire proposal


Dril Tournament S2 - Round 1 Wave 2

and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.


(dismissing waitress handing me the check with a hand wave) no thank you. i dont believe in any of that

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