

@oshiawaseni / oshiawaseni.tumblr.com

video gaymes, manga, tv shows. forever ゆめ サスナル bakudeku 🧡Kacchan owns this ass🧡

Between BkDk, which of them knows they're in love with the other?

A question was asked: Is it just one, is it both, or is it neither? This is my reasoning behind why I think that both of them have realised their romantic feelings for the other.

I'll start with Izuku’s side first, as he is the veteran.

Izuku's been sitting on his feelings for quite some time and repressing them as much as he can, simply just knowing these feelings… exist. Izuku has always loved Kacchan, but I'm talking specifically about the moment he realised what kind of love it was.

I think the moment that really did Izuku in was witnessing the growth in Katsuki's heroic heart for the very first time, during his team's battle in the Joint Training arc. Shiny eyes watched Kacchan's newly perfected teamwork as he fought the opposition while protecting his team and allowing them to cover for him in return.

This change in Katsuki was his heart becoming more like Izuku's, in his efforts to become the top hero that cares about saving and winning equally. He no longer looked down on the action of saving a person, so he no longer looked down on what it meant to be saved by others either. I think this really cast him in a new light for Izuku.

Kirishima: "But it's true it might be the first time we've ever seen him do something like this." (Katsuki protecting others)

As well as planting a seed foreshadowing Bakugou Katsuki Rising, Hori placed the speech bubble over a very bare panel of Izuku watching Kacchan for two reasons: Emphasis that Izuku was also seeing Kacchan's character growth for the first time, and to imply that the change in Katsuki's character that Monoma had just been yelling about was, in large part, influenced by Izuku himself.

The paneling is so genius. It seemed insignificant enough to be ignored by Bones, yet it says so much more than all other panels because it tells a story of the piece in Katsuki that had been missing their whole lives, it’s simplistic emptiness conveying the beauty Izuku saw in him finding it. If Katsuki was changing, maybe Izuku was, too... and this panel was the start of Izuku's admiration evolving into something more romantic.


I still think we’re ending season 7 on chapter 403. People are forgetting heavy action chapters don’t take up much anime time, plus the many short chapters we got in the 390s…

And just.., the aesthetic. It’s leaving anime only’s on a very positive note that Katsuki is back and if they didn’t read the manga before, they probably will from then on 🤭


bkdk nsfw fic prompt inspo for Kacchan’s birthday‼️ 🔞

Kacchan tops for Izuku but is treated preciously like a princess when they have sex for the first time. Izuku comforts him with word affirmations, worships his body and gently soothes him with every firm, heated touch from Izuku seeping into the hurt in his heart… and they make love with Izuku sensually riding on top of him coz that boy is so traumatised with war with dying with guilt with insecurities and loneliness and yearning and just wants to feel Izuku love him in the way he loves Izuku with his whole body and spirit.

The top doesn’t always have to be rough around the edges, dominant and/or take control of the sex… the top can also be soft and emotional and cry from finally receiving that close, tender intimacy he’s always longed for with the one he loves so much that he sometimes forgets how to breathe.

Blast open the box of what bkdk and being top can be because Kacchan deserves so much softness and gentle love and all the sweet healing kisses after this war in any dynamic. 🧡🔁💚


I’m sorry I just can’t stop thinking about the cover. Every time I look at it, I’m just overwhelmed by so many different emotions. They just look so blissful and for the life of me I cannot get over Katsuki’s expression. It just feels so cathartic and final. If we get any kind of post war interaction between the boys with this same kind of softness, it would be completely fatal and you will not hear from me because I will have ascended.


Right here

Close to my heart,

you’ve always been here.

Strip everything aw̴̬̻̻̥̻͉̹͜͠a̸̛̲͇̥̝͔͔ý̶̘̹̭͎͔͔͇̟̰̾́̀͜

and the last thing left…


The biggest obstacle when it comes to saving Shigaraki’s heart is Decay: If he so much as grabs someone’s hand… they’ll die. Which is a huge deal in a series that places so much emphasis on the act of a Hero holding a lost child's hand to reassure them that everything will be okay.

Shigaraki struggles with connecting to people because he’s never been able to perform even the most rudimentary of expressions for actually *connecting with other people* (such as a handshake)… it's a concept which has been shown to us time and time again in MHA. And if you are a subscriber of "AFO having given decay to Tenko" theory... this is probably the main reason as for why he gave him such a treacherous quirk that would never allow him to connect to another person.

No one has even hugged him since his mother died trying to… and she was his only family who cast aside her safety to give the love, comfort and reassurance that 5 year old Tenko needed back then.

So I think what's to come for Shigaraki is going to be about connecting with him in the way that’s been (impossible).

My theory is that Izuku could have a moment of reaching out to Shigaraki, just as Sailor Moon reached out with a hand for Sailor Galaxia to take… and in doing so, show Tomura his pure intentions to save him. I think this could be a main feature of the Izuku Midoriya Rising chapter!

This parallel works *really* well if Shigaraki is possessed by AFO at the time. The MC’s words and selflessness helping their enemy tap into the love which lives deep inside them. In Sailor Moon this dispersed the chaos in Galaxia… and in MHA it may tame AFO’s kosei/personality.

The full theory with videos can be read here!


Not much happened this chapter but it was still really hype because Denki admits he can’t say “I can trust that guy” about Izuku… because he doesn’t feel like All Might… and that’s because Izuku is missing his key ingredient.

Izuku can’t succeed the former symbol of peace, who makes everyone feel at ease, without Katsuki by his side. Only together do they have what it takes to surpass All Might. An underlying message lies here that Izuku being queer and in love with his partner in crime is also what sets MHA apart from regular shounen - the comic book genre Denki referenced, which All Might symbolically represents. ✨💥

Denki can’t say “I can trust him” because it’s meant to be, “I can trust them.”


Alright guys here’s some Hori-brand freshly juiced bkdk meta.

Before chapter 415, I was writing a post on twitter about how I really love the “Dokun” of Shigaraki’s heart beat when Izuku punched him and how it’s the same sound effect for Izuku’s panic attack and also when Katsuki’s bead of sweat brought his heart back to life.

at the end of my post I casually wrote: It definitely feels like this is being written in a way that gives: “memories are bringing Shigaraki’s heart back to life.” and then it just freaking hit me about the other place DOKUN showed up… chapter 403… Katsuki’s first appearance after reviving.

I realised OH. OH SHIT!! “DOKUN” is the onomatopoeia Hori has been using for their hearts being brought back to life…

Katsuki in the literal sense, Shigaraki in the spiritual sense, Izuku in the ROMANTIC sense.

Now that we have Shigaraki's example of it, we can see this pattern that “DOKUN” is Horikoshi's chosen sound for hearts being revived.

And if we look back to after Izuku's panic attack, with this retrospect, we can surmise that the one last big “DOKUN” was drawn when Katsuki was finally revealed alive because Izuku’s heart” had revived.

And so through the narrative’s subtleties, we are once again being told that Kacchan is Izuku’s heart. 🧡💚


While the second opening was disingenuous to the heart of Izuku's solo arc, the actual content of the anime itself has remained quite faithful. Even going so far as to add or change some details to better represent the characters and their feelings. It's almost as if these changes were an amendment to the manga, just in case the manga didn't answer certain questions well enough.

Like the true reason Izuku decided to leave U.A. The manga presents Izuku's loved ones as a group, with Katsuki there as the last person your eyes should look at. But will readers make that connection? With the removal of just one word in the anime, the group part of the sentence, it shows viewers a more solid, concrete reason: It was explicitly because of Katsuki nearly dying.

Another example is how the various translations of Katsuki's line ("waatteru") created fandom friction, and they would flitter between "I know" and "We know," depending on who was translating it.

I always thought it had a very personal "I know" vibe to it because as Katsuki stated, and this is something reminded to us only 3 chapters earlier: He is the person who "knows" Izuku best. The anime removes ambiguity of the I know/We know debate by having Izuku apologise only once he'd made it into Katsuki's arms, making their exchange of words appear even more intimate and direct to one another. Katsuki knows.

Then after he stumbles his way into Katsuki's arms, there is that bonus clip of him being awake to hear Katsuki's gentle forgiveness of him. To express that the last of his resolve has crumbled because of Katsuki’s apology and being held in those arms he feels safe. He feels loved. So Izuku gives himself fully to Katsuki's care, murmuring out his beloved’s name with a "Ka…” right before finally succumbing to sleep. I think this extra moment makes the feel of their apology seem even more romantic because it's supposed to.

And now Ochaco's handhold! It being featured in the opening gave some of us grief every week simply because this arc was never about IzuOcha, it was about Katsuki and Izuku.

Katsuki realising his need for Izuku to be by his side and losing SLEEP over not knowing if he's okay. Katsuki's proud statement of knowing Izuku best and that he couldn't be left alone because of his disregard for himself. Katsuki instigating the search and rescue of Izuku. Katsuki humbling himself before Endeavor and Nezu, setting aside his pride in exchange for the safety of his most important person and best friend, PLEADING Endeavor for his help because he's SO AFRAID of Izuku being out of his sight and losing him forever.

Katsuki saving Izuku's life again. Katsuki humbling himself a second time, apologising to Izuku and telling him to put some trust into him and their hero friends; that they can be relied on to help him. Katsuki telling him his ideals of saving people weren't wrong, and they can only win by saving everyone: Izuku, the people at U.A and the people in the city.

The beautiful poetry in Izuku’s reason for leaving, to protect his most precious person, being overtaken by his reason to stay: Izuku’s unconditional, everlasting love for that person and his overwhelming need to be by their side. And here Katsuki was, finally telling him it was okay to; he wants him there.

Even Daiki-kun said the last of Izuku's resolve left him because of Kacchan’s heartfelt apology… Yes. The opening’s handhold was really out of place.

And after Izuku is brought back to U.A, we get to the real IzuOcha handhold... But rather than grabbing his hand like she does in the manga, they have her grab the more impersonal wrist area instead. It's so hard to believe we are in a timeline where Bones are making an opening Ocha-centric, when it shouldn't be, and yet NERFING her handhold in the ACTUAL anime content…??????

All of this has got me thinking that maybe Hori himself has been directing Bones to make these changes - to make BkDk's growing love for each other a more prominent fixture in the story that’s almost impossible to miss, while dampening the IzuOcha teasing into little more than kindness between two good friends. And in doing so, the anime has now become spiritually connected to the manga because this is the exact same direction the manga has been going in lately.

Why else were all of these changes and enhancements made in the anime? Maybe it’s because Horikoshi is preparing people for the bkdk romance that's about to go into full bloom.

So Bones did hear from Horikoshi about MHA’s ending, after all… I can’t place my finger on it but the exec producer’s line about “not shying away from Horikoshi’s expression” is really hitting me in a certain type of way.


Shigaraki finally changing his ways after witnessing all of Izuku's gay Kacchan memories is already a funny idea but imagine being exposed to all of the gay Kacchan memories all at once finally makes IZUKU realize this is not a normal platonic friend/rivalry relationship.

Anonymous asked:

Hi....if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (ca be canon or non-canon)? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....

WAH YOU WANT MY WHOLE SHIPPING HISTORY OKAY LETS GO ILL BOLDEN THE ONES I STILL REALLY ADORE AND PLACE IT UNDER A CUT (and to be clear I've liked a LOT more than these but these are the ones I grew really obsessed with at one point or another!)

Anonymous asked:

aaaaaa u calling katsuki the light that illuminates izuku's life has me in tears, bc ever since he was revived in 403 hori kept drawing katsuki constantly surrounded by and giving off sparkles and starbursts, in the form of the droplets of his sweat making tiny explosions. he's surrounded by and emits starlight constantly bc thats how izuku sees him!!!! the brightest star that never stops shining a brilliant light!!!! this isn't even going into how that 2page spread in 403 framed izuku seeing katsuki returning as like, the sun rising out of the stormy clouds that had previously darkened izuku's world. seriously i'll never stop being amazed at hori's artistic talent and the consistent visual motifs he uses, UGH i love it

Honestly... it is with full credit to Horikoshi because he has this unique way of writing that connects his feelings for bkdk and his story directly to reader hearts (you know, if the readers are in it for a bit more than the boom boom pow pow of a shounen) and I honestly love him so much for this. It feels both raw, and yet veiled at the same time. As if he has so many things in his heart he wants to draw and the pages only see the tips of that. That's why bkdks know the story progression more than anyone because we're very used to intuiting all the layered nuances in his writing. ♡


Izuku said Kacchan never received any valentines in elementary and middle school. Izuku observed Kacchan open his locker and watch how nothing fell out or was inside his desk every single year. Izuku has always kept his eyes on him, so every Valentine’s Day, Izuku knew Kacchan did not receive any chocolates or love letters from girls, even friendship chocolates because Katsuki doesn’t mix well with women, period. Izuku can so confidently speak for Kacchan, that as far as he’s aware (I mean… he can’t take his attention off him for two seconds - Kacchan.exe is always running in the background of Izuku’s mind), Kacchan has never received a.single.thing which means that Izuku has always been watching over him, listening in to his conversations should he ever mention it. Izu-


every romantic pairing in bnha is like… you’re my hero. I’m your hero too, and I didn’t know it. don’t leave me, please don’t leave me, let’s be heroes together.


I’m honestly starting to wonder if ‘my hero’ is the shounen-sanctioned love confession fill-in until the day we can get the REAL confession.

Because TogaChaco’s one also reminded me FROM THE DAY IT LEAKED of that scene in Re:Zero where best girl (Rem) tells Subaru that he’s her “sekai ichi eiyuu” (number one Hero in the world). And bkdk are undoubtedly going to call each other their hero some day, there’s no way they don’t atp after a HOLY event like this.

Izuku only needed beckon his hero over to him with his eyes alone and they’re like 400m away or something…

and particularly, Izuku’s incredibly spiritual prayer wind panel… because that one made me freaking cry my eyes out?!!! It’s a whole spiritual experience just to even look at it…

Literally Foo Fighters “Hero” plays in the background of my head every time I see it.

There goes my hero, watch him as he goes… 🎶

There goes my hero, he’s… extraordinary. (“Kacchan SUGOI!!!”) 🧡💚

Oh… and this advertising for volume 37 confirms that 1. Katsuki is Izuku’s hero and 2. MHA may very well be titled for Katsuki’s rise into becoming a hero. Because Izuku has always been one his whole life.

The “boku no” (My) part was scribbled over in the advertising for volume 37 because Izuku’s “My Hero” was dead.

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