
Mozzarella Sticks


Really busy ○ Demisexual :^] ○ bi ○ She/her ○ I just reblog ANYTHING that makes my brain go :0

I love that bkdk is actually everything, like it’s sunshine x grumpy, then it’s rule breaker x rule follower BUT REVERSED, it’s sun and moon but not who you think, it’s apology in the rain, dramatic rescue missions, hospital scenes, targeted by villains for being too close, knowing the other better than anyone else, rivals that forever chase each other—


one of my favourite things to think about regarding izuku is whether or not he's oblivious to his feelings for katsuki. and when i say feelings, i mean just that--feelings. not necessarily romantic.

as i dive deeper into his character, i'm coming to this conclusion:

he is not oblivious to the fact that he has complicated and undefined feelings for katsuki. those feelings and his reactions to said feelings are shameful, "gross" according to izuku.

but his behavior, inspired by katsuki, is instinctual now.

he's talking to toga like he doesn't understand how someone could do awful things in the name of love, yet he shames himself for just insulting villains. on a lesser scale, izuku knows that feeling of wanting to be like someone else but being shamed for it--even if he himself is the one doing the shaming.

that's why he's significantly less empathetic towards himiko. he can understand shigaraki and touya. he tried to understand muscular, but resolved to just defeat him.

he doesn't give himiko that same empathy. because he relates to her and it hurts him.


Should I make myself a twitter account??? 🤯


Thinking about next chapter everyone finally noticing Izuku’s depression and ochako suggesting they all go to an amusement part to try to raise his spirits in the ultimate straight bait and then the outing falling flat immediately because that wasn’t what izu needed damnit😭😭 so bakugo ends up pulling him aside halfway through and them having The Talk hidden away from everyone else and crying and hugging and then they walk back out holding hands and just happen to walk by a crepe stand and and 👀👀


Ok but I'm a sucker for bkdk current dynamic of the used to be tough guy being the more childish, cheesy and expressive one of the two meanwhile the used to be whimsy happy guy is the more serious and emotionally closed off of the two.

It's just wow... completely different people from before.


Do I think Ochako and Izuku will end up together as we end the manga? Probably.

Does it change a single thing for me as a BKDK shipper? Absolutely not.

I’m not deluded enough to think bkdk will become canon. This is a classic Shonen manga. Japan isn’t that progressive. But I’m sorry, you can’t tell me Horikoshi didn’t know what he was doing with the volume 37 cover. You can’t tell me Horikoshi didn’t know what he was doing with that Jump GIGA cover.

Does he ship them? I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like it. A lot of times it feels like it. Katsuki getting stabbed to save Izuku. Izuku losing control of blackwhip whenever someone speaks ill of Katsuki. Katsuki nearly killing himself to get to Izuku when he can barely move (MULTIPLE times). Shigaraki going after Katsuki because he’s the most important person to Izuku. Katsuki CRYING over Izuku’s lost quirk in the hospital. The list goes on and on.

And with that being said, honestly, it’s no wonder so many ship them. Their relationship is so much more fleshed out than the Izuku x Ochako relationship could ever hope to be at this point. Even if the entirety of the epilogue is IzuOcha confessing, it still doesn’t erase the entirety of what’s happened between Katsuki and Izuku. Horikoshi isn’t great at writing well-rounded female characters, at least in this story, and I think this also contributes to the sheer number of BKDK shippers. It’s so much easier to ship two fleshed out characters. Add in a rivals/enemy dynamic and you have the the makings of many of the most popular M/M Shonen ships.

And I understand people’s issues with the BKDK, though past a lot of homophobia and a refusal to acknowledge people (especially teenagers) have a great capacity for change, I’m not sure where the intense hatred of it comes from.

I loves these characters. I love this ship for so many reasons. And if IzuOcha becomes canon that won’t change. If anything, my resolve that BKDK should be canon will only be strengthened.

I’m not under the illusion that I’m adding anything new to this discourse. The shipping wars will continue no matter how the story ends. But I don’t think BKDKs should be blamed for coming to a conclusion the story has, up until this point, so clearly led us to.


Izuku’s pining (placing Kacchan on a pedestal, a dream he'll always be chasing after but never catch) VS Katsuki’s pining (thinking he'll never entirely atone for his mistakes, he can only be in Izuku’s life as a rival), fight


What if Izuku is now back to wanting the exact right words to be said to him after losing his quirk ?

But dear, how can someone read your mind? We lack your own introspection, how are you coping after losing those 7 different voices that were present in your head? Are you even capable to hear your own internal voice or did you repress it fully?

Each one of his closest ones is going through trauma after the war, so who is he going to reach out? Would mother understand or would he not want to worry her even more?

All might would certainly understand the journey of a hero, but all of this happened due to the power all might gave to him. Which was a blessing, but also the glimpse of something he thought he would never have, so... he should only be grateful about All mights gift to him, right?

So who is going to be able to say the right thing to him to make him open up?

Who's not gonna put up with his bullshit and see right through him? Who has been worried about this damn cursed power and destroyed the moment he knew it was gone?

Is izuku even going to reach out to someone? Or will bakugo have to carry the entire plot line yet again pLEASE IM BEGGING, BAKUGO IS WORKING OVERTIME

LMAO IS SO TRUE everyone seems to act like a zombie in their own trauma ignoring Izuku's plead for help (that are so clear in his face and demeanor) and Katsuki seems like the only one that's not consumed by the horrors of the war and acts like a normal person still (which is crazy considering he was the least level headed, normal person before and now he is the voice of reason ????)

(Also as you said, Katsuki has been carrying Izuku's struggles on his back these last, what? 100 chapters? 200? I dont even know anymore, give him a rest HORI)

Aizawa acts like he doesn't care, Ochako is scarred, Shoto is EXTRA scarred and super angsty, everyone else is playing "pretend the war never happened" so my suspicion is that Horikoshi did this all on purpose so Izuku is obligated to talk to Katsuki, since he already tried with his two other closest friends, Ochako and Shoto and they both dismissed him.

Katsuki is his only option he can't keep running away from him. Not anymore.


i have so many thoughts about the new MHA chapters - like SOO many

for starts

why haven’t we gotten to hear ANYTHING about how Izuku is really feeling??

why does it feel like Shoto and Ochaco are dismissing Izuku??

why does it feel like everyone is moving on from the war but Izuku isn’t?

why did Shoto say what he said and then Fuma dismissed it and so did Aizawa?

why does Izuku look so fucking devasted this entire chapter and we are constantly getting visuals of his devastation yet no understanding of what it is that is going on in his head?

who the fuck is that last character AND FURTHERMORE and introduction of a character after Horikoshi announced it being the Epilogue??

Is Tenko truly dead??

Is AFO truly dead??

is Izuku actually quirkless?

is the dabi/touya in that machine??

where’s toga??

why hasn’t Ochaco said anything about Toga even though we clearly saw her worried about her in the previous chapter??

why is Horikoshi bringing up the line from Ocachos speech at the end of the vigilante arc where she convinced the civilians to let him stay??

did Bakugo Katsuki basically propose to Izuku?? i mean for the rest of my life??

is bkdk canon now or are we still waiting and hoping for more??

how long is this epilogue going to be??

is this really the final volume?? why does it feel like it’s not??

mirios speech about turning negatives into 0 and then positives?? does this sound like they are acknowledging everything but also covering it up too? is Horikoshi epilogue and the comment on it to show that he is going to document the aftermath because of this reason? does this have anything to do with the fact that he said he didn’t like the ending of naruto?? AGAGAHSJSKNFJSKSKSL


YOU ARE SO RIGHT this whole chapter is SO FUCKING WEIRD makes you feel like another character in the series watching everyone act crazy and makes you think that you are the crazy one.

Like why is literally nobody paying attention to how miserable Izuku looks ALL THE TIME he literally has this face " :[ " THE WHOLE CHAPTER AND NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING.

And then you could say "well maybe it is because he is not saying anything" but Shoto also has the face of a miserable person, said something REALLY WEIRD OUT OF NOWHERE ("It was during a period of chaos like this that AFO was born...") OUT LOUD and nobody gave af they pretended like he didn't say anything.

Then Ochako acting like she didn't just fought a war alongside Izuku ???

Everyone is acting so weird. Izuku is the only one that makes sense because they just went through a war but everyone is acting like it's just a normal tuesday.

Do they have amnesia or what? And did that impact their level of sympathy because they clearly don't care that Izuku looks like he is going to cry and Shoto like he hasn't slept for a week.

I understand maybe they are all so traumatized they don't pay attention because they are also having an inner conflict but it just feels weird.

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