


🫒🇵🇸 zionists and ppl who believe Malek is dead; don´t interact icon by @littlestpersimmon follow me on insta: instagram.com/orangeblossombitch

I'm excited to announce that I will be opening 4-5 slots for commissions! Please DM me if you are interested or have any questions. Likes and shares are very much appreciated❣I'm looking forward to drawing for you ^◇^

There are still 3 slots available❣


Hi guys! I posted some new drawings that you all can view for only 1 usd every month on my patreon! I post 3-5 early access and exclusive art there! These are some crops of bigger pieces of art! For only 1 usd you'll get access to almost 300+ art I made not posted anywhere else ♡ and you'll be helping me and my family of 5 and our cats! As I gain more subscribers, the more art I'll be able to make!

I am a disabled indigenous trans guy from the global south, and I love drawing southeast Asians (and Asians in general), and from my culture ♡ I want to make comics, escape homelessness for good, and just make art! Thank you for helping me and liking my drawings!


I'm excited to announce that I will be opening 4-5 slots for commissions! Please DM me if you are interested or have any questions. Likes and shares are very much appreciated❣I'm looking forward to drawing for you ^◇^


I am almost out of the trenches.. I did all my taxes.. I finished two big comms I was really nervous about because of my own insecurity.... I sent my cousin some of the money I made from my commissions for her biopsy.. and we repaired all the holes in my sisters room and got rid of the mold.. I only need to do legit three more big comms and work will be less crazy. The electricity bill dropped today and its like 90 usd.. please.. if you like my art would you consider getting a print.. ! I have most of my gallery there n would love to get this electricity stuff out of my hair.. I have not had a break since January.. have not had time to make personal art.. please.. would love a break

N also. My patreon n tipping jars if you want. I have nearly 200+ exclusive art on patreon. I feel the last three art I posted there was especially good. It's not posted anywhere else....!!!

N for anyone with disposable income. Everything will go to the electricity bill. Anything extra goes to insulin, rosuvastatin and anti seizure meds on g-d.


Trying to do this again. Ways to support me.

Hello, my name is Caleb, and I am a disabled trans guy from the global south. I am indigenous southeast Asian.

I have chronic pain, and I am the sole caretaker of three other disabled people. I currently work three jobs, and am desperate for help. All three of my jobs are not stable income, as two depend on me having clients.

My mom and dad are both chronically ill, and both need battalions of meds like insulin, rosuvastatin, b complex to prevent seizures, and so much more (my mom is a survivor of a sepsis attack that resulted in a few minutes of brain death that caused nerve damage. She is a full time wheelchair user, and my dad's heart needs maintenance medicine) my parents medicine alone costs around 700-1000 usd per month- meds alone. And I still have to pay the electricity, water, internet for my work, my sisters tuition fees,.. etc.. for commissions I make around 750 usd, and then another 50-150 usd when folk tip.. I partially lose some of them because in southeast Asia, PayPal takes a small percentage each transaction, and then again for conversion, and then again as a fee when I transfer money to my bank... for my industry work, I've only made 10k usd for work worth three years now, and this is money am not even able to spend, because my contract has a morality clause, which means, if my publisher randomly decides to drop me or the author, I will have to return every penny I make, even if I have already drawn 390 pages of the comic..

I have been workinh so much I only have 4 hours worth of sleep per day for nearly 10 days now.. have no idea what to do.... I have not been able to work on my personal projects, all I want is to be able to play video games and work on my comic and talk to my friends and partner..

For three days now, my dad has been having symptoms that are worrying. Back of his neck is hurting, and his blood pressure is high, and his words when he speaks is slurred. He is afraid, and he is the only person in our household who does most of the housework. I would absolutely love to scrape by enough to get him to arrange a Dr's appointment tomorrow.. and everything else.. wiggle room until I can open again commissions for February. Sorry again, and I hope things work out for everyone.

Direct support: my tipping jars

Passive support, my print shop and patreon..!

My patreon:

Art support/ emotional support

My twitter:

My bluesky:

Do i have some art up here you guys would like on imprint?

Hi guys. I posted some new art to my patreon. It's only a dollar a month! Already have 200 drawings up there!! Here's a crop!

Posted some more new art up on patreon,,,,!

Hi guys, posted some new art to my patreon, please have a look!

Posted some new art to my patreon.. please come have a look or help out if you want! Here’s a crop!

Hey guys, posted some new art to my patreon just now, here’s a crop. Please come check me out if you’d like!

Hey guys! Posted some new art to my patreon. Here’s a crop!

Anonymous asked:

hi! i shared your "save Gaza" and "save Rafah" poster/sticker designs with one of my local Palestine solidarity groups (i hope that's alright!), and at a march+fundraiser event on saturday i saw some stickers around! just wanted to let you know that its out there :)

Awwww heck yeah! This is so cool, thank you for letting me know ❤❤


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