
oh to be far away

@littlestpersimmon / littlestpersimmon.tumblr.com

Caleb. | m♡m centric ♂️ I like old fantasy books a little too much 🧄 indigenous southeast asian (mixed)

also. been having a very hard week. our house was burglarized / mini invaded. no one got hurt, but my sisters iPad she uses for her online school and dad's phone got stolen, and our kitchen was semi destroyed, our rice supply was spilled everywhere and some?? eggs?? and canned stuff was stolen. After that, a family friend who was helping me with house duties got a stroke. So now I am all alone in dealing with all of this. It would be a huge mental health imrpovement, would absolutely mean the world to me if you guys can maybe help me boost my art? it's just that I love drawing and it's the only thing that's been cheering me up.

my Twitter is my "home base" and I've been posting lots of my drawings there that I don't post here, idk only if you'd like to follow ofc.

my patreon is only 1 dollar a month, and if you'd like to support me n my disabled family, through patreon would be awesome! if you'd like!

and here is my imprnt

I also have three more slots of commissions on my ko-fi if you'd like to directly help.

My dad's phone has the philippine version of venmo, called "gcash", and it had about 200 usd in it that was only accessible through his phone (that got stolen).. it was for my mom's next hospital visit for her glaucoma and some grocery expenses.. so, if you'd like a custom portrait from me, I will do commissions. The automated message says the deadline is June, but full disclosure, the earliest I will be able to send a commission completed is JULY.

mostly I just want a bigger audience for my drawings, I want to share my comics and my love for southeast asian culture, and would really really love a boost. Thank you for reading through n I hope u have a good day.


Thank you everyone who expressed concern for my partial homelessness. Am sorry for being a burden on the dash. And thank you to everyone who bought a print, supported me on patreon, sent in a tip. My termite problem infestation is partially solved. Rn just trying to replace the rotted woodboards. The weather is fluctuating between extreme heat and heavy rains, as is the norm in the Philippines. Pls don't feel bad if you can't support me financially. Just know if you've ever liked or rbed my art its enough. More than enough. Rn, am still so exhausted. If you are religious please include me in your prayers, I will include you in mine too. I received my first 10 hours of sleep since April. I ate buttered corn today and finally some pasta. Macaroni and fresh cheese. my first non canned food in many months. In bed, so sleepy, I want to play zelda. Blessed Eid everyone.


Hi guys just wanted to post this here in case anyone wants to follow me on twitter.

Am only 8 people away from my next milestone. Bc Likes literally don't mean anything on *both* twitter and tumblr now *as a function* (meaning they no longer boost your visibility on twitter)

I feel really bummed out about my art. Idk! I guess I just want an art boost hehe. If you wanna follow me there please come on over. Thank youu.

To be clear I am extremely grateful to however way people choose to engage with my art. u can look at it kindly and I'd be grateful for all of eternity. I just wanted to complain abt the choices Elongated Tusk is doing with the website singlehandedly responsible for my livelihood.


There is no safe place left. The Israeli army is merciless and does not know humanity. Save us from certain death through support via PayPal wallet.


this is a verified fundraiser. please see @/el-shab-hussein‘s masterpost of vetted fundraisers. Alaa and Bilal are on the priority fundraising list there. I am also in contact with Alaa and can attest that this is real.

both of them lost their beautiful home and their livelihood due to the genocide.

update: very good news! due to a very generous donation, Alaa and Bilal reached their initial goal. they are now trying to raise enough money to evacuate the rest of their family as well.

the new goal is 25k and so far they have reached $ 16.024/$ 25.000

please share this and donate, even a small amount of money (1-2$) genuinely helps.


Am partially homeless rn. Feeling extremely bummed out. Feeling like I could die from working. Would give anything to be out my current job. Just do commissions forever. I really feel like crying. I really feel I'm about to die of exhaustion. No matter what I do its never enough. Crisis after crisis. Am so tired of instant noodles and mashed potato. Would give everything for a bowl of pasta. I want to cry. I want to cry.

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