
O, Merciful Heaves!


What the inside of my head looks like.

My condolences to every artist who wanted their OC to have a really cool complicated-looking gun right up until the first time they attempted a pose that would require it to be drawn at a slight angle.


"lol, didn't right wing chuds realize The Boys was making fun of them?" Folks, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Chuds don't actually give a shit about "the politics" despite all their whining about it. All they give a shit about is whether or not they can project their fascist jerk off fantasies onto a piece of media. They ain't mad that The Boys got "political." They're mad that the show introduced a black woman who isn't intimidated by their precious cinnamon roll Nazi Superman -- introduces her via a scene where he goes to *her* for help no less -- and calls him out on his bullshit. They're mad that this season revealed one of their tough, manly man anti-heroes is bisexual and gave him a black boyfriend. You can't "gotcha" these clowns. Just tell 'em to fuck off.

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