David J Prokopetz

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Finally creating a pinned post of my games. I’ve included all titles I’ve been involved with in some capacity, not just ones where I’m the author; when I’m not the author, I’ll note my role in (parentheses).

This post will be updated over time to reflect changes in the status of these projects, so if you’re looking at a reblog, feel free to click through to the original and see if it differs.

Last updated: 2024-01-28

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I don't begrudge Resident Evil fans the last ten years of Resident Evil inspired indie survival horror games, but I gotta say, some days I'd kill for a mediocre Parasite Eve clone.


Like, it wouldn't even be that big a reach. Parasite Eve was and is one of the foundational pillars of modern survival horror gaming, for all that it gets basically no recognition these days, so the bones of it remain implicit in the genre's basic structure, waiting to be stood up and dusted off. A contemporary urban setting, a generous dose of medical horror, creature designs that look like the concept artist was mainlining Discovery Channel documentaries about the Burgess Shale, a protagonist with low-affect autism and the ability to set people on fire with her brain – the pieces are there; they just need to be put together in the right configuration.


The problem with contemporary survival horror is that it's not asking me to fight an anomalocaris.


But I don't want to fight anomalocaris :(


Anomalocaris wants to fight you.


LIAR! Anomalocaris wants to eat small and soft creatures with its face things. I will be notifying the authorities about this blatant slander.





gaming video games survival horror tropes parasite eve violence mention death mention meme

I don't begrudge Resident Evil fans the last ten years of Resident Evil inspired indie survival horror games, but I gotta say, some days I'd kill for a mediocre Parasite Eve clone.


Like, it wouldn't even be that big a reach. Parasite Eve was and is one of the foundational pillars of modern survival horror gaming, for all that it gets basically no recognition these days, so the bones of it remain implicit in the genre's basic structure, waiting to be stood up and dusted off. A contemporary urban setting, a generous dose of medical horror, creature designs that look like the concept artist was mainlining Discovery Channel documentaries about the Burgess Shale, a protagonist with low-affect autism and the ability to set people on fire with her brain – the pieces are there; they just need to be put together in the right configuration.


The problem with contemporary survival horror is that it's not asking me to fight an anomalocaris.


But I don't want to fight anomalocaris :(


Anomalocaris wants to fight you.


LIAR! Anomalocaris wants to eat small and soft creatures with its face things. I will be notifying the authorities about this blatant slander.


gaming video games survival horror tropes parasite eve violence mention death mention meme

I don't begrudge Resident Evil fans the last ten years of Resident Evil inspired indie survival horror games, but I gotta say, some days I'd kill for a mediocre Parasite Eve clone.


Like, it wouldn't even be that big a reach. Parasite Eve was and is one of the foundational pillars of modern survival horror gaming, for all that it gets basically no recognition these days, so the bones of it remain implicit in the genre's basic structure, waiting to be stood up and dusted off. A contemporary urban setting, a generous dose of medical horror, creature designs that look like the concept artist was mainlining Discovery Channel documentaries about the Burgess Shale, a protagonist with low-affect autism and the ability to set people on fire with her brain – the pieces are there; they just need to be put together in the right configuration.


The problem with contemporary survival horror is that it's not asking me to fight an anomalocaris.


But I don't want to fight anomalocaris :(


Anomalocaris wants to fight you.

gaming video games survival horror tropes parasite eve violence mention death mention

I don't begrudge Resident Evil fans the last ten years of Resident Evil inspired indie survival horror games, but I gotta say, some days I'd kill for a mediocre Parasite Eve clone.


Like, it wouldn't even be that big a reach. Parasite Eve was and is one of the foundational pillars of modern survival horror gaming, for all that it gets basically no recognition these days, so the bones of it remain implicit in the genre's basic structure, waiting to be stood up and dusted off. A contemporary urban setting, a generous dose of medical horror, creature designs that look like the concept artist was mainlining Discovery Channel documentaries about the Burgess Shale, a protagonist with low-affect autism and the ability to set people on fire with her brain – the pieces are there; they just need to be put together in the right configuration.


The problem with contemporary survival horror is that it’s not asking me to fight an anomalocaris.

gaming video games survival horror tropes parasite eve violence mention death mention

The problem with folks arguing on the Internet about whether it's "realistic" to use a scythe as a weapon is that they're almost never actually talking about scythes; they're talking about some sort of fictitious vaguely-scythe-inspired polearm, and there's no point having an argument about that, because obviously a weapon can be used as a weapon. Let's bring real scythes into the picture – I want to see the hypothetical combat stance for one of these:


This video has some demonstrated examples from old manuscripts


Oh, that’s neat – I wasn’t aware anyone had tried re-creating those. The usual disclaimers that it’s unclear how much of Paulus Hector Mair’s work represents serious martial arts and how much of it represents sporting/exhibition techniques apply, of course, and I can’t speak to how practical any of the demonstrated material would be, but it’s interesting how much those moves don’t resemble the halberd-adjacent stuff you usually see in fictional depictions of scythe combat.

history weapons scythes violence mention serious business video youtube

The problem with folks arguing on the Internet about whether it’s “realistic” to use a scythe as a weapon is that they’re almost never actually talking about scythes; they’re talking about some sort of fictitious vaguely-scythe-inspired polearm, and there’s no point having an argument about that, because obviously a weapon can be used as a weapon. Let’s bring real scythes into the picture – I want to see the hypothetical combat stance for one of these:

history weapons scythes violence mention serious business

I don't begrudge Resident Evil fans the last ten years of Resident Evil inspired indie survival horror games, but I gotta say, some days I'd kill for a mediocre Parasite Eve clone.


Like, it wouldn’t even be that big a reach. Parasite Eve was and is one of the foundational pillars of modern survival horror gaming, for all that it gets basically no recognition these days, so the bones of it remain implicit in the genre’s basic structure, waiting to be stood up and dusted off. A contemporary urban setting, a generous dose of medical horror, creature designs that look like the concept artist was mainlining Discovery Channel documentaries about the Burgess Shale, a protagonist with low-affect autism and the ability to set people on fire with her brain – the pieces are there; they just need to be put together in the right configuration.

gaming video games survival horror tropes parasite eve violence mention death mention