
there is water at the bottom of the ocean



The villagers of Redcliffe seeing their town get filled with rebel mages and a Tevinter magister taking over and kicking out the Arl 10 years after a mage got possesed and nearly killed all of them:


one of the things that always makes me laugh most about dorian pavus is that he always emphasizes that we, as a high approval inquisitor, are his "best and only friend" (i've never officially romanced him so idk if he says this to a romanced inquisitor as well)

and that's just inherently not true LOL. he gets along very well with varric, even making playful bets with him. he plays chess with cullen. he tries to explain things about human life to cole. he starts a rebel movement against his home country with maevaris. like??? dorian, hunny. we might be your bestest friend, but we aren't your only friend, you silly goober.


I would love if BioWare released the character creator as an early demo. You know, as a treat!Also as an apology for feeding us crumbs for ten years


I am NOT sorry for the person I've become since the veilguard trailer dropped and I WILL get worse when the game actually releases c:<


Wait wait hold on what do you mean I’m gonna be playing Dragon Age the Veilguard for the first time and I won’t know the consequences of my actions until the conscies come quencing?


Solas: damn that was fun. i missed court intrigue

Inquisitor: YOU miss court intrigue?????? why?????

Solas (forgot he was undercover): UH,


I can’t believe people are acting like Solas and Varric aren’t friends….did you listen to their dialogues? They talk philosophy, laugh, ask each other questions, give advice, Solas even goes from polite but distant ‘master tethras’ to a friendly ‘varric’ in the span of a few conversations. Solas took genuine interest in his writing and read his books. Varric even invites him to play Wicked Grace. Foolish.


I was emotionally prepared for the Trespasser epilogue of DA:I… but no one could’ve prepared me for Cassandra’s impressions of the others when reading aloud Varric’s book about the Inquisition


All Ferelden girls know is have dog, hate Orlais, be bisexual, eat cheese, and lie.


it's so funny how da2 is widely considered to be the disgrace of da games and was also made like in a year or something but it still managed to create one of the most popular characters in the franchise. varric literally became da's in-game official narrator. anders has a wikipedia page with a controversy part highlighted. everyone is talking about solas now and for a good reason but his importance to the lore & plot is literally off the charts and he's also a god. fenris made people go crazy like that while being just a guy from a side optional quest you can accidentally skip


my favorite thing about Varric is that he's a lying liar and yet everyone is always taking everything he says at face value. Absolutely amazing.

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