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  • Just hit 10k on tumblr! It’s wild to think it actually happened after so many years - I’ve been on tumblr longer than I’ve been on any other social media sites. 😂

    Thank you to all the new followers, I hope you’ll have a decent time, and an even bigger thank you to my really old ones. Yall are mvps for sitting through so many of my fandoms and fixations throughout the years. 🫶 Love you all. Stay safe, have fun, be kind.

  • please please PLEASE know

    i wake each morning excited to scroll my feed and see the darling necromancer once again

    love all your work and your style is AMAZING

    but your emmirich scratches an itch in my brain and i am excited to see more work from you!!


  • Thank you kindly! The muse is just ridiculously strong atm ahaah. I certainly won’t be able to keep doing dailies months down the line, but I’m happy folks are enjoying them!

  • Heya 🥹 I was the anon that asked about Harding - used anonymous bc I didn't want to come off as demanding. Just saw your doodle of her and she's so cute!!! Genuinely brought a big smile to my face. Thank you for indulging us Harding fans <333

  • Happy to provide since I was able! It’s always fun to hype fans. Thanks for the suggestion and for asking nicely!