
Thell's Magpie Collection


Hi! I'm Thell, they/them. I'm 18+, absolutly obsessed with the silmarillion at the moment. And everything that entails, canon typical war crimes ahead! Feel free to drop in and say hi, talk my ear off about you headcannons or characters, I'll be glad to chat! All of my personal art is under "art". Creative, I know.

If you want a good object lesson about what we can and can't know about the past, we don't know Ea-Nasir was a dishonest merchant selling shoddy goods.

What we know is we have found a cache of complaint tablets about him selling low quality copper as high quality, in a site that was probably his own residence. We know multiple people complained he was a cheat. It's entirely possible they were right. It's also entirely possible that he kept these complaint letters as records of people he would no longer do business with, because they had made accusations and threats in order to bully him into giving them free copper. That is an equally valid interpretation of the evidence.

My point is not that we have maligned Ea-Nasir, my point is that thousands of years later, we do not and cannot know.


btw roleplaying various characters with your friends is the singular most healing thing in the world. playing with toys for adults

are you gonna butch up and play comic book characters with me or lay there bleeding.

many people in the tags of this post seem to believe i am talking about ttrpgs, or LARPing, or other some such. a great number of other people are proclaiming that they would like to do this, but they have no time for an investment of this sort, or that it’s embarrassing, or that they don’t know how to go about it. i think these two things are at least somewhat interconnected, so let me speak plainly: while there’s nothing wrong with complex, in-depth roleplay and LARPing and ttrpgs, i am talking about extremely bare bones text message roleplaying.

dont get wrapped up in making it complex, or abiding by a set of rules, or making it any more complicated than it needs to be. find a buddy, find or make some characters, and go back and forth sending messages to each other in character. draw it if you want. there’s discord bots that let you set up little fake accounts so you can be more “authentic” with it, but you don’t need those if you don’t want to. find a forum to do it on, or make one. do it with your friends, or take the plunge and join a server full of strangers to make new friends. write one-sentence replies with poor grammar. use asterisk roleplaying like this *puts my hands on your shoulders* if you need to. make it simple. make it easy. make it fun. if it’s not fun, put it down and try again or find something else, but at least give it a try. i’m dead serious here. remember how to play again and experience that kind of wonder that you haven’t in years. it will help you overcome the shame that has been hammered into you. it’s good for you. i promise


I just finished reading Tevinter Nights and it's a shame how a lot of low income folks like me don’t have access to it or any of the other Dragon Age novels or the cookbook or the two editions of world of Thedas *sigh* I did put a photo of my cat right here though if you want to see how beautiful he is, please ignore the loose pdf files in the folder!

Also you can reblog this so more people can see the picture of my cat. And since there's nothing in this post relating to Dragon Age please don't tag it with anything related to Dragon Age because there's nothing related to Dragon Age in the folder I'm just putting it on a blog that is dedicated to Dragon Age because I love my cat


I feel like the third age mirkwood elves deserve some more human inspired looks. I think they deserve to have made good friends with lake town and the dale folk before them.

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