
Not going to lie, I find it weird and off-putting when people characterize Feanor (& sons) desire to reclaim the silmarils as 'greed'. Like.

  1. Is it greedy to want your own shit back? Like is it outrageous to try to reclaim your own property that has been stolen AT MINIMUM once, and in one case twice, and in the ultimate end stolen and then subsequently taken as war booty by a neglegent if not outright hostile force? Is 'greed' the word you really want to use? Is that a word you would use you you translated the situation into something of your own? If someone stole your bike, or your wallet, or a piece of art that you made, and you expected it to be returned to you... would you want to be called 'greedy' for that?
  2. idk there's just something weird about wanting to reclaim objects that are both a) important representations of calaquendi noldor culture and craft and b) a literal embodiment of the divine light that recalls better being described as excessive and unreasonable that rubs me the wrong way.

Just to be clear: I am not endorsing acts of violence to meet the above goals! But 'greed' does not denote excessive force or unjust means! It denotes unjust desire. Characterizing Feanor's drive to reclaim the silmarils as greed means that the desire itself is unjustifiable or unreasonable.

I've been saying!feanorfeanorian things

Why did Feanor declare war on Morgoth?

He’s a greedy bastard who just wanted his shiny gems back

He was overtaken by grief for Finwe and wanted revenge

He was attempting to overthrow a tyrant who had harmed his people

He needed the Silmarils back for a non-greedy reason (i.e. his soul is in them)

More than one of these (say in tags!)

Something I didn’t include here (say in tags!)

See Results

Based on some conversations I’ve had with people, I have realized there are a lot of different takes on Why Feanor Did That, so. have a poll!

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Anonymous asked:

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oh, why thank you anon!!