
I'm a mess in distress


she/her, born 2002, ENG/PL, autistic

In 5 hours, my 22nd birthday shall arrive... Will I break the curse and not cry on my birthday for once? Not likely. But at least my parents have promised me a giant goose plushie, so that's nice 🪿


OCD can be so fucking stupid sometimes. I caught a stomach bug from that one time I went to touch grass after weeks of staying home. I've been trying every medication under the sun but nothing works so now I also have to deal with my brain telling me that cutting myself in some kind of blood sacrifice could be the key to making the illness go away sooner. Like, edgy much? so fucking cringe


You know what really fucking Annoys Me about internet censorship is stuff like swear words being heavily censored because that's entirely an American cultural hangup being forced on the rest of us. I don't know a single country where swearing is as taboo as it is in America. In fact most languages have swear words that would have the same effect on an American as giving a Victorian chimney sweep a pepsi max cherry.

Demonitizing Irish people's videos for having swear words in them is a kind of hate crime and psychological torture I think.


girl dad not as in a dad with daughters but as in a girl who shares the tastes habits and personality traits of a middle aged father


Still occasionally recall that post somebody shared on reddit(?) of their cats, introducing them by name. And someone in the comments asked "hey did you know that your cats' names mean 'deaf' and 'stupid' in polish?"

And this person answers "I am polish. The white cat is deaf and the orange one is stupid."


I think people need to be more comfortable with illegalism and I’m not kidding. Of course the more legal something is, the safer and easier it is to do, but the more people who disregard the law, the harder it is to enforce. There are plenty of laws on the books that people just ignore and are never or rarely policed.

Becoming more comfortable with little illegal activities makes you more comfortable with bigger more important illegal activities. Additionally, it is crucial to build a wall of silence. Nobody talks everybody walks.

People who give out food without a permit, hold a march without a permit, grow a garden without a permit, are more likely to be people you could turn to to work with on preventing an eviction, or keeping people out of cop hands, or helping your friend Jane get crucial healthcare when it’s not legal in your state.

Communities comfortable with these acts won’t call the cops, and then nobody knows that it’s happening.

People have got to shift from both the idea that lawful = good/ illegal = bad, and that the illegality of something means that’s the end of it, and the only fight left is to make it legal again.

do grimy shit for your local queers


When the Law isn't Good, then "lawful good" isn't the role you want to play, as it sets you up to harm far more people than you help.


Hi, I know many people are excited for the new Dragon Age, me too, but just a reminder: DON'T PREORDER IT

No seriously, don't. I advise not preordering any game actually, but especially not one that is from EA. I fully expect it to launch with at least one game breaking bug, not counting the plethora of just highly annoying ones. Nowadays, so many games are released in a barely playable shitty state, but companies don't care since people keep preordering the games so the money is flowing in.

Just wait. A day, two days, see if it's actually playable, then buy it if everything is alright. It's better than throwing away a shitload of money (and it's a 2024 AAA game published by EA, it's gonna cost A LOT) and then feeling shitty when the game is just bad.


disabled people are worth whatever cost or resources is needed to keep them alive. disabled people are worth it even if they don't live long. they're worth it even if they will need extra support and resources for every day of their life. they're worth it even if they spend all they life indoors. none of it is wasted. none of it is in vain. time, effort, money, resources spent on a life are not wasted. these things have served their purpose. the joy of someone's existence is not undermined by not lasting forever. there's no meaningful point, some threshold where you can say "okay this is enough. after that it's not worth it." it's always worth it.

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