
Blue Banded Agate's Reblogs


THE "LIKE" BUTTON IS A BOOKMARK - REBLOGS ARE ALL THAT MATTERS. Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlueBandedAgate. See @bluebandedagate for original posts. This blog does reblogs only.

So, there's apparently research coming out now about microplastics being found in people's bloodstreams and the possible negative effects of that and I feel the need to get out ahead of the wave of corporate sponsored "be sure to recycle your bottles!" or "ban glitter!" campaigns and remind everyone: It's fishing nets. It's fishing nets. It is overwhelming fishing nets It always has been fishing nets. Unless regulations are changed, it will continue to be fishing nets. The plastic in the ocean in largely discarded nets from industrial fishing. The microplastics are the result of these nets breaking down. The "trash islands" are also, you guessed it. Mostly fishing nets and other discarded fishing industry equipment. Do not allow them to continue to twist the story. Do not come after disabled people who require single use plastics. Do not come after people using glitter in art projects and makeup. These things make up a negligible amount of the issue compared to corporate waste, specifically in the fishing industry. Do not let them shift the blame to the individual so they can continue to destroy the planet and our bodies without regulation.

Industries are incredibly resistant to taking responsibility for their own waste, to the point where “consumers are responsible for industrial waste” is somehow considered a sensible, ethical, worthy sentence.

It is actually perfectly reasonable to say that “industries are responsible for industrial waste” and “the effects of industry can, should and must be fixed by industry” and “Industry can, should and must be held responsible for its impacts on the commons, such as air, water, oceans and land.”


idk why people always use "fever dream" in a derogatory context because i'm still very sick and i just had the best dream ever. i was carrying a baby seal around and hand-feeding it spaghettios. it was so soft and it loved the spaghettios so much

who's a hungy baby

Studies show that approaching youth with a bystander-intervention model is actually a lot more effective for reducing sexual assault, and it is also more enthusiastically received than programs that bill themselves as anti-rape.
We can tell youth that they are basically “rapists waiting to happen” (anti-rape initiative), or we can tell them that we know they would intervene if they saw harm happening to someone and we want to help empower them to do that (bystander intervention). The kids jump in with both feet for the latter! It was amazing to see children (and young boys in particular) excited to do this work and engage their creativity with it. Also, studies show that not only do they go on to intervene, but they also do not go on to sexually assault people themselves. Bystander intervention also takes the onus off the person being targeted to deter rape and empowers the collective to do something about it. It answers the question in the room when giggling boys are carrying an unconscious young woman up the stairs at a house party, and people are not sure how to respond and are waiting for “someone” to say or do something.

Richard M. Wright, “Rehearsing Consent Culture: Revolutionary Playtime” in the anthology Ask: Building Consent Culture edited by Kitty Stryker

This is also, btw, how the US drastically reduced drunk driving in the US. Telling people they shouldn’t drive when intoxicated made absolutely zero difference. A slogan-and-ad-campaign for “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk!” changed drinking culture. Going after the bystanders is quite often the most effective thing to do in any social change.


i'm super high so forgive the rambling but

as somebody who grew up catholic and read the bible a bunch because it was words in a book and that's what i did in school, a thing thats fucking insane about christianity is how, like, the foundational text of christianity and christanity-the-institution are basically completely the opposite of one another

original observation i know but this isn't me like, doing a new thing, its reeling over an old well-worn thing because its just so insane

like fundamentally the pitch of christianity, as presented in stories about jesus, is "god made himself into a guy, but not just a guy, a poor working man in roman-occupied judea. this guy went around telling everyone how god is on the side of the poor, the oppressed, and the downtrodden, and against the rich, the occupier, and the authority. to be kind to each other, help each other, even the ones you're supposed to hate, and take solace in the face the day is coming when those in power get what's coming to them."

but then the romans decided christianity was theirs now, and i dont think we like... understand how fucking weird that is. its like if the president of the united states one day got up and declared that actually, its Soviet America now. nothing is changing materially, capital still rules america, but the flags are all red and there's hammers and sickles on everything and people call each other comrade

because that's exactly what it is, right? none of the stuff in the jesus parts of the bible are really, like, conducive to the state religion of a giant conquering slave empire, especially not the part where the romans killed the dude. so like, basically every single thing about christainity is this bizarre smoke and mirrors game with theological wordplay to get around that. the institutions of the church exist to undermine the core stuff that's written in their foundational document through a game of theological telephone.

and again like, i keep coming back to the soviet america example idea thing. because that's exactly what it is, right? imagine its like, a thousand years from now, and in some liberal government culturally descendent from the united states you got an election and the two candidates get up and cite the parts of Capital where Karl Marx is like "alright i'll hand it to the capitalists they sure built a lot of machine tools" to show their devotion to communism, which of course teaches that capitalists should own the means of production

its exactly that! they literally took a religion built around a dude who really fucking hated the roman occupation and talked endlessly about giving to others and sharing with others and helping those unlike yourself and made it into the religion of rome, of taking and keeping and hurting those unlike yourself.

its so fucking wild man (again; i am so goddamn high. to be clear, this isn't a defense of christianity or of issues with jesus as portrayed, like im not saying that actually we should be Original Jesusers, i fully agree that christanity has antisemetism at its core, its more just musing on how wild it is this happened)

Anonymous asked:

Isn’t it possible that braius is using asmodeus as a deterrence and is actually following a different god?

LMAO NAH Matt just said something like "demons are imune to poison, as youd know from having fought them", i think Sam legit just didnt remember


As per the announcement

º The story will be set 100 years INTO the Calamity.

º The PCs will be six "divine figures" and the role they played in the downfall of Aeor

º The story has been stored in the Downfall relic


I think that there should be more incidental big bads

Your characters go through a door and find a boss arena with a lich in the center cackling to himself. "Finally! I have collected the seven keys to the Apocalypse Throne! Soon, the prophecy will be complete and a thousand years of blood shall descend upon the world! Mwahahaha!" No-one's ever mentioned an "apocalypse throne" or its keys or a prophecy about a thousand years of blood all campaign, and you have no idea who this guy is. You stop him and the game just goes on. None of this ever comes up again.

Anonymous asked:

It doesn't matter if it's your OC, you shouldn't lewd a minor

Finneas is a 24 year old grown man.


Girl I do no know how to explain that the vast majority of adults used to be children.


The tags are all great here but this one made me look at it for a couple seconds. I don’t recall jesus being born an adult im very certain he was also a baby at some point

there’s a very popular holiday about it, in fact


Wait wait they are saying its okay to sexualize Jesus and no one else


Stupid is timeless.


I’m that lady who’s just FEELING it

tbh cables were like that and safety precautions weren’t hard set in yet

Oh wow this is horrifying

Holy shit

Why don’t we see this kind of stuff more in history books?! I’d be way more interested in history if I understood that people were afraid of electricity because they were afraid of power lines slicing them to peices like cheese-wire! History books make it sound like “oh those silly people thought electricity carried demons or something!” Rather than “those poor people opposed electricity because they were terrified that eventually there would be so many power lines they wouldn’t be able to see the sun anymore.”

Forbidden Zipline


Me, reading about people fearing electricity when it was invented: well, people always fear changes and the new, so-

*further reads about the madness that was the massive powerlines and its horrifying lack of safety”

-you know what. I would do the exact same: be terrified of the “giant electricity spider”.


technically we’re ALL, always LARPing, because the Self is only a construct,


I want a new character

Then make one.


Everyone talking about posts that changed their brain chemistry seem to be leaving out this classic, which probably propelled me into activism and more self confidence in a way that I cannot put into words.


your friends think about you, y'know? they smile and think about goofy shit you've said. they pray for you. they smell your perfume in a shop and think of you fondly. they tell anecdotes involving you to strangers and friends. they remember the way you hug or bite or high five and want to repeat it with you. they love you. i promise.


love languages were made up by a christian guy trying to keep his tradwife in line and sun sign (western zodiac) astrology/horoscopes were made up by a British columnist initially for the birth of a royal baby and then iterated upon by him with the help of crowd working charlatans such as stage musicians in order to gain popularity like it's fake it's all fake and it's all by white guys let me out of here. mbti enneagram humors. white supremacy LOVES determinism and strict categorization of the human experience


So now we've had 2 different horned characters in 2 different campaigns telling everyone they're associated with the Platinum Dragon when they very clearly aren't.

Nickels and all that.


HMMM, VERY interesting response by Braius in regards to the demon question. He doesnt know theres a difference between devils and demons - this tells me he's not actually a follower of a god of either. If he was, he'd have a VERY strong opinion on that question.

And yet, he's seemingly a fan of Teven. And of the Hells.

Either this guy is a poser, or he's pulling a long-con.

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