


Hi! I'm Alex, I’m 26. Yeah. Alot of stuff and things in this blog. He/him

Hi There! I am a fully cis man. However I am disgusted by the treatment of transfem users on this website. So, I emailed some press about just my recent issues I’ve personally noticed and support emails documented, and Guess what, you can too!

Yeah, you can do that! If you are a trans person you can say “Hey, this shit is going on.” And if you have enough documentation, they will notice and say Hey, that’s weird? Here’s some now

Media Matters: A left leaning publication

email [email protected] or call 202.756.4100.

Glaad: A LGBT advocacy organization that you can contact using this page for more suggestions

Vox, a general left leaning site they ain’t perfect but hey:

Fuck it, CNN!

If you are a trans user on this website with documented support emails with Tumblr’s behavior or can personally attest to how staff treated you? send out information let them know what is going on, and please find other websites that you get your news from to let them know! If i’m nuked? Lmao.

please feel free to reblog with more press page websites contact pages! I got hot yoga to go to! I posted this 4:30 on Thursday the 13th June of 2024 Let’s see how long until this gets enough attention for me to get banned! peace! 🏳️‍🌈🫡

I might actually get personally threatened by matt if that happens lol

Please do that!!

It is Tuesday the 25th, and a trans mutual had her new blog deleted within a few days while this post was still ongoing. Get this shit spread so much Matt Mullenweg gets his year ruined and deletes my blog. If you don’t have documented emails/posts from tumblr and other users excusing harassment and enabling this shit you can still send emails please be kind and explain your experiences. Other suggestions are in the notes somewhere

Getting at that point where I’m comfortable in saying if I’m banned from tumblr I don’t even care. @photomatt Matt Mullenwig you are in my opinion a pathetic waste of a man, and everything you worship is a sand castle that will be washed away.

You think you’re going to be the next Elon Musk but that alone shows you’re a fucking piece of trash like him.

You don’t even realize you are a pile of shit who worships a mountain of shit. This website hates you for good fucking reason you hateful fucking wretch of a man.

You are 40 years old and spend your time harassing trans women for existing, you’re a fucking hateful loser just like Elon Musk; catering to bigots who are stagnant obstacles to anything good happening in the world. I hope the consequences of your hateful actions follow you until you die and I’m fucking glad to be a part of it.


Super Mario Bros: The Morton Jankel Cut (VHS Extended Rough Cut 1.0) Movie 1993

From the official Super Mario Bros: The Movie Archive team, here’s your first look at the previously-unseen extended rough cut of the controversial 1993 cyberpunk fantasy, Super Mario Bros.

The film as released runs 104 minutes. This extended version runs a full 125 minutes, with 20 minutes of additional scenes. The editing has also been reworked throughout, and restored by filmmaker Garrett Gilchrist, well known for his restoration of The Thief and the Cobbler and many Muppet projects.

This version uses VHS sources for most of the film, for consistency. Otherwise identical edits sourced from DVD and Blu-Ray also exist, as well as a general restored workprint. We are exploring our options and further work will be done on this film later. However, the Archive Team has decided to release this version of the edit early, for the film’s anniversary, and see what the fans think of it.

Previously-unseen deleted scenes include the Mario Bros running afoul of the (probably Mafia-connected) Scapelli plumbing company, Koopa murdering a technician by de-evolving him into slime, and Iggy and Spike rapping about the overthrow of King Koopa at the Boom Boom Bar. There’s more of Lena, Daniella and the Brooklyn Girls. Most scenes are extended in this version, with a lot more of the cast including Dennis Hopper as Koopa.


mmaybe if we put two guys in the particle accelerator theyll crash into eachother really fast


I have a pitch for the presidential debates


Cool stuff


That’s the kinda shit I would say when I had a fucking brain tumor and I could still stay awake to talk clearly for 90 minutes. He’s got worse issues than that.


Hi There! I am a fully cis man. However I am disgusted by the treatment of transfem users on this website. So, I emailed some press about just my recent issues I’ve personally noticed and support emails documented, and Guess what, you can too!

Yeah, you can do that! If you are a trans person you can say “Hey, this shit is going on.” And if you have enough documentation, they will notice and say Hey, that’s weird? Here’s some now

Media Matters: A left leaning publication

email [email protected] or call 202.756.4100.

Glaad: A LGBT advocacy organization that you can contact using this page for more suggestions

Vox, a general left leaning site they ain’t perfect but hey:

Fuck it, CNN!

If you are a trans user on this website with documented support emails with Tumblr’s behavior or can personally attest to how staff treated you? send out information let them know what is going on, and please find other websites that you get your news from to let them know! If i’m nuked? Lmao.

please feel free to reblog with more press page websites contact pages! I got hot yoga to go to! I posted this 4:30 on Thursday the 13th June of 2024 Let’s see how long until this gets enough attention for me to get banned! peace! 🏳️‍🌈🫡

I might actually get personally threatened by matt if that happens lol

Please do that!!

Check my pinned version of this post also sorry for being cis


Who cares if he's Senile?

I don't think Biden is senile, but I don't care if he was. Reagan was Senile in his second term, and Republicans love him. The Soviets were more scared because he was senile. We have the declassified documents to prove it!

why would you pay for people to see this


you’re right the soviets were perpetually pretty scared that the irrational United States was going to do something to breach world peace again, glad you recognize history’s villain comrade


Senile terrorist is an actual selling point to these people?

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