
I Don't Know

@max1461 / max1461.tumblr.com

Hello, I'm Max (they/them). I make conlangs and sometimes post about them. I studied linguistics and pure mathematics in university, so sometimes I post about those things too. Also featured on this blog: memes, political miscellanea, mental health stuff, language learning, trilobites, aestheticposting, and probably a bunch of other bullshit. Anarchist-adjacent, but I dislike ideological labels in general. Eclecticism > purity. 日本語少し話せる。Un poco de Español. संस्कृतमध्यैयि.

Bernie voted against it... I didn't realise he wants to ban nuclear energy entirely!

He has the older environmentalist tic of being awful on nuclear energy for no good reason, it's unfortunate but it is what it is


Chernobyl is a pretty good reason

the USSR did a lot of bad things but one of the worst was shooting themselves in the dick so hard it convinced everyone that it was impossible to do nuclear power without shooting yourself in the dick


Yeah, I guess I'm returning to the notion that the core source of anxiety on tumblr for me is insufficient delineation of audience. I've said this before but most of my posts are implicitly in conversation with other posts, and targeted at specific people or sets of people. And so they're tailored to those people and those discourses. I don't necessarily phrase things in the same way I would for someone else, I don't necessarily make the same concessions or dwell on the same concerns. The post is for some specific audience. But on tumblr all the posts go to all my audience, which you might think gives a more authentic picture of who I am but IMO gives a more distorted one.

There's this feeling of constantly managing expectations that I didn't mean to set, because I was only thinking about one audience when writing and my post was picked up by another. I would not naturally speak in the same way when talking to my communist-discourse-mutuals as I would when talking to my eccentric linguistic mutuals as I would when talking to my math mutuals or my shitpost mutuals. It is fundamentally untrue to who I am to talk the same way to all these groups! The very act of doing so is a misrepresentation! And yet on tumblr I am forced to do so.

It's not that I would mind them occasionally... venturing into my post history, as it were, and seeing my posts on another subreddit. That's fine. I'm not trying to hide anything. But I don't need to implicitly involve my commie people and my conlang people in the same discourses. They don't have the same background assumptions, the same reference points—the very words I say mean different things to both groups! How am I supposed to speak truthfully when the very structure of the website means I must always speak 10 different languages at once?

This is a very niche problem that I don't think I ever would have realized would be a problem unless I had posted, and posted about many things and posted with many people. And I don't regret any of that. And there are things I like about having all my posts in one place, it appealed to me at first and it still appeals to me along all the lines that it initially did. It's just I've come to recognize this added dimension that now troubles me. Very unfortunate. I am not sure what quite to do.


I draw porn but not any of that sick nasty perverted sicko misogynist fetish porn made by and for disgusting sicknasty pervert men my porn is so cute and wholesome and feminist and queer and liberated trust me it's not even porn it's erotica my erotica is a pure honest true expression of human passions and emotions and the pure chaste passions of feminist lesbian wombyns trust me you'll love it it's so liberating see for yourself *hands you a drawing of Snufkin sucking his own penis*


"the average income in <X> is <Y> of <currency>" cool, what's the median

Average isn't useful here. however, after a little bit of research, apparently the median income in the US is $24,327, which means the reality is actually much worse than this meme makes it seem. yay!

Literally every statistic on this post is wrong.

Median household income in 2022 was $74,580, the individual median was $40,480. Average individual income was $59,430 and average household income was $126,500.


Fun math question: how much money would the top 10 largest earners in the US have to make for the top graphic to be true? Let's ballpark - there are around 150 million workers in the US, and if they averaged $75,000 in income (which they don't obviously but hypothetically) that means total income is $11.25 trillion.

If the average without the top 10 Americans was $65,000, then the remaining wealth would be $9.75 trillion. Then the top 10 earners have a total of $1.5 trillion, implying that they made (on average!) $150 billion each in income, which of course makes no fucking sense at all. Even without googling anything we can do some napkin math and tell the original image was nonsense.

I have no clue where @untamed-pussy got that number for median income - it doesn't come up anywhere when I search for it directly


i googled the exact phrase "the median income in the US is $24,327" and got that number as the Median income from a content farm called "world population review"

the website says:

Note that these amounts are in current "international dollars", which is a theoretical dollar often used in country-to-country comparisons. International dollars are not equivalent to U.S. dollars, or euros, or any other real-world currency.

which as far as I can tell is also wrong, because every other source i found says an international dollar is the PPP equivalent of a US dollar, or the same as 1 dollar in the US.

so I assume that this is LLM slop content generating nonsense statistics, and that @untamed-pussy may have been fooled by it

og post is obvious bunk but $40k median individual is still extremely bad given the prices of housing and auto. (also healthcare but that is more of a lottery.)

posts like this resonate with people because they feel poor. that feeling is rational for many americans. think of the % of households spending >50% of their take home on housing, another 25% on the car, etc. of course people will jive with any post that gets at the wealth inequality vibe.

that won’t change until housing prices go down in real terms and car ownership becomes optional for most americans. those are structural issues that run so deep most people are unwilling to touch them in their minds. but ultimately i don’t think there’s another way to get at the crux of the problem.

Yeah I mean I am not upset about people being mad about income inequality (I am also mad about income inequality) but I do think it sucks that people will uncritically accept unsourced statistics if they resonate with them. It makes it very easy to become misinformed about the world, which I think is bad


i think it's healthy as a communist blogger to follow at least one well-read and articulate social democrat on here because

1. it is useful and instructive to see challenges to your ideas that aren't straightforwardly evil. while obviously conservative viewpoints like "its good when children starve" should be dismissed out of hand but if those are the only opposing views you ever encounter your positions will lack rigour

2. it will illustrate to you exactly where, if anywhere, your positions actually diverge from social democracy, and therefore prevent you from becoming this website's most annoying kind of guy, "constantly talks up how nonspecifically 'radical' and 'leftist' they are and postures as a revolutionary while not actually holding any opinions to the left of like jeremy corbyn"


personally I think trans women should be allowed to delete a CEO's posts and blogs for any reason without warning. the fact that the opposite is happening is a disgusting perversion of this ideal

recently I got a discord dm from someone accusing me of "genuinely believing" that all black americans ("especially working class and lgbt") should be killed, which turned out to actually be referring to this post, which was interpreted in that way because one of the trans women who was banned (did not say which one) was tumblr mutuals with some people who posted about how usamericans have privilege over non-usamericans


Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. Find loser bisexual woman. Edate her. Listen to her bad opinions on music. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says


theres gay people over there


I can't help but notice a lot of the "moral clarity" that people exercise is really just a rationalization of an inability to empathize with someone with different life circumstances


Basically the "woke" can't get over their homoerotic fixation on me and it's going to cost the dems big


Me too I'm also causing them politicosexual problems in this way.


I feel like I'm living in a tyranny of "love is just brain chemicals, man" ideology. The whole world is consumed by various forms of naive cynicism and I am the only one smart enough to realize how fallacious they all are.

JME McTaggart thought that love was one of basic-most constituent relationships in the world. The world for him is just basically made up of things that love each other. And I think that's pretty cute. "Brain chemicals are just love, man."

[cynical downer at the chemistry lab] whatever man. none of this shit is real. all the "chemicals" you cherish so much are really just loving relations between immaterial persons

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